Episode 44 January 25, 2024 02:00:43
The Spirit Hunters! (Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Beyond!)

Jan 25 2024 | 02:00:43


Show Notes

This week the Spirit Hunters are covering episodes 138 and 139 where the Zodiacs keep trying to figure out the election process and Killua heads home for another drama-filled Zoldyck family reunion. YOU BETTER GET READY!


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Please stay tuned after the episode for a review of the live action Yu. [00:00:03] Speaker B: Hakusha series on Netflix. [00:00:05] Speaker C: You're listening to the Spirit hunters. Find out about our pod brethren and how to join our now free and public discord group and support the [email protected]. Slash Spirithunterpod it and we were joined by our friend Holly to start the 13th Hunter chairman arc. We watched as a group of zodiacs that are even more dysfunctional than the Soma family from fruits basket. You over low politics. And this week, keep at it at the election process in the hot mess while there's also a zoltakanian 2.0. [00:01:15] Speaker D: I was going to say we got electoral politics and family politics, so you know it's going to be explosive. [00:01:20] Speaker B: The battlefield is about to explode. [00:01:22] Speaker D: Oh, man. Did any of you guys have any weird Thanksgiving experiences regarding politics? I somehow didn't. So did you guys? [00:01:30] Speaker C: No, luckily not, because you did not see our uncle this year. [00:01:38] Speaker B: I got roasted for being short. Apparently. I thought I was five seven, but apparently I'm five six. [00:01:45] Speaker C: On that. [00:01:45] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't know why they're roasting you for that, but yeah, it was kind of weird. [00:01:50] Speaker B: I did not expect it to be. And they whipped out a tape measure. I'm like, what the fuck? Why do you have this with you? So, yeah, that's fun. So, yeah, I guess I'm a hashtag short king now. [00:02:04] Speaker C: We all love short kings here. [00:02:06] Speaker B: Short king, baby. But yeah, besides that, no, we didn't have any holiday discussion. My dad ended blow up about seeing Joe Biden on the tv screen at the Macy's day parade again. So that was good. [00:02:19] Speaker D: Yeah. What did he think about Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Goku being there. [00:02:24] Speaker B: He was more upset that Luffy's hat deflated. [00:02:28] Speaker D: You mean screaming his thick bucket hat? [00:02:31] Speaker B: Yeah, he was like screaming like, they did Luffy a disservice. They got rid of his hat. How do you do that? [00:02:37] Speaker D: He's like anarchist king. [00:02:39] Speaker B: Exactly. Yeah, he's a really big one piece fan. He's read like half the manga and watched the anime. [00:02:47] Speaker E: Wow. [00:02:47] Speaker B: Big hashtag. Hashtag dad one piece things. [00:02:51] Speaker D: Yeah. All right, so tell us a little bit about the first episode of two already. [00:02:57] Speaker B: The first episode we are covering episode 138, request and wish Onadari toe Onagai Arjun released in Japan on July 16, 2014. And the equivalent manga chapters are 321 and 322 which are released to Japan on October 24, 2011. Happy week before spooky day, Japan. [00:03:19] Speaker D: Well, before we get into the meat of the episode, we actually have a somewhat delayed segment we meant to do previously where Sarah, who as we've talked about before, is the only person who has not seen all the way through, is going to talk about the new opening and ending. [00:03:33] Speaker C: So I really love the new opening and ending of the same song that they used before. I think it's probably my favorite song just because I feel like it fits the overall vibe of the show. And I notice it with the other arcs too, that they adjust each character own based off the arc. It is so like Nutaro show up gradually, all the different Zodiac members, and there's a lot of jing in there and also showing Kila's family, the sister that we'll get into today. So I was like, oh, wait, who's this? Now I know it's the episodes that we're going to cover, so I really like it. I feel like it's a lot of fun. I hope they use that song every single time because I feel like it's a banger. [00:04:24] Speaker B: It's a good verse. I know they have three or four different verses in the actual departure song. I think they just cut to each one. But I do like this verse a lot, though. [00:04:32] Speaker D: Yeah, they're all slightly different. [00:04:35] Speaker C: That's good to know. [00:04:37] Speaker D: Like, the english phrases they say are actually different per verse. [00:04:40] Speaker C: Oh, really? [00:04:42] Speaker D: Yeah, they're like, you can smile again, you can go away. [00:04:46] Speaker E: And then. [00:04:47] Speaker C: So for this one, what would it be? [00:04:50] Speaker D: I don't remember what said in this one. [00:04:52] Speaker B: You can die. I think it is. [00:04:54] Speaker D: It is not. You can die. [00:04:56] Speaker B: You can die away. [00:04:58] Speaker E: Well, I was going to say the. [00:05:00] Speaker D: Ending of this one's kind of interesting because it's very no frills. I like it, but it's like the lowest, the least happens in it of any opening or ending of a show. It's just a bunch of them standing. [00:05:11] Speaker B: On, like, a mirror lake. [00:05:13] Speaker C: It reminds me of either, like, an r and b music video or like, a kpop music video in some ways. [00:05:24] Speaker B: It definitely gives kpop vibes, though. [00:05:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:05:28] Speaker B: I was going to say even the. [00:05:29] Speaker D: Slowest, most, like ponderous Yu hakusho endings still had more motion than this. [00:05:35] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, visually, it looked very cool. All them in suits and then having the portal for them together, I thought that's a really nice, cute touch, but, yeah, I think overall it feels a little bit low effort. [00:05:54] Speaker D: Yeah, I still like it, but, yeah, I just wanted to bring out that it's a little bit uncharacteristic compared to the others. [00:06:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:01] Speaker B: Do you know what's the interesting fact about the song Israel, though. [00:06:04] Speaker C: What is it? [00:06:05] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Did you notice what song it was? No, it's hyori itai again. [00:06:11] Speaker B: It's just the second half. It's just another verse part of it. [00:06:14] Speaker D: It's a different verse. [00:06:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Than the one that was before. [00:06:18] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:06:19] Speaker B: It is pretty cool. They hide it so well. I didn't actually notice it until I listened to the full version. I'm like, why did they stitch both of these songs together? I thought it was like, oh, it's like one of the anime AMV things. They put two songs together, fade into another one. I thought it was one of those, but it's like, I looked on like, I think it was like Spotify. It's like, wait, this actually is the song. Holy shit. [00:06:39] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:06:40] Speaker B: Cause I was hella confused. I was like, why am I hearing the Chimera Antarctic? And this one, what song is like. [00:06:47] Speaker D: If you guys haven't, you should see the official music video because it has nothing to do with Hunter. But it's great because it's based on the same themes of the idea of two sides of the same coin. [00:06:56] Speaker A: So it's a good one. [00:06:58] Speaker D: You should definitely check it out. [00:06:59] Speaker B: It is actually pretty cool. [00:07:00] Speaker E: I like that one. Yeah. [00:07:04] Speaker D: But now for the long awaited synopsis. I wrote this pretty quick, so let's see how it flows. But with a turnout below the required 95%, the second vote of the 13th Hunter chairman election has failed, triggering a reset. Parison attempts to take advantage of the frustration by proposing a license suspension program for those who don't turn out. Of course, he suggests that failing to legitimately vote is in direct opposition, to which, you know, pisses off most of the zodiacs, including Kanzai, who moves to attack Pariston. But then the sheep, snake, and monkey all block him. [00:07:41] Speaker B: I do kind of like how the one I think it was, the monkey had, like, the baseball uniform. [00:07:45] Speaker D: No, that's the tiger. [00:07:47] Speaker E: Sorry. [00:07:48] Speaker D: The monkey is dressed up as Wu Kong. [00:07:50] Speaker E: Okay. [00:07:51] Speaker B: Yeah. So that meant the tiger. Yeah. I love how he's just literally just like the tiger from a baseball team. [00:07:56] Speaker D: It's like, okay, yeah, no, we brought it up previously, but it's the tiger from the Hunchin Tigers, who are a baseball team that Togashi supports. [00:08:06] Speaker B: That's kind of funny. [00:08:07] Speaker D: Yeah, it's kind of great. But Pariston underlines his point by questioning Cheadle's motivations as the leader of the netero faction of the hunters and suggests that coercion wouldn't be such a bad thing. To get the vote out. And keep in mind that if more votes are counted and these go in, he effectively automatically wins or gets near it. So basically he wants to just ensure that there's less votes. [00:08:32] Speaker C: Politics. [00:08:33] Speaker D: Oh yeah. He's a master of gerrymandering. I'm not going to lie. I was planning on doing a whole research piece today on sort of like the game theory regarding elections and how people are able to manipulate them. [00:08:47] Speaker B: But with it being winter, I got. [00:08:50] Speaker D: Depressed, so I didn't. Maybe I will at a later date, but the chance are pretty low because. [00:08:55] Speaker B: It'S not really relevant later. So follow up. [00:08:58] Speaker D: Cheadle's internal monologue reveals that Netero chose an asshole like Pariston as vice chairman because he loved the competition. Know Pariston just like being there and him having to keep him in check because Netero, if nothing else, was an incredibly competitive man and just loved having him around. [00:09:15] Speaker E: Please go ahead. [00:09:16] Speaker C: I was thinking, just like you keep your friends companions close but your enemies. [00:09:22] Speaker D: Closer kind of situation, it's definitely one of those situations. You'll find out more. But Jing and Paristin are both people who just love competing and also just. It's the best. I love the two of them. [00:09:38] Speaker B: The thing I like about Jing though, he has the personality of like, I don't care if I lose and everything dies. I just want to have fun while doing it. It's like I will screw everything over almost. [00:09:48] Speaker D: I think the three of them do in different ways. [00:09:51] Speaker B: Yeah, I just think it's kind of funny. He just has the perse I just want to have fun with. It's like, whatever happens. Yeah, kind of weird with that. [00:10:01] Speaker D: In a little bit of a sort of transition. Sequant, a hunter we haven't seen since the 20th ish episode is on the phone with his place of employment, aka the Zoldik mansion. He tells them Kilo is back precisely because of what has happened to gon in the course of like, the chimera ant saga. So cut to Kiloa speaking with his father in the throne room, saying that he needs to use Alika's help. Silva responds by saying, no one alive can control Aluka. That entity isn't human. Don't ever think of it as family. Alika is from another place, quote unquote, the darkness. Alika believes in a thing called love. [00:10:38] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:10:39] Speaker B: What did Sequan actually do? I keep forgetting. Did he do anything? Oh, was he just rescued in the. [00:10:48] Speaker D: Testing door of the. He is one of the people who couldn't make it into the mansion who became a butler, but was, like, a full on hunter. And so he was just like, even hunters are kind of, like, low ranks in the zoldic household. [00:11:04] Speaker E: Interesting. [00:11:04] Speaker B: It's like, that's requirement. It's like, you need to be a hunter to be able to work as a butler. [00:11:08] Speaker D: It's not a requirement, but it was just kind of giving, sort of power scaling. [00:11:14] Speaker B: Okay. [00:11:15] Speaker D: So, yeah. From there, Kiwa convinces his dad to let him see Alika by invoking the blood brother ritual. They. I've been listening to some of the old episodes, and I mentioned how Kiwa and Silva become blood brothers, which kind of is pointless because they're, like, actual relatives. [00:11:34] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:11:34] Speaker B: I mean, doesn't he literally share his blood? Like, not figuratively, but quite literally. [00:11:39] Speaker D: Yeah. And so they invoke the old blood brother ritual again, for whatever reason. But I think he also mentions to Silva the idea of Silva made him make that promise. Um, if you ever betray, like, don't ever betray your. And, like. So Kila is saying, if I were to not act, I would be betraying my friends. And we can talk about how the original point of Silva saying that was to get Kila to betray his friends in order to get him to come back into the domain of the Zoldix. But it actually kind of backfired because Kila is basically holding him to it. [00:12:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:12:11] Speaker B: Kilo is kind of crafty in that way. I think my favorite part of this whole scene is the doggie the entire time. [00:12:17] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:12:17] Speaker D: At first I thought it was Mike, but then just looking at it, they do not have the same. So, like, it's another dog. [00:12:23] Speaker B: It's kind of funny. It's like, you think it's like they're giant beasts. They could probably kill a regular man quite easily, but to them, it's like, just like a giant pit bull. It's like, down, boy, down, boy. [00:12:36] Speaker D: A pit bull can also kill a man pretty easily, actually. [00:12:39] Speaker B: Yeah, that's probably a bad comparison, because they could probably easily kill that dog without even trying. They're like a Helen type figure kind of. [00:12:48] Speaker D: No, but I also think it's definitely supposed to be, like a Hades type imagery of, like, this is like, you know, Silva is the hades of his. [00:13:00] Speaker E: Oh, okay. [00:13:01] Speaker B: I never thought of it that way. I think so. [00:13:04] Speaker D: I'm not going to bet on it, but I could see it going that, like, that had parallels in indian and buddhist mythology, too. [00:13:10] Speaker B: No, I definitely see it. I just didn't think of it. Oh, that's kind of cool, actually. [00:13:14] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:13:15] Speaker D: And sorry, just to be clear. Carberos, Cerberus. Same thing. That thing. Same hound. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Carblanch. I know what you mean. [00:13:23] Speaker D: Now, Karbala is the hindu version because it's ultimately related to Karberos. But anyways, so the show goes through a series of flashbacks and rules explanations, very togashi to demonstrate the nature and consequences of Aluka's powers with the phrase, if I grant you a wish, my eyes will turn white. After three demands, my eyes will turn black. Also, if four requests are denied, people still, you know, before we get into all the details of this, what were your guys thoughts on this? Because this is clearly an incredibly complicated thing that I don't think there's a deeper meaning to, but it is interesting how they set it up as this mystery to be solved and the different ways these zoldics sort of approach it. [00:14:08] Speaker B: Well, I thought it was megafuck the. [00:14:09] Speaker D: Way that it definitely. You guys are familiar with the story of the monkey's paw, right? [00:14:17] Speaker E: Not really. [00:14:19] Speaker D: Patrick, you said you are. Tell us a little bit about what you. [00:14:24] Speaker B: I mean, most of it's what I learned from the Simpsons, but essentially the monkey's paw is it, grant your wish. But it also comes at a cost. Like, say, for example, oh, you get a million dollars. But at that turn, that thing is like, oh, it's a million dollars for my bank fault. And now you're a criminal because you have millions of dollars of criminal money that you can't spend because you're going to be tracking you down and accuse you of robbing the bank and throw you in jail. So it's one of those things. [00:14:50] Speaker D: It's kind of like that, but it's less ironic in how it gives you things. So it's a lot more like a philosopher's stone. It's just like, hey, we just have to kill a ton of people to get this right. [00:15:00] Speaker B: Okay. I guess the Simpsons did it kind of differently then. I always thought it was saying, you're. [00:15:05] Speaker D: Right about the monkey's paw. I'm saying more like, alika's powers are more like the philosopher's stone. And I realized it a little bit after having said that. [00:15:12] Speaker B: It kind of reminds me full alchemist brotherhood. And they literally said it's like law of equivalent exchange. [00:15:19] Speaker D: They said something similar to that. [00:15:20] Speaker B: Yeah, because I guess the concept is, as you wish, bigger and bigger. The request from Eloka that you need to fulfill or die horrendously gets bigger and bigger. So at first it's like, oh, uppies want uppies. And it's like, give me your liver. Give me your brain. [00:15:40] Speaker D: Yeah, we'll talk more about sort of the mechanics of that in the second episode. But what's interesting is that Alika ascends to many requests by saying k in English, and much more tellingly says I instead of hi. Japanese for yes in a detail that won't matter until after the anime ends. But it's a big. [00:16:03] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:16:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:04] Speaker D: So, Patrick, you want to cover the manga notes before we kind of go over what generally happened? [00:16:11] Speaker B: Just the first panel is just the. No, that's the second panel. The first panel, it actually shows the results of the poll in more detail. I mean, I know it showed like a little half of them holding the paper, but this one kind of goes down the list, and I think they do a better job at doing this and later on, but they show all the people, like, more in Pariston, Cheadle, Ikshanti. Sure. All these other people, blah blah. Tezger is on the list. That's kind of cool. Nov kite, Sayu, gon and Hanzo are down there. I wonder who vote for those two. That's kind of funny, but yeah, it's just a cool little detail. I like looking at the list and seeing it breaking it down a little bit more clearer in case it kind of was kind of weird. [00:16:57] Speaker E: In the manga or in the anime? [00:16:59] Speaker B: In the manga, there's another panel, just him and the doggies. Like, let me see, Aluka. But it's just like the doggy and like this. This is really. Honestly, maybe it was just me, but does his room look more hr Geiger in the manga compared to the anime? [00:17:18] Speaker D: Oh, geeger, I guess. But yeah, in the manga definitely does. [00:17:21] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:17:21] Speaker D: Togashi, as we've covered in previous episodes, big Geiger fan, you can see because there's definitely something that looks like a root and a penis coming out of the ground. [00:17:32] Speaker B: Big Geiger energy right there. [00:17:33] Speaker D: Yeah, big, big existence. Big extends. [00:17:36] Speaker B: Extends. Yeah, my favorite. [00:17:40] Speaker E: But yeah. [00:17:41] Speaker B: The next panel shows the crushing in the manga. Like the person wishing and getting crushed, and it kind of looks like they go. In the anime, it seems like they fold in on themselves and explode, while in the manga it looks more like they're in a void pocket, like a black hole and just get squished by getting sucked into it. [00:18:01] Speaker D: It's kind of like a singularity, just pulling them into just like two dimensional space in a way that just rips their body apart. [00:18:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:18:08] Speaker B: It looks a little bit less violent in the comic, though. Maybe it looks like they made it more bloody in the anime, but maybe I missed the panel, but it kind of looks kind of a little bit more cleaner. I guess that was it for me. [00:18:21] Speaker E: I was going to say, in the. [00:18:22] Speaker D: Anime, I think they make it seem like you're being wrung out like a towel, while in the manga, they're like you are being crushed into an infinitely thin space. [00:18:30] Speaker E: Yes. [00:18:31] Speaker B: I'm not sure which one I'd prefer. Probably the crushed into one space. Hopefully that when she got crushed like that, just the brains destroyed itself and she was kind of out by that point. But, yeah, pretty violent way to go. Lesson learned. Don't talk to Alica. The next one's kind of interesting. So basically when they said, oh, her powers are probably limitless, it has this cool oroboros infinity design, which I'm a huge fan of. So these who don't know, like, uroboros. It's the sort of the snakehead eating its own tail. [00:19:11] Speaker C: Yes. [00:19:13] Speaker D: There are two snakes. As if to invoke, like, yin and yang. [00:19:16] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:19:17] Speaker B: And it's to make, like, little infinity symbol. So it's kind of clever. I like it. I'm a big fan of oroboros. I'm a big oroboros fan, I guess. [00:19:26] Speaker D: I think I know why this wasn't included in the anime. Because this symbol comes back. Like, the infinity symbol comes back in the manga in a place they probably wouldn't have gotten to. [00:19:35] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:19:38] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:19:38] Speaker B: Cool little symbol. Yeah, I think I'm going to make. Get you a tattoo of that. That's kind of cool. But anyways, the next one is kind of a cool reference. I don't think they show us in the anime, but when they're showing that, they're like, oh, you were pretty sure she can do anything. It has her pull it. A death note. [00:19:55] Speaker E: Okay. [00:19:56] Speaker D: It's not her. I'm pretty sure that's dorimon. So I think this is a double reference. I think this is Dorimon holding a death note. [00:20:03] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:20:04] Speaker D: It's basically like pixelated square dorimon. [00:20:07] Speaker E: Yes. [00:20:07] Speaker B: I thought that was kind of funny. I think death Note was airing around the time it released. Because I think what did the. No, because October 24, 2011. So it was a little bit after Death Note was done airing and showing Japan. [00:20:20] Speaker D: It could be a death Note reference directly. [00:20:21] Speaker B: Yeah, just a little thing, probably. [00:20:23] Speaker D: I mean, it definitely is. What am I talking about? [00:20:24] Speaker E: Yes. [00:20:27] Speaker B: And the next one just talks about the equivalent exchange. And I just put big FMAb fanboy energy. [00:20:36] Speaker E: Nice. [00:20:37] Speaker B: But it's really cool. I honestly do like the reference. And honestly, it does actually fit. It makes sense. So I like the analogy of full malcolm s to cool in exchange. Kind of works kind of the same. Honestly, I don't know. It seems a bit different, if that makes sense. [00:20:56] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, for sure. I just meant more like the idea of proportionality. [00:21:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:21:02] Speaker B: So it definitely is pretty close. I think it's very full metal alchemist esque, and I definitely picked up a lot, but it's really cool. I like the little chapters, her holding three demands, like these giant wrecking balls. That's kind of cute, but, yeah, that's all I could find in the manga chapters. There's one more change in the next one, but it kind of spoils the next one. So we'll wait until we get to that part. But it is kind of interesting. But, yeah, that's about it for the manga differences, I guess rate those deaths, right? [00:21:40] Speaker D: No, let's actually talk about people's thoughts and then we'll rate those deaths. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Okay. That's fair. [00:21:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:21:46] Speaker D: What do you guys mean? I think it's definitely an interesting setup. [00:21:49] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. I would just hate to be Alicia's babysitter. I feel like, oh, God, please, I would quit. Understandable, especially after the first servant, what's her name? Mitsuba. I feel like after hearing what happened to her, I'd be like. I'd be bouncing. [00:22:17] Speaker B: Hey, Hannah, can I have your liver? What about your brain? I'm joking. [00:22:27] Speaker C: How do you respond to that? Especially a little kid I know with her eyes turning black, you're like. [00:22:37] Speaker E: I. [00:22:37] Speaker B: Think there's an out, but I want to talk about it when we get to the next chapter or the next section, because there is something that I thought of seeing a panel there. But one of the big things that I was thinking about it, because I was, like, thinking this is probably the best way they could have gotten an out for. Why don't they just go ahead and say, oh, yeah, kill Merom and all the ants. But then I realized, yeah, that's going to be. They explain why they can't, but it's. [00:23:06] Speaker D: Like so much human life. [00:23:09] Speaker B: Yeah, that would be like, you're going to have to wipe out a small country to be able to equate that because of just the whole demand. And I do like how they have that equivalent exchange and that sort of, even with gone, honestly, I never even thought about it. But it's a good analogy to a good mechanic of the Nen in action, where it kind of is the same thing with gon, where it's like everything that nen requires. It's like there's a huge demand behind it or a huge request. Gone's like, I want all the nen I could possibly ever use in my. [00:23:40] Speaker D: You know, if Nanika's powers are credited to Nen, or are you just referring to what gon had to do? [00:23:50] Speaker B: What gon had to do? I know that's, like, the mechanic is different, but it works in that same realm. [00:23:56] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. The idea of needing to pay a. Yeah, yeah. [00:24:00] Speaker B: And that's what I like about Nen, is that you need to pay the piper to be able to get what you need out of it. If you really want to abuse it or if you have a super op ability, there's a massive cost to it. [00:24:11] Speaker E: That'S almost not even worth using it for sure. [00:24:16] Speaker D: To the point where, hey, this mechanic should only really be used for miracles. [00:24:23] Speaker B: Pretty much. It's like the last ditch effort, where it's like, it needs to be something that's. It's important, but it's not, like, the cost of it. And there might be a way around it. Actually, honestly, I legit forgot if there is a way around it. Like, my brain threw that out, so I'm relearning it. So I don't know if there actually is really a way around it. I could have sworn there might have been that. I remember. But I actually don't know if that's true or not. We'll talk and see. [00:24:51] Speaker D: We'll talk. [00:24:51] Speaker E: There. [00:24:52] Speaker D: Deaf is, but we'll talk more. Hannah, Sarah, what do you guys think? [00:24:59] Speaker C: I think other, like, the joking with not knowing how to respond to, like, requests. I think it's just an interesting concept. When I first watched it, all I could think was like, how is this possible? Is this, like, a magic situation? Because this is not, like, at least in terms of context of hunter. Hunter with men. How could that logically work? I don't know, especially with the money thing that came down. So I thought it was really interesting. I felt equal parts bad for Alika, while also I was scared of her. Like, oh, my God. Especially because she's so cute, but then her little face when her eyes turn black and stuff. I'd be running. [00:25:52] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, definitely understandable. [00:25:54] Speaker B: I'd be like, hell, no, kids. [00:25:59] Speaker D: Very brood witch scenario. [00:26:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:26:03] Speaker B: It's like, wait, how'd you survive the wish? I don't like sundried tomatoes. It's like. But they're required on the sandwich. You cannot take it apart. [00:26:10] Speaker D: God damn it. [00:26:11] Speaker C: Give her an iPad and hope for the best. [00:26:14] Speaker D: Oh, my God. Just imagine her as an iPad kid. [00:26:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I was just thinking, like, this is the type of iPad kid that one on TikTok is talking about. That's like an absolute terror. [00:26:30] Speaker B: Imagine she gets in a messaging app and just starts asking demands of people. Like, hey, can you send me this? Can you send me that? It's like, what do you want? And it's like she just starts people that way. It's like, oh, God. [00:26:41] Speaker D: What you're saying is that she actually records over an old vhs of pooty tang and puts it into a blockbuster and it just goes out from there. [00:26:52] Speaker B: It's been killing ever since. Yes, but, yeah, it's just kind of funny because I don't think her powers. I mean, I think there's certain limits of it, but I think technically she could do it remotely like that. I don't think there was ever any stipulation so far that she need to make the wish in person. I could be wrong. [00:27:13] Speaker D: Oh, you mean needs to do the thing that she does in person. [00:27:17] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:27:17] Speaker B: I don't know, for the most part if everything she needs to do in person so she could. [00:27:21] Speaker D: I don't know what the range is, but she doesn't necessarily need to touch it. Like, touch and range become more of a topic in the next episode. [00:27:28] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:27:29] Speaker B: So I'm actually not sure if it would even be possible if it work remotely. I mean, that just sounds like more servants that the Zeldax need to throw at her to figure that out. [00:27:39] Speaker D: Yeah, we'll talk more about that in the next episode. [00:27:43] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:27:44] Speaker D: Do you guys have any more thoughts before we go on to rate those deaths? Okay, so we have a bunch of crushed butlers. I guess no one else really died, right? [00:27:55] Speaker B: Was it only, like, two butlers right now? I don't think there is. [00:27:57] Speaker D: I think it's only two butlers right now. So let's go with the only one we saw, because the other one we only saw the remnants of. [00:28:05] Speaker E: How do you rate this death? [00:28:09] Speaker B: I don't know. The significance of the death is pretty low, but the death itself is pretty damn pretty terrifying. Honestly, I'd rate the death itself as a ten because. Oh, my God. If there's one way I don't want to go out, it's wherever the fuck that was. But also six based off of the personality because it's like some random butler and some other dude. So it's like, it's not as emotionally. So I'll even out like a seven or eight probably. [00:28:40] Speaker D: I can see that. I think I'm also in the seven range because it's like, yeah, this is kind of a nothing character, but it's explaining a mystery and also just, like, is terrifying. [00:28:48] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I'm looking at a gif. [00:28:53] Speaker D: Oh, God. Why would you do that? [00:28:55] Speaker C: Because I could remember again, and now I'm like. I feel like they put most of this episode's budget into that scene because it's extremely well done for a minor character death scene. [00:29:14] Speaker B: It's like that one meme. It's just Lion King. You don't have to go so hard at the soundtrack. This is like the piano on fire. [00:29:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I think 7.5 for me because I felt like the character itself was insignificant. But the death, how it happened, is just so active in really putting into anyone watching it how horrifying it is. Because I think one thing that I never really thought before until I watched this, I think the reaction that you have to that sort of death by almost. Because I think most people think if they die like a bloody death, things are going out, like, exploding the opposite, where it's like, basically became like a compressed. Just a bloody line in the air that just seems like ten times worse than implode. Yeah. [00:30:10] Speaker B: But, yeah, I just thought, yeah, I don't know what I'd rather. Honestly, man, the only thing I'd hope for is that implosion of her head at first crushed her skull into her brain to the point where it severed any knowledge, like, you know, the implosion thing on the sub. I hope it was like that and not her aware of that happening, because that would be awfully horrific. [00:30:33] Speaker D: So because of the stepwise way in which it happened, it kind of looks like she was conscious briefly. [00:30:40] Speaker E: Jesus. [00:30:41] Speaker B: Yeah, no, just. Just have me explode. No, thank you. No, thank you. [00:30:48] Speaker D: Yeah. Well, with that, before we thank anyone else, let's thank our patrons who helped make this show possible. If you guys want to take turns saying this, I'll go first. [00:30:57] Speaker B: 1St, we have Lucas, Mia, Tim Valteri and Arthur. [00:31:04] Speaker D: Anyways, and now a word from our other compatriots and benefactors. [00:31:12] Speaker B: I'm Lawson Leon. I'm Bennel Jemoson. We're the new co hosts of the Balling out Super podcast and the old co host of the talking Naruto podcast. Well, I wouldn't say that we're old exactly, banel. [00:31:24] Speaker D: We've been doing it for five years. [00:31:25] Speaker B: Old enough. Where have our lives gone? Watching Naruto films, all of them, and recapping them in full. And as we head to the end of Naruto Shibun. We're starting the beginning of Dragon Ball. That's right, Benell. Now you and I are the hosts of the ball and out super podcast, where we're recapping the best part of Dragon Ball original Dragon Ball from the beginning with special guests. Our podcast is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify. Wherever you get your podcast, listen to talking Naruto Shippuden. [00:31:55] Speaker D: And now, calling out super. [00:32:03] Speaker C: Hi, everybody. My name is Tegan Somerset. [00:32:06] Speaker B: I'm Rocky Hardy. [00:32:07] Speaker D: And I'm Brian Cartwright. [00:32:08] Speaker C: And we are impossible coin, a podcast about video games. Join us every other week as we discuss gaming news. [00:32:13] Speaker A: Did you know he tried to smuggle a hundred thousand dollars across the canadian border? [00:32:18] Speaker C: Genre differences. [00:32:19] Speaker B: Sometimes it's your turn to press the button, and sometimes it's your turn to. [00:32:22] Speaker C: Block and deep lore. I have spent so long on this, friend. You can't do this to me. [00:32:27] Speaker E: We will sell you nothing and solve. [00:32:29] Speaker D: None of your problems. [00:32:30] Speaker E: But we sure are fun. [00:32:31] Speaker C: Impossible coin, a podcast about video games. See you on Thursdays. [00:32:35] Speaker E: Thursdays. [00:32:41] Speaker C: All right, we're back with episode 139. Aluka and something are in Japanese. Aluka to Nana Nanika. It was originally released in Japan on July 23, 2014. The equivalent manga chapters are 323 and 324, which were released in Japan on November 7, 2011. [00:33:07] Speaker B: Happy almost 10th birthday, Halo two. [00:33:11] Speaker E: What? [00:33:11] Speaker C: Happy birthday. [00:33:13] Speaker D: When did Halo two come out? [00:33:15] Speaker B: November 9, 2004, baby. [00:33:17] Speaker D: I didn't know that. Why do you know that? [00:33:20] Speaker B: Because a guy came out on stage with a tattoo of the release date. [00:33:23] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Was that Peter Moore or whatever? [00:33:26] Speaker B: I forgot who it was. It was somebody, but, yeah, I remember that. I think it was a fake tatoo. It was like a temp tattoo. But that'd be really funny if he actually got a legit ass tattoo. But I remember being so hyped for that. I was like, I am ready. And I got that game and played the hell out of it. [00:33:44] Speaker D: Did you get that tattoo, though? [00:33:46] Speaker B: No, unfortunately. [00:33:47] Speaker D: You're a fucking fake fan. Get the fuck out of here. Anyway. [00:33:50] Speaker B: Fake ass Halo fan, baby. But anyways, I just want to say that something funny that I was looking away when Hannah was saying the intro, and I thought she was like, aluka and something actually just saying she forgot. [00:34:05] Speaker C: I wouldn't be wrong. [00:34:07] Speaker B: Yeah, I was like, uh oh, wait, no, that's the episode name. I'm dumb. [00:34:12] Speaker D: Yeah, this episode title works a lot better in Japanese, where it's more obvious that the name Nanika literally just means something. [00:34:21] Speaker B: Gotcha. But, yeah, I thought that was kind of funny. Yeah. [00:34:24] Speaker D: So anyways, the Zoldics are revealed to have done a series of tests to determine rules, conditions, effects, and proportional consequences by getting Taurus butlers and others killed. [00:34:34] Speaker E: I don't know. [00:34:35] Speaker B: Maybe it was just me, Joe, but that whole experiment had so much Dr. Weird vibes to it. It's like, ask her five questions. [00:34:46] Speaker D: No. You know, like those riddles where it's just like, you have to figure out who has mud on their head. [00:34:53] Speaker A: Do you know what I'm talking about? [00:34:55] Speaker B: No. [00:34:56] Speaker D: It's just like, hey, you're in a group of people, and none of you can look in a certain direction, and you have to figure out who has mud on their head, and you have to intuit these rules about the ways people can try to determine things about them based on how many people they can see. And it was like they were doing that. So they're basically just doing riddle experiments to figure out the rules of the. Like to figure out the rules of how Nanika's powers work. Have you guys played the green glass door? [00:35:23] Speaker B: No, unfortunately. [00:35:25] Speaker D: So it's this game where someone says, what can you bring through the green glass door? I try to bring this through the green glass door, and someone tries to tell you if you can or not. And the point of the game is to try to figure out the rules about what can be brought through the door or not. And it's all about experimentation. I forget what the actual end rule typically is, but it was a lot of that. So they're basically doing the scientific method on riddles. [00:35:51] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:35:52] Speaker B: So it's kind of interesting because I know later in the episode, Eleka does a thing where it's like, die. I want you to die, Killua. And just shoots her the fingers, and he has his head pop on show. It's a prank. And I was thinking during that part where it's like, let me have your brain. Let me have your liver. I wonder if technically you could have been like, okay, hold on. And you got a brain because technically, you are in possession of the brain. You gave her your brain, per se. So I wonder if that would technically get around the rules of that. And I wonder if they tried to experiment with that. [00:36:26] Speaker D: I don't know if it's so literal or not. I mean, we'll never find out because they don't really get into that, but I think it's much less about the words and much more about the meaning. [00:36:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm just curious if you could just tegly trick her that way. It's like, I want your brain. Okay, here's my brain. [00:36:44] Speaker D: Here's a brain that I own. [00:36:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:36:46] Speaker B: I wonder if you could. I just really want to see if that would trick the system, like the wording of it. But like I said, maybe it might just be. Like you said it might be. Okay. It's literally your brain in your side of your head. That's what it means. And if it's not, then Aloka will instacill you. [00:37:02] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:37:03] Speaker D: So you know the expression his thing or his own thing? Like how we have that distinction in English to make a specific distinction between things that people own versus things that are of them. [00:37:17] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:37:18] Speaker D: So that is much more commonly used in romance languages. Like, you see it a lot in Spanish. I'm wondering if a similar distinction exists in Japanese or not. That being said, I don't think it's invoked here. I think we're just playing word games. [00:37:31] Speaker B: I see. [00:37:31] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:37:31] Speaker B: So it might just be like she literally asked for the brain inside of their head. [00:37:35] Speaker D: Basically, yeah. But I don't know enough about the mechanics of Japanese. I wish Megan was here. But anyways, they show a vignette about a butler whose biological. [00:37:45] Speaker A: This was. [00:37:46] Speaker D: This was another, like, wow, you guys are really just setting up a logic puzzle word game, like riddle right now. [00:37:51] Speaker B: They're like, we show a vignette about. [00:37:53] Speaker D: A butler whose biological mother she loved but had been out of regular contact with, who had a new lover to demonstrate the incredibly byzantine rules of, like, yeah, it kills the person you love the most. And then after that, the people you've spent the most time with. It's not like, oh, the second most loved person goes next. It literally jumps directly to the new rule. So it's just like, wow, this is really confusing. [00:38:21] Speaker B: It sounds like a regular program and programming class you have to do where it's like, go through the list of recent. No, it has recent loved ones. No, it has the recent loved ones in the list. That's sorted. [00:38:32] Speaker D: No, for sure. And there's a lot more programming shit that comes in later where I was just like, you guys are really doing. [00:38:39] Speaker B: Tagashi took an intro to computer science and was like, you know what? Let me put this in my manga. [00:38:45] Speaker E: It's cool as shit. [00:38:47] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe. [00:38:49] Speaker D: But back at hunter headquarters, there's another invalid vote cast and more drama involving pariston proposing speeches. So then back to the Zoldix, where Kula explains there are extra rules to Alika's powers and that the black eyed form is quote unquote nanika, which roughly translates to something in English. After further buildup. Kula makes a request to Nanika that has an if then condition. A demand to kill their mother if he's not off the mountain in 30. [00:39:17] Speaker A: Minutes, with the alternative being a cheek kiss. [00:39:21] Speaker D: Miluki then intuits that the wish granted can be a choice. And if that's the case, there are different conditions. [00:39:28] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [00:39:29] Speaker B: What about if he does a recursive function? [00:39:33] Speaker D: You know, we could really get into some discussion here about how human language is technically recursive. But we really don't need to get in. Man, just imagine a nightmare world in which Togashi had studied theoretical computer science. These books would be unreadable. I would read them, but no one else should. [00:39:54] Speaker B: It'd be funny. It's like killer discovers how to do a for loop with a Luca. [00:39:58] Speaker D: Okay, that would not be hard. [00:40:00] Speaker B: Okay. [00:40:00] Speaker D: Killo literally programmed his brain using electrical signals to respond at faster than human speeds. So he has already done an incredible programming feat. And he's doing analog computing because he didn't digitize that. That's like, purely analog circuits. [00:40:16] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like, damn, this guy's literally doing circuits 101 in his brain. That sounds, dude, really? [00:40:23] Speaker D: On circuits 101, he has established something that is a much better robotics platform than anyone has made using digital circuits. So crazy. [00:40:32] Speaker B: Damn. But yeah, no, I think it was super interesting. I just love that whole mechanic thing. They're like, they can do if statements, though. Oh, shit. [00:40:44] Speaker D: Yeah, no, I do like that though, because it's kind of interesting, the idea of like, oh, but what if instead of a demand, it's a choice and not a choice so much as just like a conditional. And I think that's kind of interesting. Just like, hey, what if you treat this creature as a person? [00:41:04] Speaker B: No, that doesn't sound right. But yeah, it's super interesting. And it's just like, just the stipulations. I just love the mother's reaction though, though, to it. [00:41:14] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, tell us more. [00:41:16] Speaker D: I forgot to write that down, actually. [00:41:17] Speaker B: So the mom's like, oh, how could you, killua? And it's like she's crying. I'm so proud of you. You're truly become a man. [00:41:26] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:41:29] Speaker B: This goes back to just like, what's the word looking for? Just back to the first 2nd arc where it's like, oh, no, Killa stabbed me and ran away. I'm so proud of him. [00:41:44] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. We talked about how they're basically the. [00:41:46] Speaker E: Adams family, pretty much. [00:41:49] Speaker B: I'm pretty sure we made the joke too. [00:41:51] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. I think we sang the Zoldik family at some point too. [00:41:56] Speaker B: Yeah, it's just really hilarious. I just love the mom. Just so funny, just how weird her care she is. But yeah, if you want to continue on, I think pretty much they're just like the dad's like, what the fuck? You're an asshole. And Milky is like, wow. He's lying about him and getting all salty. And they pretty much just start letting him out off the mountain at that point, right? [00:42:23] Speaker E: Yep. [00:42:23] Speaker D: And then the episode ends with the revelation that one, Silva had Ilumi place the needle in Kila's brain and it's most likely to have forget Nanika. And two, Nanika had to touch her target to heal them, necessitating the next couple episodes because we got to bring Nanika to. [00:42:47] Speaker B: So, Patrick, tell us a little bit. [00:42:48] Speaker D: About the manga differences before we digest this already. [00:42:52] Speaker B: So this one is just more funny. Funny than a difference. But it's like one of the panels, like. And two more people when Maluki asked for some cheap toys, sacrificing a couple of tourists. So I was imagining, like, two people living their life. Just like, oh, hey. Living all their Life, their best life, go to college, adventure, live their life, have relatives. And it's all suddenly they come across this chunky kid that wants to trick you to touching this girl just so he can get some toys. [00:43:21] Speaker D: Okay, so fun story. It's not even toys, like, in a literal sense because they talked about it earlier that it was like the top of the line computer of the time. [00:43:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:43:30] Speaker D: And so it's like someone during the bitcoin boom being like, hey, I need to use this cursed power to get a 1080. [00:43:36] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Yeah, pretty much. And it's like, just imagine him crushing and killing people's. Well, no, technically, I don't think he killed them. I think he used one of them and probably just killed them afterwards, but then used another one to offset the demands, I think. Is that what he's implying? [00:43:58] Speaker D: I think they were killed. Offset the demands? [00:43:59] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:44:00] Speaker B: Oh, no, I know what happened. So he probably made the wish and then he had her talk to them and have the unreasonable demands and have them killed. Yeah, that's probably what he did. Okay. [00:44:10] Speaker E: Yeah, sorry. [00:44:10] Speaker B: I was confused. I was trying to figure out how he did the. So with the maluki having the wish, it's like, I want to be the girls. I want to be a millionaire. And Maluki has this. In the anime, the shirt is kind of like less weavish, but in the manga, it's really the gremlin looking character? [00:44:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:44:33] Speaker D: He's wearing a shirt that you would see someone wearing, like Akihabara or something. [00:44:38] Speaker B: Honestly, it's styling a bit. I'm liking the fit. [00:44:41] Speaker D: It is not styling a bit. Also, he's next to Bruno Mars. [00:44:46] Speaker E: That's fair. [00:44:47] Speaker B: That's fair. I don't know. Maybe. [00:44:50] Speaker E: I don't know. [00:44:51] Speaker B: There's a vibe somewhere there. But anyways, the next one is actually. Difference is in the manga, there's this cool Adam and Eve representation for when the two people die and talk about the loved ones. And it's like a nude model of Adam and Eve. [00:45:08] Speaker D: Is this supposed to be the pictures of humans that were sent up on that gold record with one of these space probes? [00:45:15] Speaker B: Actually, let me check that out real quick. It might be that record human. [00:45:21] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [00:45:22] Speaker B: It actually is. [00:45:24] Speaker D: Oh, it's a Voyager golden record. [00:45:26] Speaker B: It's inverse, though. Yeah, it's inverse. The women's on the left side and the males on the right side, while on the record, the males on the left side and the woman's on the right side. But it's kind of the similar diagram except they're holding hands, they're waving and just vibing. [00:45:42] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [00:45:43] Speaker D: But the style is like the. Like the proportions of these idealized humans are almost exactly the same. And when I say idealized, I don't mean like this is like our real ideal, but like the Greco. Like the renaissance version of classical figures ideal? [00:46:01] Speaker E: Yeah, pretty much. [00:46:02] Speaker D: I wouldn't be surprised if they're just a bunch of fucking golden ratios. [00:46:07] Speaker B: Pretty much. It probably is like, oh, he got it out of, like, you know how the reference guide books for human anatomy. [00:46:16] Speaker D: Yeah, I would surprise you if you. [00:46:18] Speaker B: Just literally just copied that and then the next one. So I think I talked about this. No, I didn't talk about. This is a different one. So the part where Aluka is like, die Killua and shoots him, it looks more like in the manga, it tricks you a little bit more to make it look like he actually died. Like, the heads are making like a whoosh look to it. While in the anime, obviously you can. [00:46:43] Speaker E: Tell it's him playing, which I think. [00:46:46] Speaker B: Is kind of funny. And then the last one, this one actually is really unknown if this was a mess up from the translators, from. [00:46:57] Speaker E: The official viz version of it or. [00:47:01] Speaker B: Actually a manga change legitimately. Because in the anime it's that Aloka calls him big brother and something calls him Killua, but in the manga it says that Narika is the one that calls him brother and then Riloka calls him. [00:47:19] Speaker E: Know. [00:47:19] Speaker D: I'll have to check my less official version to see a ruling on that, but I don't remember. [00:47:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm honestly unsure if this was a change or if this is just a fuck up on the translators of his official version of it. 100% official viz version of it. So that's what. I don't know. I'll look it up later, but I'm fairly sure it's probably just a mess up. And that's it for the manga notes. [00:47:49] Speaker E: Nice. [00:47:50] Speaker D: Do we want to rate those deaths? Because it's a lot more getting crushed. But there was that giant one of that entire class of butlers. I think while it doesn't have as much shock value because it's already after the first one, I'd still say a seven just in terms of magnitude. And explaining the fucking byzantine rules of, like. Yeah, her mom was spared because she had a lover now, I guess. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Yeah, that was kind of weird. That's weird. Sorry. There's another manga change ahead that. I don't have it there, but when the later maid got crushed, I don't know if it was in the anime, but you could see Geto as one of the butlers. [00:48:30] Speaker C: Oh, really? [00:48:32] Speaker B: Yeah. I can't find where the panel was of that change. Maybe. [00:48:35] Speaker D: No, he's up there. It's just he's at the lowest part of one of the ones that you included. When the first one dies, you see him at the bottom, right? [00:48:44] Speaker E: Okay. Yeah. [00:48:45] Speaker B: Was that in the anime as well, or was that just the manga I didn't remember seeing? [00:48:48] Speaker D: I don't remember if it was in. [00:48:49] Speaker B: The anime or not, but, yeah, I just noticed that. I just thought it was cool. Sorry about that. I missed that completely. But, yeah, anyways, yeah, for deaths, I guess we could rate them. I mean, the thing is that there were so many deaths because technically it was, like, two of those and then 67 of the next one, I think. Not to mention the tourists that Miluki killed. [00:49:09] Speaker D: You didn't see them die, though. [00:49:11] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's very lot of deaths. And, I mean, there was the trauma of the girl that she locked in the room. Give me your liver. Give me your spine. And, I mean, you heard it technically, so it's like. I don't know, it seems more or less the same death. So it's like, personally, I would have to rate them all the same because it's, like, the same deaths and the same consequences, I guess. [00:49:36] Speaker A: We previously said context matters. [00:49:40] Speaker B: Yeah. So, yeah, I don't know. It's like the same rating, I guess. A bunch of nobodies dying from a horrific death. I guess it's more impactful. I'll give it one more because it's, like, 67 people happening at the same time. So, yeah, I'll give it an eight, I guess just for the added bonus of corpses. [00:50:01] Speaker D: The added bonus of corpses. That's an aquatine hunger force ass line. [00:50:05] Speaker B: Exactly. There's a copious amount of corpses that die, so I'll give it one for the amount of corpses. So it's eight out of ten for me. [00:50:15] Speaker C: I'll rate it like a eight out of ten, along the shock value, I think what kind of just is very chilling is that a lot of the deaths were just kind of used as a sense of understanding, experimentation, to know the extent of Alica's powers. And it just makes me think, like, we got to really eat the rich rich being Zoldix, because that's just unfair. You're not expecting to die like that. Even if you are working for a family of assassins, that's not, like, the way you would want to go, but, yeah. And. [00:51:01] Speaker E: I don't know. [00:51:02] Speaker C: I think also the rules with how you can die because you were close to the original wisher or requester. I don't know what the right word is. It's kind of scary. It would want to make me not care about anyone and be recluse. If that was the case. [00:51:26] Speaker B: I'd be hella fist in the afterlife, though. Imagine you're sitting there, sitting there watching tv. Suddenly you just blink, and you're at a Selena concert. [00:51:40] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. [00:51:41] Speaker B: It's like, what happened? What did I miss? It's like, oh, yeah, your once removed, twice removed cousin brother made a wish, forgot to do this thing, and he died immensely. And so did you, because you didn't do this thing right? That's how I died. That's some bullshit. [00:51:59] Speaker C: Yeah, like, you guys kept talking on discord chat all the time. So that's why you died with him. [00:52:05] Speaker B: It's like, that's some bullshit. I just want to friggin play some halo, and now I'm a corpse. [00:52:11] Speaker D: I forgot that they mentioned that. Because of this rule, Illumi is like, and this is why we have to kill. This is why we have to stop Nanica. Because the next rule that will be made could kill the entire Zoldik family. Because they're thinking that Kila will make the wish in order to take the impact. [00:52:32] Speaker A: Basically. [00:52:33] Speaker C: Right. And if, since they all have interacted with Kiloa and close to Kiloa, they could all be impacted logistically. Wouldn't be more like, I don't know, the know from the Chimera ant arc and stuff like that. Or do you think. Because I guess I forgot. Maybe in the next episode they'll clarify that. But it's just like, it is a little. To me, I still feel like it's still ambiguous in terms of what is the parameter of closeness or your loved ones. [00:53:09] Speaker D: It's literal time spent together. They said it's time, which is why the classmates, even if they didn't like them, were included. [00:53:17] Speaker B: Yeah, that sucks for the Kazoldics. They had to go get a whole entire class of people. It's like, God damn it, they have the money. [00:53:28] Speaker D: Wow, I really took bad notes for this episode. But I definitely forgot that something that came up with regards to this is so Hisoka says, oh, well, regardless of whether know, the lover, like the most loved one or the person who spent the most time with them, gon will die. And then Ilumi's like, wait, what? Because, like, ilumi's like, no, no, I'm Kila's bestie. [00:53:52] Speaker B: Oh, that was awkward. I was like, it was so awkward. [00:53:56] Speaker D: And Hisoka's like, yeah. Hisoka almost said something to the effect of, like, you tell yourself. [00:54:03] Speaker E: Like, I. [00:54:04] Speaker D: Think a long time ago we talked about Illumi and like, codependent, abusive relationship and how Illumi thinks of him as the closest person in the world to Kiwa because of it, when that's simply not the truth. [00:54:23] Speaker B: I like, at the end of it, it's like, you know, what if you do it. Oh, no, he wasn't killaway. He was like, kill Aluca Lumi. [00:54:31] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, they're not trying to kill. [00:54:35] Speaker B: Yeah, it's kind of weird with that, but yeah, I thought that was really funny. It's like, oh, awkward. Yikes. But, yeah, I don't know. And the thing is that you have to keep in mind that the death is going to be probably more significant because it's one thing to get like a millions of dollars dropped out of the sky, but saving somebody that requires more that most technology, an exorcist and money couldn't solve. That's going to be a huge ask. And probably, I think. But it was like tens of thousands of people could die or something like that. [00:55:09] Speaker D: Yeah, exactly. [00:55:11] Speaker E: So. [00:55:12] Speaker B: Holy shit. But the thing is that. Yeah, because I think the thing is that even if Killua does something where he throws an average Joe in the way to die for them, for the wish, I think it's going to be difficult because that still could technically kill the Zoldik family, because it's like, even if regular Joe does, it could be like, the people he associated with. It could go all the way. Oh, he kind of associated with this dude and this dude associated with those people. So they die on top of it. We actually don't know the extent of how much the wish goes because there's still that unknown of how far does it go. It might have just stopped at that because, okay, that was the right amount of people for the money wish, but for that life thing, it might be. Oh, let's expand the list down. Remember, they've shown that because of the. [00:55:57] Speaker D: Way Kula knows to use the powers, there might be a different cost. And they haven't elaborated what that is yet. So the idea is that there's an asymmetry of information here where Illumi thinks that it will kill the Zoldix. Kula knows that it won't, but they don't mention what the new possible actual cost is. [00:56:13] Speaker E: Wow. [00:56:13] Speaker B: Communication. Communication all over again. Is the cost of all this. [00:56:17] Speaker D: No. So in this case, it's actually good that Kula is not telling Ilumi, because then Ilumi would try to weaponize it. [00:56:23] Speaker B: Oh, right. Yeah, no, that makes sense. [00:56:25] Speaker D: So he's using the asymmetry of information on purpose, which is just like a really cool I. [00:56:31] Speaker B: He's probably doing that for the entire family because they're afraid. Oh, hey, there's a way around it. So we can kill it all over the country and not leave the house. [00:56:39] Speaker D: Yeah, I think they have some idea now that they've seen him do the choice thing, but it still hasn't clarified what is the consequence of doing the choice. [00:56:47] Speaker E: Yeah, we don't even know. [00:56:50] Speaker B: Maybe there'll be a subway around it. [00:56:52] Speaker D: And frankly, I don't remember because I do remember there is a thing that comes up, but I don't remember what it is. So we're going to all find out together. [00:56:59] Speaker B: It's been a long time since I've. [00:57:01] Speaker D: Read, so let's watch this. But Hannah and Sarah, do you guys have any otherwise? I think these are pretty open and shut episodes because it's a lot more just about the experiments and the rules. [00:57:14] Speaker C: I have nothing. [00:57:18] Speaker E: I thought. [00:57:19] Speaker C: I think for me, this hasn't been. Can't really grasp the overall themes of what this is going to be, because I feel like with the previous arcs, I kind of had an idea going in. It's two very different stories happening on. You had the election and then you have what's going on personally with do, but I am really enjoying them and also just seeing, I guess more of the zoltic family messed up dynamics, I think. [00:57:50] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, for sure. And you mentioned the idea of themes and not obviously fully formed yet, but definitely the scheming nature of the politics. Plus also sort of the relationship Keela has at the center of this dynamic with his both family and with gon of sort of an abusive family and his codependent relationship with his best friend where he simultaneously wants to force his best friend to say sorry, but is moving heaven and earth in order to save him. It's just kind of like this question of this person raised in such a restrictive environment, also wanting to help people to possibly his and his family's detriment. It's interesting, but obviously there's a lot more to it given one, this is X Hunter, and two, they've already kind of talked about how there might be a way. [00:58:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:58:38] Speaker D: So I think that's pretty much what we got for today. One of y'all want to take us out? [00:58:44] Speaker E: Sure. I can do it. [00:58:46] Speaker C: Alrighty. So thank you so much everyone, for listening. Please. Or just chat with us at our Facebook or at Pod heads up, check us out at Spirithunterpod and join our public discord where we'll be discussing the shit out of Hunter Yuhawk show and much more. And speaking of the disc, you want to support us, you can help us out by giving review. Each review gets a surface to tens or hundreds more people. Finally, for today's intro and outro themes. These are made by ane. Check them out on YouTube. And also, as always, big shout out to our editor. Thanks to him, the rest of the crew can focus on doing more and talking. All things Tagashi. Alright everyone, see you on the other side. Bye. [00:59:33] Speaker B: Later. [00:59:33] Speaker D: Bye. [01:05:27] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to a special episode of the Spirit Hunters, or should I say the Yu Yu hawk show part two. We're doing a little bit of a new thing where we decide to watch the live action. And not all of us finished it, but we're just going to talk about our initial reactions. And this may or may not be its own episode. It may or may not be tied into another, but I'm Joe. Who am I joined by? [01:05:50] Speaker B: I'm Patrick, and I really appreciate your sexy announcer voice, Joe. I really appreciate it. I think we should talk like this the entire podcast. [01:05:59] Speaker A: Well, my roommate doesn't want me keeping them up, so I've decided to loop back my sound very hard so that I have to be quieter. [01:06:09] Speaker E: Gotcha. Well, understandable. [01:06:12] Speaker B: But I am Patrick. [01:06:14] Speaker C: I'm Hannah. I can't do a voice like that, so I'm going to just do this. I am Sarah. I don't have an inside voice. [01:06:25] Speaker A: I like how you say that, but you're definitely a soft spoken person. Sometimes it's just not on command. [01:06:30] Speaker E: I guess it depends. [01:06:33] Speaker C: I can't control the volume of my voice sometimes. [01:06:37] Speaker A: No, I mean, I'm aware. [01:06:40] Speaker B: I feel that, though. I'm the same way. It's like people are always like, patrick, calm your ass down. It's like, no, I must exaggerate my. Because I'm monotone in nature, so I have to make up for it some so your ass will stay excited. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. [01:06:58] Speaker C: And just perpetually in presenter mode, which means project as if I'm talking to an audience, even though I'm not. [01:07:07] Speaker A: Me too. Absolutely. [01:07:08] Speaker C: Technically, are with a podcast. [01:07:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:07:11] Speaker B: We're talking to people. Somebody's fucking there, I think. [01:07:14] Speaker C: Yeah, someone will listen. That's an audience. [01:07:17] Speaker E: That's true. [01:07:17] Speaker B: That's true. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Well, anyways, beyond know, rhetorical and oratory talents, let's talk a little bit about why we're here. So, as you guys know, Netflix released. [01:07:26] Speaker D: Their live action Yohaka show. [01:07:28] Speaker A: It's five episodes long. I'd be interested to find out how far each of you guys got. I, for instance, only got through episodes one through three by the time we're recording this. It's kind of like an early reactions thing. How about the rest of you? [01:07:38] Speaker E: Patrick, you go first. [01:07:40] Speaker B: I watched the entire thing. [01:07:42] Speaker C: Yeah, I only watched the end of episode two, so I'm about to start three. [01:07:47] Speaker E: Sarah, how about you? [01:07:48] Speaker C: I watched also the entire thing, granted, I watched it, I think up this workday where I've been going on, so I can pay attention to episode three and then four through five. I kind of had to split my attention between what I was doing and the show. So those last two episodes, again, nice. [01:08:10] Speaker B: Yeah, I probably should do the same. I was kind of rushing in the last two, but I kind of know the gist of what happened. [01:08:19] Speaker A: Sounds good. Well, I guess let's just open the floor for general thoughts. I think spoilers are on the table, because, again, it's, one, it's an adaptation, and two, it's not even the complete series. So I know that things were obviously changed a lot. You can see that even in the amount that I saw. But I'd be curious what your guys. [01:08:36] Speaker E: General thoughts were. [01:08:40] Speaker C: For me. Since I just actually just watched it an hour ago. I think if it was a standalone, I would really like it. I think as an adaption, I think I'm somewhat happy with it. I personally really like the, for now, I like the pacing for condensing both how they're intertwining plots and stuff. Like the makai insects you see right away we're like, what? But it kind of is neat how they're tying different plot elements to then further another plot element. Like even Yusuke's death. I was like, okay, that makes sense. I'm glad they kind of tied it together. I like Yisuke's actor. I love Botan and Keiko's actresses. I think they're great fits. Don't really. I guess Chroma's actor, I think is good, but he's still not like my favorite. I think he did really good with the sad scene at the yo, Hannah. [01:10:04] Speaker A: Can we talk about how during that scene he puts on his actual school uniform and he looks more like. [01:10:16] Speaker C: The whiplash switch was. I was like, what? But he does look more like Karama. I think both my husband and I, because we're watching it together, we're like, it's the wig, man. It's just ruining it in terms of fully getting into the illusion that it's know. [01:10:37] Speaker B: Yeah, honestly, I felt that way about a lot of characters. Like, I felt that way about Genkai, felt that way of Kurama. The only one that I really thought stole the show and was massively believable because I initially made fun of it was Kurobara's actor. Honestly, the character himself was the mvp of the show. I love they. They got him perfect. The look. I wasn't a big fan of the pompadour loss, but his characterization remained pretty intact, so I could. He hates. Yeah, but yeah, like I said, I am in agreement. So I thought Kurama and really Genkai were kind of the ones like, I'm not sure. Even like the crazy ones, Elder Chigora looked pretty believable. [01:11:27] Speaker A: So I really liked Genkai's actress. I think the way they wrote her and the way that she wasn't in much of the story fucking sucked. And again, I've only watched episodes one through three, so she dies, like, totally unceremoniously. So I mean, all sorts of shit could happen in four and five that I'm unaware of. But I actually like the actress. I just wish that they used her better. [01:11:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I think that's my one point too. I also think some of the directions I was thinking of how they did Keiko and Genkai and Botan too. I think they're a lot less active in this adaptation compared to, I don't know, the first episode, I thought like, oh, it's cool that seeing her home life, but then the decisions that she makes. It's like when she tries to save Yusuke. You watch the anime when she sees the fire, she's like, I gotta save him. So she does the logical thing and throws water on herself and runs into the burning building. This adaptation, she just runs in there and no thoughts, no planning. It kind of feel like it does a disservice. She doesn't carry him out or anything. I think the decision they made there, I feel like it is a disservice to her character in that sense. And I don't know. I'm just not optimistic for the rest of the series. How they portray her afterwards. There's some moments where I'm, like, informed, all right, this was cool. This is the Keiko that I'm used to. That I know, but I don't know. It still is a little bit disappointing that they took away those moments for me. [01:13:03] Speaker B: Yeah, there's some weird moments with her, for sure, in that show where it's like, kind of bit out of character. She kind of feels like Ron from case close and Detective Conan sometimes than actually Keiko. Which I guess it's kind of cool having her a bit. Be more independent, more independent character in that aspect. [01:13:26] Speaker E: But it just seems kind of weird. [01:13:29] Speaker C: She's less independent. [01:13:31] Speaker A: I think she's less independent, but I think she's more believable. And they also make her and Yusuke's romance a lot more plausible. Because in the anime, it's just like, yeah, these two should not actually. This is definitely some sort of weird childhood ideal that does not translate to real romance. But in this, when she mentions having learned something from young Yusuke about the ability to see good people for herself and I was like, oh, that's actually really nice. And I like that a lot. And they actually feel. So I talk about how Jean from X Hunter feels like, what would actually happen to a grown up Yusuke. Meanwhile, this Yusuke and Keiko, I think, actually have potential. [01:14:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:14:13] Speaker B: Because I think how they built up Yusuke in the beginning where it shows him doing good deeds and being overall a good person that's in bad situations was kind of, at least to me, a bit more clear than it was in the anime, if that makes any sense. [01:14:26] Speaker C: Yeah, that's a good point. I think they have better chemistry in this adaptation and a lot more history. I do like those little moments of them. Especially when he's just eating ramen. I heard restaurant all the time. [01:14:40] Speaker B: That's a whole ass vibe, to be honest. [01:14:43] Speaker C: I actually really like that. I think it kind of shows like, yeah, they actually are friends versus for sure told in the manga and anime that they're childhood friends other than a flashback or two. [01:14:59] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:14:59] Speaker B: And I do like how the parents actually kind of. I wouldn't say they like him, but it's more like, oh, hey, it's not the demon knocking out the door. [01:15:07] Speaker A: Wait, no. In the anime, the parents love him. The parents are actually super into him and are always giving Keiko shit for not being in the first. [01:15:16] Speaker B: I just remember the first episode. I thought they were pretty upset when he came over. [01:15:19] Speaker A: No, they're only upset when a guy. They're only upset when Yusuke, possessing Kuobara, comes in and says that he's yusuke. Because they're like, hey, have some. [01:15:29] Speaker B: Oh, okay. That's why I completely forgot. That's what they love him. [01:15:33] Speaker A: Like later in the series when he's going to propose, they recount some of their childhood cute romance stories. [01:15:39] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that makes sense. Okay, so I definitely like. They kept that in that. [01:15:46] Speaker A: Adaptation characters. There was no shizuru, right? I didn't see her yet, at least. [01:15:52] Speaker E: No, there wasn't Shizuru. [01:15:56] Speaker B: Which one is that? No, she's definitely. She's definitely not. [01:16:02] Speaker A: Ah, that's sad. Also, Otsuko still smoking, but not in the same. [01:16:10] Speaker B: No. [01:16:10] Speaker A: Yo, you know who I think was an incredibly good adaptation? Fucking elder Toguro. Like, that man is a freak. [01:16:17] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [01:16:17] Speaker B: That was really. Honestly, he kind of reminds me of Darren from system of a down. That sort of look of him. [01:16:25] Speaker A: Tommy Wiseau. [01:16:27] Speaker B: He kind of gets a Tommy Rizzo. [01:16:28] Speaker A: Vibe, but, oh, brother, how could you betray me? [01:16:33] Speaker B: Brother? Just punches him. No, but yeah, I actually did. Really. Like I said, I really appreciate his. There's some people that were on point and killed it and stole the show. Like bar elder Shaguro. And then. Who's that dude with the mask that does stuff? [01:16:50] Speaker A: The mask fighter? [01:16:51] Speaker B: Yeah, sorry, the one. The dark tournaments on Team Togoro. I forgot what his name was. [01:16:55] Speaker A: Oh, Karasui. Because they both wear masks. [01:16:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it's buoy. It's the one that fought Kurama. [01:17:03] Speaker A: Oh, that's Karasu. [01:17:05] Speaker E: Karasu. [01:17:05] Speaker B: Yeah, Karasu was on point. Bui was kind of interesting. [01:17:11] Speaker A: I still haven't seen it. How does it go. The power scaling of this is so different from the anime. [01:17:18] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:17:18] Speaker B: Buoy's the red dude, right? [01:17:20] Speaker A: Buoy has blue armor. [01:17:22] Speaker B: Yeah, he's the armor dude, right? [01:17:25] Speaker C: Yeah. All in armor. You don't see his face. I don't think you see his face at all in live action. I need to rewatch those. [01:17:33] Speaker A: They don't have the whole section where. [01:17:35] Speaker B: No, he does take off his uniform. [01:17:39] Speaker A: Does he still have, like, a good, gravely voice? Because that was like something I loved about him in the original english dub. [01:17:45] Speaker B: I don't actually don't remember it. It didn't stand out like something like that. It seemed kind of like a regular dude, bro. I just watch it dubbed. I'm just joking. I didn't watch it dubbed that. [01:17:54] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. Actually. [01:17:54] Speaker A: What language did everyone watch it in? [01:17:56] Speaker B: I watched it subbed. [01:17:58] Speaker E: Subbed. [01:17:58] Speaker C: Subbed. And I followed the. There was like, Joe reposted a tweet saying which english subtitles to choose for accuracy. So I made sure to choose that. [01:18:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:18:12] Speaker A: Public service announcement for everyone listening to this. There are two different english subtitle tracks. One of them is trash. The one that is trash is actually just taking down the dub like notes and adding sound effects. [01:18:24] Speaker B: So do not use the one that. [01:18:25] Speaker A: Has cc in it. Use the one that is English and then with japanese voices. [01:18:31] Speaker B: I think if you hit this japanese subtitles, it'll auto select that for you if you do the japanese audio track. [01:18:36] Speaker A: I think unless you use Cc in other anime that you watch. [01:18:40] Speaker E: Okay. [01:18:41] Speaker A: I would really just double check. [01:18:42] Speaker B: Yeah, just make sure you check. Because for some reason he defaults to English dubbed for me. So I have to always change it to the subtitle. But when I change it to the language of Japanese, it would auto move it over to the Japanese for me. Or actually the english translation of the japanese script, not the dub. [01:19:01] Speaker A: If we have any listeners who watched in any other languages who also watched in that language previously, I would love to hear your thoughts on the differences. I know that one of our listeners, I think they go by Shannon Sardines, they listened in Tagalog and they mentioned. [01:19:17] Speaker D: That it actually references some of the. [01:19:18] Speaker A: Stuff from the old Tagalog dub. Like when they're saying finish it or kill him, they say like, tapusin. Tapusin, which was like a meme from the old filipino dub. So I'd be curious. [01:19:30] Speaker B: Yeah, they didn't keep in. [01:19:32] Speaker E: Sorry. Oh, no. [01:19:34] Speaker A: I was just saying I'd be curious to see what happens there. The Internet is still not working. [01:19:38] Speaker E: It's fine. [01:19:38] Speaker B: But yeah, speaking, which I think they kept in a lot of really cool references. Just kept to the spirit of the characters. I think one of the cool ones that they had the finger flip bullets which I thought was kind of cool to see in there. [01:19:56] Speaker A: I'm looking forward to seeing it. I've seen some pictures of full power toguro that look kind of interesting. [01:20:04] Speaker E: If you. [01:20:04] Speaker B: By interesting, you mean janky as hell. [01:20:06] Speaker E: Then, yes, I can definitely believe that. [01:20:09] Speaker A: Speaking of motion, we actually haven't talked about this yet but I actually think the choreo for the show is insanely good. And that was one of my biggest fears when we talked about it originally. [01:20:18] Speaker B: Yeah, they did a really good job on the choreography for the fights. [01:20:21] Speaker A: Yeah, this shit's hard hitting. [01:20:24] Speaker B: Yeah, there's a lot of really cool. And there's a lot of cool stunts too. Like the truck flipping over and him setting fire to the houses around him. Of fighting on fire. The dude on fire? [01:20:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:20:38] Speaker E: Oh, it's the Anchorman fight. Yeah, pretty much. [01:20:42] Speaker C: I think it was maybe released pre the series coming out. But the fight with Goki and I saw, like, I was looking at the difference and seeing mixed reviews about it. Like, saying. I think someone was saying, is it really like the spirit of you, Hawkeye show, you brawler that use his environment? [01:21:03] Speaker A: This is the same man who took a swim in the middle of a fight with another spirit detective and then used the water on his shirt to tie up the other guy's arm. [01:21:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:21:12] Speaker B: Perfect. Speaking of Goki, though, I really liked the fight was, I really enjoyed that fight specifically. But I kind of like the way that he was portrayed. He kind of seemed like, I don't know, it's like some of the japanese oni. [01:21:26] Speaker A: Almost like Goki's always kind of been like an oni. [01:21:30] Speaker E: Yes. [01:21:31] Speaker B: I really appreciate that. It made him more looking like, more figurative of that and more resembling of an actual oni at this one. So I really appreciate that. Even though it's, like, different radical design, I still really like that. It was a cool little thing. But, yeah, the fights were. I really enjoyed the fights in it for the most part. I don't think there was really a bad fight, per se. Even the weird training montages are pretty good. [01:21:58] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:21:59] Speaker A: You mean with Genkai? Because I thought those were okay. [01:22:02] Speaker B: Yeah, like I said, that's why I said that even those were pretty decent. [01:22:06] Speaker A: I did like that they kept the do a handstand on the nail thing. But tell me so I know Genkai comes back into the story later, obviously, but what does she do there? Because her episode three thing just made it seem super unconnected. [01:22:20] Speaker B: She just dies. [01:22:24] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:22:24] Speaker C: And then she does not physically, but spiritually. Yeah, that makes sense. [01:22:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:35] Speaker A: They just show her in the epilogue type thing that they did in the dark tournament ending. [01:22:39] Speaker E: Right. [01:22:39] Speaker B: Pretty much just her talking to young, to her be like, hey, this shit happened. But, yeah, literally after this episode, it's just her dying and then that epilogue, and that's it. [01:22:52] Speaker A: So correct me if I'm wrong, but my perspective on this is this show feels like it was made for people who have seen the anime, which is the opposite of one piece, where it's trying to get people to watch the anime. This honestly feels like, hey, what if we made highlights for people who already know the story? [01:23:08] Speaker B: It kind of feels like the thing is that they take a lot of creative liberties and it's like, I think if you explain the show to people and give them a summary, it'd be the exact same thing as if you told them about, like, not like bullet for bullet point, but like, the general, oh, hey, there's this Torman esque thing. They all fight yarn to guru, like takes and defense. Yukina and does this and that. And there's a lot of, like, you could tell somebody the summary and it'll be pretty much the same as the anime, which I kind of think is kind of cool. [01:23:42] Speaker A: What did you think about some of the age changes? Because they obviously made Yusuke and Kuabara and Keiko 17, which is cool. And I think that makes sense given the norms of now, I guess. But I'm talking about making Sakya like 45 as opposed to like a hot 27 year old, and making Atsuko like 37 as opposed to 28. [01:24:06] Speaker C: I mean, logically, if use k is 17, I think for sure that's fine because she'd be 21 when she had him, which is pretty, or 20, which is still very young. Since I'm only at the end of episode two, I can't really talk much about Sakio's age. But I guess given he's like a very successful, super rich business guy, it seems more makes more sense to accumulate wealth around that age versus, like, a 20 something year old in the late 90s, early 2000s. [01:24:45] Speaker E: Because. [01:24:47] Speaker C: That'S the question I have. Is it still set in the early 2000s? [01:24:54] Speaker A: I'm interested because to me, it felt like it was still the early ninety s. But they definitely avoided a lot of technology. Like, for instance, they did not go to an arcade, which is characteristic of Yusuke and his buddies. And they avoided that because whatever they would show you in the arcade would make it very clear what year it was. [01:25:11] Speaker B: Yeah, I think they were doing a good job on that. The only thing that really gave the thing away is the cars. The cars looked pretty early. Two thousand s. Honda. They had a bunch of Honda logos and the design of the fenders. It looked pretty like, I've seen a car guy look very. I forgot Gen. I think it's like 7th gen Hondas. [01:25:32] Speaker A: You think it's not 1990s? [01:25:35] Speaker B: I think it's late 90s, early two thousand s if I take a guess. [01:25:40] Speaker E: That's cool. [01:25:41] Speaker A: They split the difference between doing completely modern and doing like period accurate. Yeah, I did like how they kind of made it. It was unclear what period it was. Have you guys seen the movie? [01:25:51] Speaker E: It follows. [01:25:53] Speaker C: One about the disease spreading from people who sleep together. [01:25:58] Speaker A: Kind of. I think it's more than an STD metaphor, but it is still like very much an STD metaphor. It's like, what if you were haunted by a monster who's an STD? The reason I bring it up is it has this purposefully anachronistic world design where it's just like, I can't tell what year it is because everything looks like the some point someone has like. [01:26:20] Speaker E: A, what the fuck is it? [01:26:21] Speaker A: It's like a weird clamshell PDA and it's just like, what the fuck is this? So it feels kind of like they did that. [01:26:30] Speaker B: Yeah, they definitely kept it ambiguous, which I think is kind of cool. And I guess it kind of was answering the solution that we were worried about is like, are they going to modernize it or are they going to take us out of it and be like, oh yeah, this is 1992. Or are they going to meet in the middle? And I think they did a good job. Meet in the middle. It's not too old, but it's not too new. It seems like everything is relatable to any age that watch it, whether it be boomers, millennials or zoomers or Gen Z. Actually, I think Gen Z. Isn't Gen Z and Zoomers the same thing? [01:27:02] Speaker A: Yeah, Gen Z and Zoomers are the same thing. [01:27:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I think the clothes themselves are very non time specific, like very sick. So you can really see them wearing it at any point in time, whether. But I also think japanese fashion in itself, depending on, I think they take a lot of classic silhouettes. So it's not, I don't know, compared to, I guess american fashion where I feel like you can really distinctive way to see like this is clothes of 2000s versus 20s versus the feel like Japan. I feel like there's a little bit more ambiguity in the style. [01:27:41] Speaker A: I have a theory about this. [01:27:42] Speaker C: Oh, really? What's your theory? [01:27:44] Speaker A: My theory is, because of the demographic trends of Japan, the majority of clothes designers are in their 50s. I'm only half joking. But because of the top heaviness of the japanese demographic chart, I honestly think they make a lot of styles that in most other countries would be very conservative. Because it's just like, hey, this is the age of the majority of the buying populace. And even if you're not within that age, you're going to emulate those styles. [01:28:08] Speaker C: I can totally see that. [01:28:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:28:13] Speaker C: Too, I think. What did you all think about the outfits of the characters? Like the main cast? [01:28:20] Speaker A: They were good except for Karamas. [01:28:22] Speaker C: Yes. [01:28:24] Speaker B: I was going to say all the costumes pretty much match the characters besides Karamas. But everything looked pretty good. And their uniforms looked. All their clothes look faithfully. Even Yusuke's, to a point, looked like it was on point. Like one to one. Almost especially with the way the pants rode. Seeing them from the lower half without his pants are up on his belly button, which I was like, oh, that's cool. And it sort of even has the same fit. I'm like, wow, that actually is some attention to detail. [01:28:56] Speaker A: I do think it's interesting that Yusuke's clothes match everyone else at schools now. And Kuabara's are the ones that are. [01:29:04] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [01:29:05] Speaker C: I was a little bit confused about at first. I thought, like, does Kuwabara go to another school? [01:29:14] Speaker B: Wasn't that the theory of it? I thought that was the. [01:29:16] Speaker A: No, no. He always went to the same school. So previously, the reason that Yusuke's clothes didn't match was because he was poor and he could only afford something that half matched. But in this one, they made Kuabar's not match. And there's not really an indication like, his family's definitely working class, but they're not like, dirt poor the way Yusuke is. [01:29:32] Speaker C: Right? Yeah, that's what I was confused about. [01:29:36] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:29:36] Speaker B: They probably did it just so they can keep the representation of him wearing the blue uniform for sure. [01:29:42] Speaker A: I just meant more like, why did they change the color of the school? But it doesn't matter that much. Speaking of. So, there were some things that I saw online. People were clowning on Yusuke's wake photo. [01:29:54] Speaker D: Because they're like, oh, it doesn't look. [01:29:55] Speaker A: Anything like the anime one, which is very serious and sad. And then people posted the manga one where he's looking like a fucking joke. And so I do think it's interesting things in this that were more manga accurate than anime accurate, and people giving it shit for not being quote unquote accurate actually weren't going back to the material it's referencing, which I thought was really fascinating. [01:30:13] Speaker B: It was funny. I saw that you posted that and I was like, that actually is really cool attention to detail that they did that. And honestly, it kind of shows that the creators actually gave a shit and cared about the series. It wasn't like one of those, oh, cash grab. Like literally, I was saying before the show that it felt like, okay, we really want to do Yuhawk show Justice, but we have five episodes to do it and Netflix is more than likely going to cancel. Only has five episodes. [01:30:41] Speaker E: So we got to have a good. [01:30:42] Speaker B: Stopping point and speed the story up to get why Yuhawk show is amazing in five episodes. In our, I think. Sarah, you said they were the same people that did alice in. [01:30:57] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, I did. [01:30:59] Speaker C: One thing I really appreciate about this series, I think in music background and also. [01:31:08] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I definitely liked the music choices. Did you notice that they played smile bomb in the first episode? [01:31:13] Speaker B: Yeah, the guy driving the car who murders Yusuke. [01:31:19] Speaker C: He did not have a good day. [01:31:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I did like that change that they made where it's like from the driver not seeing it to actually the Bugayan sec Makayan in this one, they. [01:31:34] Speaker A: Call it fucking the ringworm or some shit like that. [01:31:39] Speaker B: I don't remember the tapeworm, but yeah. Anyways, when I like that change where it's like it was an out control tapeworm, ringworm thing that controlled them and just killed everybody versus. Oh, Yusuke just saw this kid run from the train. I thought it helped connect to the story a little bit better at least. [01:31:55] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I think it's interesting that they fold know Sakyo and stuff in the tunnel right away, which I think is really cool and makes me wonder what they're going to do next season. [01:32:03] Speaker E: If they do it. [01:32:04] Speaker A: Can you guys tell me how this ended? I mean, again, it's not really spoilers, but did they have, say, elder toguro trying to claw his way out of the sea as the last scene? [01:32:15] Speaker B: No, the end of the scene. Spoilers for people that want to watch it. It ended on a beach. So you know how it ends on the beach. In the first one, they're on a beach, they're thinking ginkai. And then it just cuts to a picture of a scene of a seagull pecking at Elder Shiguro's head on a beach. [01:32:33] Speaker A: Really? [01:32:35] Speaker E: Like, actually. Yeah. [01:32:36] Speaker B: I'm not joking. [01:32:37] Speaker A: Oh, that's like the two things I was thinking it could be would be that or someone breaking into a vault and stealing a vhs. [01:32:44] Speaker B: Yeah, it's pooty tang rip. [01:32:46] Speaker A: Yeah. No, but that's awesome. I'm glad to hear about all that. Did they give any indication of. Were there any hints dropped at the future? Because I do remember that they pointed at when Coenma first hires usuke, he's like, unfortunately, this position's been unused for a while. And like, so it's like, okay, that's a sense we note. [01:33:08] Speaker C: Not directly. They definitely did talk about the barrier between human world and demon world. So it definitely went into that subplot with Sakyo specifically. [01:33:21] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:33:22] Speaker B: From what I saw about it pretty much was. It seemed like they were just trying to do a good stopping point and had the elder Chigoro's head as a. [01:33:29] Speaker E: Joke thing at the end. [01:33:31] Speaker B: So either be a nod to it or a joke thing. [01:33:34] Speaker A: Is he, like, alive? Like, is he like. Or anything like that? [01:33:38] Speaker B: Let me double check. I'm fairly sure he was just straight up dead or his home, the beach. But I'll double check to make sure. [01:33:44] Speaker E: But the one thing I want to. [01:33:45] Speaker B: Say about the music is that they did this dome eerie music and it sounded like the resident evil opening for Resident Evil two where just like, the story begins, I put the music in the chat, but if you guys listen, you can see what I mean by that. Yeah, he actually is it. He's like shoe, shoe. And the birds, like, picking at his head. [01:34:05] Speaker A: That's hilarious, actually. But we were talking about tone and kind of how it is. I think this is generally a darker tone than the anime, but I really like botan here. I don't think she's as good of a. If this was a real person, I don't think she's as good of a character. But I do think this is an interesting different. [01:34:22] Speaker E: Cute. [01:34:23] Speaker A: Like, this is someone who's more like, cute cute, as opposed to someone, you know, cute. [01:34:28] Speaker B: Yeah, she's very. A very cute character. Very hyping up being a really good friend to the group. Like, oh, yeah, you got this, yusuke. Or like, this and that. And he's like, I can't believe it. You did this. It's awesome. So she's a really great hype man on the show, and I really appreciate it. And she's a great communique between them and it's a lot of fun. And I think the one change that they did make, speaking of her is that I think she's not visible to the majority of people on the show. I think she was actually visible to everybody. [01:35:03] Speaker A: Kubara remarked, being able to see her, which was surprising to other people. [01:35:07] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a great choice. [01:35:10] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I agree. Definitely ties up some of the issues. [01:35:13] Speaker E: But go ahead, Sarah. [01:35:15] Speaker C: Oh, because I was just about also, Yukina, if any thoughts about how her and how the live action adopter, do. [01:35:25] Speaker A: They make it clear that they're related to, like, does Kuwabara know in this one? Because I'm only three episodes in, so they don't have a reason for Kuwabara to hate hea that much besides just getting a little insulted. [01:35:36] Speaker C: Yeah, he doesn't know. And also, funny thing, it is a little bit of spoiler when he's like. [01:35:42] Speaker E: One of his insults, he does the. [01:35:44] Speaker C: Classic can't insult me when you're this puny. But he is actor is like literally maybe like three inch. That joke got a little bit lost. [01:35:58] Speaker B: It's that one meme. It's like 511 versus six one. [01:36:03] Speaker A: There was a point where elder Toguro's face breaks out of his fake hea body and then he changes drastically in height. And I'm like, I could have sworn these guys were closer in height in the anime. [01:36:13] Speaker B: Yeah, there's definitely a lot of, lot of compromise they need to make within that regards to the shape and the form of the height of the people. But for the most part, I think it was relatively the same. Everyone's height ratio is about the same. This person shorter than the other person. There was anything jarring, like ta was like six foot eleven or something crazy. [01:36:36] Speaker A: With regards to the tournament, do they have any other teams or is it just team Taguro and Team Arameshi? [01:36:45] Speaker B: So when I say it's like the tournament, it's pretty much like a quote unquote tournament. So essentially they had a bunch of rich people in the thing. Like the fat dude with the cigar. Him and his friends, like, betting on, oh, hey, I wonder who's going to win this. And it's pretty much just a bunch of people fighting in this house. Like, oh, we captured. And Keiko, you need to come rescue her on this island. And they're just fighting through. They encounter the Kurasu and going to, I'll take him. Yusuke, you and Kurbar go up ahead. And he just goes on his own thing and finds the giant sword dude. Buoy yeah. And then that's kind of how it. [01:37:26] Speaker C: It's almost. It's similar to the layout of the Saint beast arc. [01:37:31] Speaker A: I was literally about to say, this is maid's castle. [01:37:34] Speaker C: Yeah. Fights going up to different levels in a building, but just change the opponents that they're fighting. [01:37:42] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:37:42] Speaker B: The one change I was not a fan of is that. So when t a did his dragon, the darkness flame on. The one dude on the team, Togoro, he does it, but it's not like he kills him. He feels bad. Kill me. He seems more merciful than the other one. It's like, yeah, I killed this. [01:38:01] Speaker A: No, no. In the anime, he doesn't kill him either. He actually basically leaves him to live. But because he is like, yeah, this is a dishonor. That's like worse than death, practically. He basically says, if you want it so bad, you should kill yourself. [01:38:15] Speaker B: He did actually do the say that same quote. Man, I really need to watch that. I could have sworn he killed that dude. He just swallowed him with the dragon. [01:38:21] Speaker A: I could see why you would think that. But that guy was able to turn the dragon back at hie, who then absorbed it. And then he used the power of the absorbed dragon to beat the shit out of him. [01:38:30] Speaker B: Yeah, no, this one is just like the dragon burns him up. The dragon's like a flamethrower. If anything just fucks somebody's like, kill me. It's like, you should do on your own. Don't tell me what to do sort of things, man. I really need to rewatch Yuhawk show. I'm like a bunch of shit. [01:38:45] Speaker E: Honestly. [01:38:46] Speaker A: If we cover this on this podcast, at some point, you and I should just finally read the manga. [01:38:50] Speaker B: I'd be down. [01:38:51] Speaker C: Manga is a lot of fun. [01:38:52] Speaker A: I'd be super down. [01:38:54] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:38:54] Speaker B: For the most part, though, I think they kept the spirit of the dark tournament and combined it with the Saint beasts. And honestly, as weird as this sounds, it actually kind of worked. [01:39:05] Speaker A: Do you miss all the side teams, though? [01:39:08] Speaker B: Not really the side teams, kind of. Be honest. The thing is that the show is a different vibe of it. If they were fighting a bunch of dudes, it would have to be a lot longer and for sure be a lot more drawn out. And not to mention, I think some of them would be a bit silly in comparison to what the tone they want to get with the show. So I think the drunk, the australian dude, the leprechaun dude would be kind of out of character. But that's saying, though, they didn't completely leave humor out of it. There's still a lot of cool bars, humorisms and stuff like that. And I think they kept a bit of a humor in tune. Do you guys think so? [01:39:48] Speaker C: I think I had to kind of rethink because I think growing up, I watched the american dub, which has a very american sense of humor. So at least like the take that they did with that, with the dialogue. [01:40:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I think for the most part, they kept the tone of the humor from the original japanese manga and the anime. For the most part, they got rid of some of the, of course, problematic things of like Yusuke lets up Keiko skirt and stuff like that, and the blatant transphobia stuff. [01:40:24] Speaker A: But I'm really glad they got rid of that fight. [01:40:28] Speaker B: Yeah, hell, a lot. But yeah, for the most part. I don't know. Thinking about and talk about it now, it really wasn't a bad adaptation. It just was the fact that it just was a lot really rushed. And the thing is, I can't even blame the creators for it. I think if they had the ability to do all these episodes, like a whole 25 episode season and can almost guarantee a second one, I think they would have done more detail to it. [01:40:55] Speaker A: They could have done this in ten episodes in a way that would have been satisfying. [01:41:00] Speaker B: Yeah. I think for the most part, though, they kept a pretty good serious tone because going into it, I was like, man, I think that the stage play did a better job at retelling the story. Yu Hakusho, like the one we just watched. And it's like, you know, honestly, I don't know. It's kind of a hard toss up. I think both of them were pretty decent. [01:41:22] Speaker A: Yeah, they're very different, but they accomplished. [01:41:25] Speaker B: Like the same sort of goal, which I think they did pretty well. [01:41:28] Speaker E: And I think. [01:41:32] Speaker C: With the live action, there are definitely some supporting characters in the anime that I did like. But a live action show, I feel like there is a limited amount of characters at each her, even in a supporting role, just not use the audience because I think I've watched shows where they have live action shows with large ensemble casts and they do get. I don't know, they get burdensome in a way, trying to keep track that I never really had an issue with in anime. I don't know why. [01:42:05] Speaker A: I think it's because in anime they often employ this strategy of quote unquote branch and prune, aka they have a bunch of new characters they introduce and then they cut off a bunch of them off. Not because they die, but because they're like. They're no longer important ever again. And like some people. Oh, yeah, Jujutsu Kaisen for sure, but yeah, no, I kind of have a similar feeling with regards to western shows that do that, where it's just like, well, you're not going to get rid of these people. So this is just going to become more detrimentus that we have to pay attention to throughout the remainder of it. So one thing I think is interesting is does it kind of feel like this show is kind of leaning more sanen earlier in the series than the animated? Leaning more sanen earlier? [01:42:54] Speaker C: Instead of Shonen younger male demographic, it's more towards younger adult male demographic because that's what Sanen translates to. [01:43:07] Speaker B: Honestly, it did feel very sane and like, the entire show did. [01:43:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:43:12] Speaker C: Darker. Not just in terms of plot, but also the amount of action and blood and kind of like, you kind of visibly see kind of like stuff like bullying and the extent of the violence associated with it that you don't really see in Shonen. You know, bullies exist in shonen shows, but at least in sanen, they kind of show the mental after effects and the cowardice that comes with it and. [01:43:48] Speaker E: All that kind of stuff. [01:43:49] Speaker B: Yeah, I definitely agree. I think the bullying was like, oh my God, this is kind of even worse than the anime the manga was. Especially with that one kid they kept bullying the hell out of. [01:44:02] Speaker C: It's standard J drama bullying, though. [01:44:04] Speaker A: I was going to say this feels like J drama. [01:44:06] Speaker E: Like, straight up. [01:44:07] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, to be fair though, the entire show feels like an extended J drama, which would make sense. [01:44:14] Speaker A: I wonder if this is actually going to be a gateway for a lot of anime fans to get into J drama. That'd be amazing. [01:44:18] Speaker B: Honestly. Honestly, I was almost in the K drama because of squid games. [01:44:27] Speaker E: Oh yeah. [01:44:27] Speaker A: You mean the fact that the Dark Terminators version is basically a bunch of dudes being like, what about 96? [01:44:34] Speaker B: Pretty much. [01:44:36] Speaker C: There is a lot of really great j dramas out there that explore different genres besides romance. Like a lot of sides of life. So a lot of. I wonder. I do hope that people be more open to exploring. I haven't watched a J drama besides, I think Alice in Borderlands and the Yohak show in a while, but it does make me curious to watch anything new out there. [01:45:04] Speaker A: I'd be curious to do a season of that with us. That'd be kind of like if we watch something super unrelated to martial arts. It's just like, oh, it's a slice of life story about a small town bookseller in Japan. [01:45:14] Speaker E: I'd be down. [01:45:15] Speaker B: Hey, give us a live action mischief. Cowards. [01:45:18] Speaker A: Honestly, if there was like a live action of a rumiko takahashi thing, I would totally fucking do that. [01:45:25] Speaker C: But there would be more of her slice of life related show. [01:45:30] Speaker A: There's a Rama one, but it's apparently bad. But that one's not really slice of life. But if there's like a Mason Nikoku one, I'd be interested. [01:45:37] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:45:37] Speaker B: Viewers, give us some good wrecks for J dramas. [01:45:40] Speaker A: Wait, I got one. If you like the U hawkish show live action, you should watch around 40. And by that I mean around 40 is great. It has nothing to do with the Uhak show live action. [01:45:50] Speaker B: If you like the U Hawk show live action, you should watch enter the. [01:45:55] Speaker A: Dragon, the prototypical everyone gets on a boat to an island story. [01:45:58] Speaker B: Yeah, totally. [01:46:01] Speaker C: There is a live action of Mason Ikoku. There's one movie that was a release in 1986 and then a tv special release in 2007. [01:46:16] Speaker A: Okay, what I'm hearing is we should watch the 1986 japanese live action Mason Nikoku. That'd be fucking wild. [01:46:24] Speaker E: Let's do it. [01:46:25] Speaker B: The last 80s japanese movie I saw was amazing. [01:46:29] Speaker E: What was it? [01:46:30] Speaker B: Sweet home. [01:46:31] Speaker E: Oh, hell yeah. [01:46:33] Speaker C: Oh my God. Season two though. Oh my God. [01:46:35] Speaker B: Which about the old movie? Whole horror movie. [01:46:39] Speaker C: Oh, because there's a sweet home korean. [01:46:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I've heard of that one, and I'm wondering if they're related, but I doubt it. [01:46:48] Speaker C: The korean one is based off of Webtoon, and the second season isn't even based off of Webtoon. They just went off the rails. I have opinions, but we'll see. [01:46:58] Speaker B: I do want to watch it, though. If you tell me I should watch it, I'll definitely hella watch it. [01:47:02] Speaker C: Watch the first season, second season, if you're bored. [01:47:06] Speaker E: Okay, nice. We'll do okay. [01:47:08] Speaker A: So back to the topic at hand. I think we're mostly done talking about our thoughts, and we might do a season where we actually cover this in depth, where we can talk about the manga at some point. But if they were to do a second season, what would you want out of it? Okay, let's say what would you want out of it? But realistically, what do you think we'll get out of it? Because I think those are two separate things. [01:47:28] Speaker E: Literally. [01:47:28] Speaker B: Just do chapter black. You're pretty much perfectly set up for it. You can pretty much go right. Like the ending of this one, it sets up perfectly. Chapter black. Just do chapter black, summarize it, do whatever they need to do, and you're good. And then that's it. You don't have to do the last part of it. [01:47:45] Speaker A: So chapter black over five episodes or chapter black over how long are you thinking? [01:47:49] Speaker B: Whatever they give them, I'll take whatever I can get at this point. But if it's five episodes, I think they could pull it off. There's a lot they could cut and they could summarize. So I think a five season chapter black would work. [01:48:03] Speaker A: I could definitely see chapter black working over five episodes especially. Honestly, my wish would be for the first half of the first episode to just be like a flashback of a bunch of cases that happen kind of quote unquote off screen. And so that's where you get the Saint beast. That's where you get a bunch of other random shit. And so it's like, yusuke did this after? [01:48:20] Speaker B: Yeah, it'd be like a funny montage of him like, yusuke, I got another job for you. You just see the Saint beast and him beating up a bird. It's like, yusuke, I got another job for you. And it's like, oh, this spirit detective thing is sure a lot of hard work. [01:48:35] Speaker C: You can bring back Rando and be like, hey, Rando's terrorizing the local swimming pool. Or, I don't know. Or Rando's a new bully at school, and he's terrorizing the school population. You say he's got to find him. [01:48:54] Speaker B: And he really loves his bird for some reason. [01:48:57] Speaker A: I have wonder if they would have to change the story a lot. So he's no longer in school. He's already at the point where he's running the ramen. [01:49:04] Speaker C: Oh, that'd be kind of fun. [01:49:07] Speaker A: That'd be kind of great if it's just, you know, high school graduate but not in college. Yusuke working in a ramen stand as his day job, waiting for tips for. [01:49:17] Speaker B: Spirit detective shit, that'd be kind of cool. I honestly, like I said, I think there's a lot of good ways to do chapter Black, and then they don't really need to, because I think after that, they really can't do much with the three beasts or the three Kings arc. [01:49:32] Speaker A: So you know how I was asking what you guys want versus what you think you'll get? What I'm worried about is they do a five episode chapter Black plus the three Kings arc. [01:49:41] Speaker B: Oh, God. [01:49:43] Speaker C: Yeah. Doing both arcs. I would say at least give them two more episodes so you could do five episodes of chapter Black and then two episodes of the King's arc. [01:49:56] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I agree. And also, the moment everyone online was complaining like, wow, they only did dark tournament in two episodes. My selfish thought was like, oh, guess that means we have five episodes for chapter Black. Hope you fucking enjoy, everyone who's fucking wrong. Thinking the dark tournament's better. [01:50:13] Speaker B: Yeah, honestly. Honestly, though, for the tone, I'm kind of happy that they did the dark tournament the way they did. I know there's a lot of stuff that's missing a lot of silliness, but I think for the tone, I think they did a good job just keeping it Team Tukoro and Team Yurameshi and just keeping it like a St. Beast thing. [01:50:32] Speaker C: Yeah. I was just thinking, if there's any shows or movies that you guys watch that has a tournament set up, what did you think of it and how was it executed? I can't personally think of one. [01:50:48] Speaker A: I've not seen a live action one with a tournament usually, or what is it? [01:50:54] Speaker E: Ironshaft? [01:50:56] Speaker B: Cobra Kaikai? Tell us about that. [01:51:00] Speaker A: How did they weave into that? How did they weave in and out of it? [01:51:03] Speaker B: I mean, the whole thing was about saying it for the tournament and stuff. And the tournament is like the last things, like one or two episodes and sort of having them having drawn behind there. But to be fair, the show is kind of a bit totally different than New York show. [01:51:16] Speaker E: A little bit. [01:51:18] Speaker B: I think a lot of it's like the booting up to the tournament and the repercussions of the tournament. And I think it is pretty good. I really like Cobra Kai. Excited for the new season whenever that drops. [01:51:28] Speaker A: But I think the things that would make a tournament in the original design work would be like the shounen aspect, not about humor, but of the sort of battle hungriness. Did it ever feel like Yusuke was battle hungry in this version the way he is in the anime? Because I didn't get that impression three episodes in. [01:51:46] Speaker C: No. He was more motivated by, I think, wanting to protect people that he saw were in danger, like immediately. And then also I'm also in danger, so I got to fight sort of thing. Very reactive. [01:52:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:52:04] Speaker C: Versus active. [01:52:05] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:52:06] Speaker A: This version of Yusuke feels like they subtracted the Goku parts of him. [01:52:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:52:10] Speaker B: Honestly, I think. I think they realized that and they had to have elder Chagoro kidnap Keiko to be able know, give him a reason to go on this boat. Because otherwise it's like, it's none of my business, dude. [01:52:24] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:52:24] Speaker A: It's interesting because in the anime and manga, Yusuke is considered like a martial arts and combat sports otaku. While in this version, it seems like, he really is good at fighting and it's something he crafted, but there's not an indication that he loves it. [01:52:39] Speaker E: No. [01:52:40] Speaker B: He seemed kind of like just a typical student that just wants to live his life and just gets into fights, like, once in a while with his quote unquote rival. [01:52:47] Speaker A: Yeah, I wonder if they're. It just occurred to me, if they do chapter black, even if they don't do the three kings arc, they're going to have to fucking reveal the demon thing. And they've already set it up by being like, there used to be a connection between the two worlds. [01:53:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I think they could easily do that where it's like, he does reveal the demon thing at the end to get that power glow up, and then it's like he talks to his father, and that way it could be like, the thing where it's like, oh, if it ends right here, it's not a big deal. Or if it continues, we have something to build up to. [01:53:19] Speaker A: Yo, you know who I want to play? His father. I mean, you know who I want to play? [01:53:22] Speaker E: Ryzen. Who? [01:53:24] Speaker A: The original voice actor. [01:53:26] Speaker E: That'd be kind of cool. That'd be sick. Yeah. [01:53:29] Speaker B: Speaking of voice actors, though, I actually learned that in the dub, the voice actor for younger Taguro is actually Keith Silverman, I think is his name. They got voices. Hisoka and Hunter. [01:53:41] Speaker E: Hunter? Yeah. [01:53:42] Speaker A: Apparently many of the voice cast use some of the old people. Like that same person who wrote in about the filipino cast, about the filipino dub was talking about how some of the voice actors are the same from the old filipino dub, but now they have much better mics because back in the day, they fucking sucked. [01:53:55] Speaker C: That's good, because I think I saw a painting about how in the english dub, a lot of the original actors didn't return. And then someone else commented, it's likely because they were non union, like the original funimation cast. Like here, they had to use the SAG members. But I also noticed that maybe it's a coincidence or maybe this is like, netflix's kind of go to, that the entire cast for the english dub were of descent. I think maybe one person. I wasn't ready to look it up. I thought that was a good detail. I think I also noticed the same thing with the squid game dove as well. So I wonder if that's something that they prioritize and they just kind of reuse the same actors if needed. [01:54:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I think there's been a big push in the voice acting industry to voice the character that you match with ethnically, in terms of having a person of color be voiced by a person of color and et cetera, et cetera. [01:55:05] Speaker C: Yeah, I think they kept race wise, but I think ethnicity. [01:55:10] Speaker A: Yeah, the important part is they're not giving it to. I'm not finishing that sentence. [01:55:15] Speaker B: Johansson. [01:55:16] Speaker C: Aquafina. [01:55:20] Speaker A: I saw an awkwafina movie I liked recently, and I was like, God damn it. [01:55:24] Speaker C: Was it Shang Tsun, the one with Sandra O? [01:55:28] Speaker A: Quiz lady. Yeah, quiz lady. [01:55:31] Speaker C: I just think with her, she just apologized and then went by Nora alum. She could just move on. [01:55:41] Speaker A: Yeah, she didn't do the voice in this. She definitely plays, like, this weird, straight laced character. [01:55:46] Speaker C: Oh, she does give us serious roles, I will admit. [01:55:50] Speaker E: I'll check it out. [01:55:51] Speaker B: I actually don't mind her too much, though. [01:55:53] Speaker A: Yeah, let's not get into the details of that right now. But, yeah, I think that's pretty much what we had to say about the episode. I was going to toot my own horn about, like, I think they. Because when we did predictions about how they would summarize the series, I think I mostly got it right. There's definitely listeners go back and listen because you'll have just listened to it. So it's definitely possible that I'm full shit. But I remember being like, I think they're going to cut this out. This out. And then I definitely see Tarukane in the trailer because I was like, there's a guy in a pink suit. Who the fuck else is that going to be? And just like, stuff like that. So listeners tell me if I was wrong. I mean, I probably was, but it'd be nice to hear either way. [01:56:34] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:56:34] Speaker B: There is one thing I want to bring up real quick before we go, is that there was actually a funny nod to the Togoro fake out fight where basically the whole thing is like, oh, yeah, what's his name? Koenma confronts Sanyo and he's, huh? [01:56:54] Speaker A: Are you talking about Sakyo? [01:56:56] Speaker B: Sakyo, yeah. Confronts him, and he's like, yeah, originally I was going to have to throw the fight, but now the stakes are higher. If he loses, I'll kill myself. If he wins, I get to keep this machine going. So it's kind of interesting. I like the nod too. [01:57:11] Speaker E: No one brought it up. [01:57:12] Speaker B: I thought that was kind of a funny nod. [01:57:14] Speaker A: It's kind of great. I didn't see it, but that's awesome. [01:57:17] Speaker B: It's like, on the last episode, but. [01:57:18] Speaker E: You'Ll see it, but, yeah, that's about it for me. [01:57:22] Speaker A: I remember in the trailer I saw Kyren is Kyren shown in a flashback since Kyren again. Kyren is the demon whose parts were harvested to make Toguro. To make the Toguro brothers. [01:57:33] Speaker B: He is, but he's shown a weird way where it's him eating one of the students that Toguro is with. [01:57:40] Speaker A: No, that's what I mean. So it's only implied that Toguro. That Toguro brothers are made from. Like, that's only implied. But he. [01:57:47] Speaker B: I think they do explain that. I think so. [01:57:49] Speaker A: Do they explain that bit in the anime? It's not explained. They're just like, I wanted to become the strongest class of demon and at the time, Kyren was the strongest demon in the human world. [01:57:58] Speaker B: I think they just implied it, but I think they did explain a little bit. Sarah could probably know better than I did because I think I looked away during that part. But I believe so. They do have a mention of him. Or at least him eating. Like the students at the dojo that him and Ginkai were at. [01:58:15] Speaker A: Yeah, I got to finish it. It does seem so fucking weird to me that they backloaded all of this relationship ship with them after she's already dead. That's just structurally such a weird choice. [01:58:25] Speaker C: Yeah, because it almost seems just like, oh, wow, why her? What's the background here? Yeah, maybe they just want to do like a little plot twist moment and leave the audience and suspect for dramatics. You feel like it cut the emotional aspect to it. Which is a shame because I felt like in the anime, that was probably one of the more complex but also deep relationships in the series. [01:58:54] Speaker A: For sure. I also thought it was interesting how you remember how Genkai gives Yusuke that speech as she dies in the original about like, no one can be a one man show. Don't sacrifice the things you care about in order to become strong. She gives that speech before giving him the spirit orb. And if I was Yusuke, I'd just be like, what the fuck are you talking about? [01:59:16] Speaker B: I think after all the shit he's been through, I don't think he's ready to question anything. [01:59:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess it still makes sense, her saying it to him, but I'm just imagining him being like, you've been thinking about this for 50 years, haven't you? What's up with that? And she's like, nothing weird. You really had this monologue prepared. Almost like you were supposed to give it to a different person. Almost like you're supposed to give it in a different context from a different person. [01:59:41] Speaker B: Nah, it definitely was him all along. Nobody else, but yeah. [01:59:46] Speaker D: Do you guys have any final thoughts. [01:59:48] Speaker A: Or should we just end it? [01:59:51] Speaker E: Bad series? [01:59:52] Speaker B: Just joking. It was really good. [01:59:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm excited to finish it. [01:59:56] Speaker E: Yeah, me too. Yeah, me too. Wait. [02:00:00] Speaker A: Oh, you're excited to rewatch it because you rushed the last two? [02:00:03] Speaker E: Okay. [02:00:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I need to rewatch it again. [02:00:07] Speaker E: Nice. [02:00:08] Speaker A: I'm very curious to see how Yoko looks. Just because I'm like, man, this could look bad. But we'll see. [02:00:12] Speaker B: You'll be pleasantly surprised or unpleasantly surprised. [02:00:16] Speaker E: Nice. [02:00:17] Speaker A: Well, thank you, everyone, for listening to the show. I don't have the normal write up that we have here, but if you've made it to this point, you definitely put up with our rhetorical stylings. And for that, we very much appreciate you. We hope that you enjoyed the show. And I'll save you the normal speech because, you know, all that shit. I say it all the time. You probably haven't memorized yourself. I wouldn't be surprised. But thanks for listening. [02:00:39] Speaker E: Talk to you later. Bye.

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