S3:Ep42 - Hunter X Hunter Video Games!

Episode 42 November 16, 2023 02:08:33
S3:Ep42 - Hunter X Hunter Video Games!
The Spirit Hunters! (Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Beyond!)
S3:Ep42 - Hunter X Hunter Video Games!

Nov 16 2023 | 02:08:33


Show Notes

This week the Spirit Hunters welcome back Megan to the cast, along with surprise guest Lawson from Ballin Out Super, as we play some... difficult to understand Hunter X Hunter games on the GameBoy, Gameboy color, Wonderswan, and PS1. If you wanna see a bunch of podcasters fight their way through a language barrier, look no further!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: You're listening to the Spirit Hunters. Find out how to join our now public and free discord group and support the [email protected]. Slash Spirithunterpod. [00:00:32] Speaker B: And welcome to season three, episode 42 of the Spirit Hunters. [00:00:37] Speaker C: This is Sarah, Patrick, Joe, and. [00:00:44] Speaker A: Megan. It's me, Megan. Old last name, hyphen, new last name. Because for some reason, I'm Anonymous. [00:00:52] Speaker D: Anonymous. [00:00:54] Speaker C: There's a lot of reasons you're anonymous. [00:00:56] Speaker D: You won't forgive. She won't forget. [00:00:59] Speaker A: So I married our editor. That's the only way. [00:01:03] Speaker D: Yeah, she married our editor. It really was fast. It went fast. [00:01:10] Speaker A: We've never met in person. [00:01:11] Speaker D: Love keystroke. [00:01:13] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:01:14] Speaker A: Funny fact. I lied to my parents. My mom has been on this podcast before. For a quick second. [00:01:20] Speaker C: Yeah. When I met her, I was just like, I was going to bring it up. Then I'm like, that's probably the weirdest fucking thing I could possibly do right now. [00:01:29] Speaker A: Which is. Yeah, so at the time, she didn't know that we met online because I was 13 when I met Tommy, who was 15. [00:01:36] Speaker C: That's, like, not bad at all, honestly. [00:01:38] Speaker A: No. I mean, yeah, he was actually 15. I was actually 13. So good on us. And we used our real pictures when we sent the four pixels of cell phone camera footage to each other for groups. You know what I mean? It was blurry. He could have been anyone, and I could have been anybody. But it worked out. And my parents just found out at my bridal shower, like, a month ago because we told them that me and Tommy didn't meet on a cruise. We met on the Internet. So they're coping with that, and that's okay. [00:02:13] Speaker C: Can I say something? Really, you know, just a peek behind the curtain. Megan definitely consulted me with regards to helping the person who would eventually go on to officiate Jareem, who actually made our first theme song. So, yeah, just keeping it know within this guess. [00:02:31] Speaker A: Um, thank you, Joe, for really helping me and Jarem figure out what our lives were going to be. [00:02:40] Speaker D: It's actually crazy how connected the wedding, everybody. [00:02:43] Speaker A: Yeah. It was, I thought would be strangers that you would get along with. And you guys have known each other for years. [00:02:49] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. I was about to say his name that I'm like, wait, I don't want to dock someone who's not on this show, but finding out that he's actually fourth cousins with someone else who was in the wedding party who's adopted. And I was like, what? [00:03:01] Speaker A: Oh, wait, T and G are fourth cousins with each other? [00:03:07] Speaker C: Yeah, Tonic and Jin Tonic and Jin. [00:03:09] Speaker A: Wow. [00:03:10] Speaker D: My favorite detective Conan characters. [00:03:12] Speaker C: Okay, to be fair, this was tonic saying this. He might have meant it figuratively, like maybe they were detected as like 8th cousins or something. But the thing he threw out was like, yeah, it turns out we're fourth cousins, though. She's adopted. [00:03:26] Speaker A: Yeah, her parents would be blood related. Loosely, too. [00:03:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:03:33] Speaker A: You know what's also funny? My flower man, who was a 56 year old uncle of mine, works as a nurse, and one of my bridesmaids works with that uncle. And they realized that when they got down the aisle, like when my bridesmaid was standing up with me and then my uncle was throwing flowers because he wasn't at the rehearsal. So that's also a weird coincidence within the Filipino community. [00:03:59] Speaker C: No, I was going to say I've been to a lot of Filipino communities where some relative eventually is. Wait, both sides are related, but pretty distantly. And it's just always like, we just need to quit bringing it up at the time. [00:04:10] Speaker D: Let's just pretend it's not a thing. [00:04:13] Speaker A: Technically, it's only through marriage and not through. [00:04:16] Speaker C: No, for sure. For sure. And also, that's not what happened at this wedding. [00:04:20] Speaker A: For the record, Tommy is African American. We're not related. And I'm not. [00:04:26] Speaker D: I wouldn't be weird if you were. [00:04:27] Speaker C: Related in the way that all humans are. [00:04:30] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:04:33] Speaker A: No, that really did help. Joe really helped me and Jareem and Tommy write our wedding, which turned out really. So thanks. Thanks, Joe. Appreciate it. Do you have any notes for Jareem, who wrote our theme song? [00:04:46] Speaker D: And I actually have a message for him. Yeah, do you try not to say fuck into the microphone in front of the entire wedding. [00:04:52] Speaker C: Oh, that was so funny. He kept it so good for the entire Thing until the last thing he said was, oh, fuck. [00:05:01] Speaker D: He dropped something and he said, oh, fuck. And I was like. I laughed so hard. [00:05:05] Speaker C: Oh, Megan, I don't know. You could not have seen this, obviously, but I was sunblinded the entire ceremony for some weird, like, I had some sort of weird light sensitivity. No, it wasn't even a migraine. I had like some sort of weird thing where my eyes would just immediately water. The reason I bring this up is I had my eyes closed the entire time and just looked like I was crying until I heard oh, fuck. And then I kind of cracked up for a second and then I had to stop myself. [00:05:36] Speaker A: No, apparently I cursed too, and I didn't realize it. And I tried to figure out when I cursed, but I don't know. It's fine. Though. It's okay. [00:05:43] Speaker D: It was all emotional in the moment. I thought your vows were very beautiful. Tommy's vows were amazing. [00:05:50] Speaker C: It was so cute. [00:05:51] Speaker D: I was tearing up a bit, not going to lie. [00:05:55] Speaker C: I wish I could have seen any of this. [00:05:58] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, sorry. I have actual video so we can do a little watch party for my budy. [00:06:04] Speaker D: I think we should put them. I say we should put on the Spirit Hunters Channel. [00:06:10] Speaker C: This is the worst idea. Yeah, we're not going to dox ourselves. We are going to put footage of ourselves. [00:06:14] Speaker A: Do you want to put a footage of. I mean, they know what we look like. [00:06:17] Speaker C: I think actually that's fair. Yeah, we've definitely shown pictures of us at a basement. [00:06:22] Speaker A: I mean, it's passed. They can't cross it anymore. [00:06:24] Speaker D: You never know. They could get a time machine. [00:06:26] Speaker C: They'll just show up to the Paseo for someone else's wedding. [00:06:29] Speaker A: Honestly, truly, that place, I think. Joe, how many times have you been to the Paseo? [00:06:35] Speaker C: I officiated a wedding at the Paseo. [00:06:37] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. See, Grace has been there like four times. It's where the Asian American community in Arizona gets married 100%. [00:06:45] Speaker C: That should be their tagline. [00:06:46] Speaker A: Really? I guess so. Well, I don't know, maybe just coincidentally, like Asian weddings that I know. Asian American weddings I know happened. [00:06:56] Speaker C: My brother and my sister in law wanted it there, but it was not the right capacity. So they're like, well, we can't fucking do it. Also, it's booked up to all hell. And then. So they went somewhere else instead. [00:07:07] Speaker A: How busy? How was the capacity they needed? [00:07:14] Speaker C: I don't remember off the top of my head. And I'm also not going to be quoting figures here. [00:07:18] Speaker A: Let's do some wedding planning, guys. [00:07:20] Speaker D: Welcome to the Weding Planning podcast, the Wedding Plant hunters. We hunt for weding deals. [00:07:25] Speaker C: I also will put it out there that it definitely terrified me when he was telling me the figures, I was like, oh, that's. Oh, Jesus Christ. [00:07:33] Speaker A: I'm going to be really transparent, guys. I guess for this podcast, just in case you're thinking about planning a wedding, which I don't know, we had about 150 people. I think about ten people didn't show up, which was a bummer. Some for really good reasons, some never told me. Still haven't to this day been like, have you had an emergency? None. Nothing. It's least just for the venue and the food and stuff. And ours is on the more, less expensive end. $90 a person, if you think about it that way. It was $1,000 for the day. I think total usually counted everything. If we counted everything, the venue only charges thousand, but every little thing adds up. Anything past standard arrangement of flowers. We bought our own alcohol, which you get to return, which was great. But also use the nice alcohol because I wanted you guys to get the nice alcohol. We just have, like, backup Kirkland. Shit. [00:08:35] Speaker C: Kirkland is decent, though. [00:08:37] Speaker D: Kirkland gets the job done. [00:08:39] Speaker A: It does get the job done. So, yeah, I think. And our wedding is thousand ish. I think maybe a little less. I hope a little less. But if you count, like, the dress, the makeup, the hair, if you count. [00:08:50] Speaker B: Things like the bachelor, everything adds up. [00:08:52] Speaker A: Everything adds up. Yeah. So we could have done it for technically $5,000 and you guys wouldn't have noticed a difference except for, I mean, we didn't even have a lot of things like the cardbox. We forgot things like that. But fun fact, weddings are really expensive, but it was a lot of fun. I think it was worth it because I got to spend time with you guys. I didn't spend enough time with you. [00:09:12] Speaker D: At all, but we tore up the dance floor. [00:09:16] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I'm glad. [00:09:18] Speaker C: Yeah. We also tried requesting. Oh, sorry. Go. [00:09:22] Speaker B: No, go. No, go ahead, Joe. [00:09:24] Speaker C: I was going to say we tried requesting smile bomb as a song near the end of the night, and they definitely were like, yeah, we'll definitely play it. And it never came on. [00:09:33] Speaker A: The only time they, I think, played any request is when I asked for it. [00:09:37] Speaker C: No, I mean, it makes sense. It makes sense. [00:09:40] Speaker A: I told them they could just play a song. [00:09:43] Speaker C: I think they were hesitant when we were like, well, you can only really find the Japanese version on Spotify, and then they're. [00:09:51] Speaker A: Sure. But, I mean, he knew I played anime intro music. Like, I just played soft anime music for. [00:09:56] Speaker D: That was pretty funny. [00:09:57] Speaker C: No, that was great. [00:09:59] Speaker D: Did you walk down the hall of Totoro? Walked down the aisle of Totoro. That was pretty awesome. [00:10:03] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I did. [00:10:06] Speaker D: I'm pretty sure that's sort of. That's Totoro, right? [00:10:12] Speaker A: I think that is Totoro. [00:10:13] Speaker C: I think it is, yeah. I just think of it as Joe Hisaishi Midi. [00:10:17] Speaker A: Yeah, basically, truly, it was. It was a thing on TikTok I saw and, like, downloaded. It was like, I wish I remembered what the artist's name was, but they just mashed together a bunch of Ghibli songs and I was like, great. This is what I'm walking down the aisle. [00:10:36] Speaker D: Awesome. [00:10:36] Speaker C: It's good stuff. It was a great time. I was going to say it was in the top two weddings I went to in the last two weeks. [00:10:44] Speaker A: Cool. So it was number two. [00:10:46] Speaker D: Honestly, I didn't want to say it to my friend. [00:10:48] Speaker C: I didn't say anything. [00:10:49] Speaker D: That's probably the best wedding I've ever been to. No, Cap. [00:10:53] Speaker C: No, I honestly had a blast. It was a great time. I do wish we got to spend more time with you guys, but I know that obviously you wish you could have spent more time. I was going to say with everyone, but that's a lie. With most people there. [00:11:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I did get to talk to some people. And I did talk to everybody at least one time. Except for my mom's friend from college, who. Whatever. [00:11:18] Speaker B: That's more like, oh, your Parents are there? The guests for your parents, not for you. But it's okay. [00:11:24] Speaker A: It's fine. But, yeah, I wish the one other regret I have is not getting a picture with just you guys, because I don't think I have one with everybody. [00:11:34] Speaker D: We got one. [00:11:35] Speaker B: We took one picture. [00:11:37] Speaker C: Wait, with Megan? [00:11:39] Speaker D: Yeah, it was with Megan, Tony. Remember? [00:11:42] Speaker B: But it's a whole bunch of other people in it. [00:11:45] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:11:46] Speaker D: No, I could have swung with the. [00:11:47] Speaker C: All of us together, but there's other people involved. [00:11:50] Speaker A: It's just. We can cut them out. [00:11:52] Speaker D: Yeah. Because I remember standing between you and Tommy. And why are you between him and Tommy? Oh, I didn't even realize it. My bad. [00:12:01] Speaker A: I don't remember either. To be fair, alcohol doesn't like me as much as it used to. [00:12:08] Speaker D: That's all good. [00:12:11] Speaker A: I do remember 99% of my wedding, but there are some little blank spots. Taking pictures at the end of night was one of them, because I don't know who I took pictures with or what I was doing, to be honest. [00:12:27] Speaker C: I really being there. [00:12:29] Speaker A: And thank you for coming out and Joe for coming all the way from New York to come to Arizona. [00:12:34] Speaker C: You absolutely do not need to thank us. We would not miss it for the world. And all had a blast. Yeah. [00:12:39] Speaker D: I was going to move Helen High water to get that wedding. [00:12:42] Speaker A: Thanks, guys. Oh, we're still recording. I kind of forgot. [00:12:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:50] Speaker D: I mean, it's only one guy watching. [00:12:53] Speaker C: I was going to say this is a classic spirit Hunters episode with me, Patrick and Megan. We just get distracted about something, but in this case, it's actually something good. [00:13:02] Speaker D: Yeah. Honestly, I kind of like it. We're covering that. Covering that. [00:13:05] Speaker A: Now it's a real topic. [00:13:07] Speaker D: Hashtag Hannah was there, too. I think it was the first time we were actually all in the same room after quite a. [00:13:21] Speaker C: Think. I think Patrick means when we were physically all in a room together. [00:13:24] Speaker A: Oh. Like at the first time in a long time. [00:13:28] Speaker C: Because before that, I think it was like when we recorded an episode when I visited and we got pizza. [00:13:36] Speaker A: Oh, no, I don't think Hannah Sarah was there. Were there? [00:13:40] Speaker C: I don't know. I've had like seven going away from Arizona parties. [00:13:44] Speaker A: AnyWay, I tried. [00:13:46] Speaker B: True. [00:13:47] Speaker A: When was the last time we saw Joe? Oh, he's going away parties. Like, what? I'm like, yeah, the one. I was like, oh, wait, no, that was a different one. What about the one with the pizza? No, that's his birthday. I was like, wait, one was your going away party? Because I missed three of them, and then I went to one or two. [00:14:00] Speaker D: I think one of them was wrapped up with Samir and Joe at one point. I can't remember. [00:14:03] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Megan, did you go to the Joe and Samir Friend Anniversary party? [00:14:08] Speaker A: That's the one I went to. [00:14:11] Speaker B: Yeah, that's the one. That was at Samir's place, right? [00:14:14] Speaker C: Yes. [00:14:15] Speaker B: Okay. I remember that one. [00:14:18] Speaker C: I'm glad. [00:14:19] Speaker A: TV on his weird screen. [00:14:21] Speaker D: That was fun. [00:14:22] Speaker C: We all watched fucking UHD. [00:14:25] Speaker D: That actually was a lot of fun. Not going to lie. That was a great S. Bonnie. [00:14:29] Speaker C: It was fun, but it was also like, what the fuck are we doing. [00:14:32] Speaker D: Watching his HDTV is C One or whatever. [00:14:36] Speaker C: Anyways, last time we watched the surprisingly good Yu Hakusho live action stage play, which, you know, Megan, I have a surprise for you. There's a really good Yuhakusho stage play. [00:14:49] Speaker A: My God, really? Wait, is this the best live action stage play you've seen? [00:14:54] Speaker C: Yeah, it's the best one for Togashi works for sure. And then for stuff I'd say. I'd say it's the best one I've seen. In general, it was both respectful but also made jokes when it wanted to. But they were like, deeply well observed jokes about Yuhawksho. Instead of just, like, stupid, they reference, like, obscure shit. I think they basically obliquely mentioned Kuroko, like Kuroko Sato. And I'm just like, wow, you guys really went in on this. [00:15:23] Speaker D: It was pretty much a ten out of ten for me. Mostly because it didn't have blackface this time. [00:15:28] Speaker C: Yeah. Megan, were you not there for that episode that we did, one of the Hunter Hunter Live actions, like something of Zoldik or whatever, where the person playing Canary was just a woman in blackface? No. [00:15:42] Speaker A: Was I? [00:15:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:43] Speaker A: Remember? [00:15:44] Speaker C: So I had brought on one of my friends who is on the Impossible Coin podcast, who is black, and I think at some point I was like, oh, man, realLy, really glad they didn't do blackface in this movie. And then we got to that scene, I was like, oh, my God, I felt so bad because it was like the first time I had had us watch something that I hadn't previewed. And he cracked the fuck up during the recording. But it was also the most insane, like, what the fuck is happening in this show ever? [00:16:18] Speaker A: Not going to excuse it, but it would be funny to just be like, to do random blackface. [00:16:24] Speaker C: Yeah. No, at the end of it, I think me and Patrick were both like, yes. We were also very glad that there was not just a random, non sequitur blackface scene. [00:16:35] Speaker D: That was a bit weird. I don't know what they were thinking. They probably weren't thinking. [00:16:41] Speaker A: They for sure were like, we need to get into costume and what do we need to do? Match these people's skin tones. Right. [00:16:47] Speaker B: It's like, it's ignorant and maybe it's not quite malicious, but it's not right either. [00:16:55] Speaker C: Yeah, there's no half of people. Yeah, we totally couldn't just hire, I don't know, any of the number of black people in Japan or any of the Hafu black Japanese people just going to do this, I guess, scenario. [00:17:12] Speaker A: Do what all middle school productions do. [00:17:15] Speaker C: What is that? [00:17:16] Speaker A: Okay, when you ever watch a high school production of, like, what's the one with the sharks in the west side Story? [00:17:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:26] Speaker A: Oh, man, they're like Latina. I think they're Cuban or they're Puerto Rican. Right? And then if you ever go to a Midwest or Arizonian or Scottsdale, I should say, because we do have a large Hispanic population and Latina population here, they'll just cast all the white kids with like, brunette hair. [00:17:47] Speaker C: Yeah. They're like, oh, are you Italian or Jewish? Well, guess what? You're Hispanic today. [00:17:55] Speaker A: The more appropriate thing. Just whitewash it or Japan. Wash it, I guess, instead of black. Holy shit. [00:18:02] Speaker C: I have a confession for you guys. It's not about blackface, but I was cast in a play in high school as the old Asian man in Little Shop of horrors. Anyone who knows me, even at times in my life where I've looked most Asian, I do not look. [00:18:20] Speaker A: No. [00:18:21] Speaker C: Yeah, this was a pretty cynical casting. I'm going to put it out there. [00:18:26] Speaker A: For the thing or that you're like, hey, look, Joe is like the one person we know is kind of Asian. [00:18:32] Speaker C: No, that was exactly like. My theater teacher was just like, hey, Joe, I have this role for you in little Shop of horrors. And I didn't like doing theater acting much. I mostly took his video classes and stuff. But he was just like, yeah, I have this role for, you should do it. And then only years later was like, oh, that's regrettable. [00:18:52] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:18:53] Speaker A: I did that. [00:18:54] Speaker D: Was this in Scottsdale? Yeah, that makes sense. [00:18:58] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [00:18:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I went to high school in Scottsdale. [00:19:01] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:19:01] Speaker C: Keeping it on. No, we're not getting into this. [00:19:05] Speaker A: You can't name the high school. Well, blur this out, Tommy. Wait, what high school? [00:19:09] Speaker D: We're live. We can't blur it out. [00:19:11] Speaker A: Yes. What do you mean we're live? [00:19:14] Speaker D: We're on YouTube, streaming it live. [00:19:16] Speaker A: That's what this boy. [00:19:22] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:19:22] Speaker C: At the beginning, we said, yeah, we're streaming. Just so you know, Megan, we're streaming. [00:19:27] Speaker A: I didn't know what that meant. I didn't know what that meant. I thought that just meant. [00:19:31] Speaker C: I now understand your thought process, but we literally did try to tell you. [00:19:38] Speaker A: I just don't know what that you. [00:19:41] Speaker D: Can you time shift this podcast, Tommy. [00:19:45] Speaker C: If you could go back in time. And by Tommy, I mean, I still think it's going to be me editing. Like, Tommy has offered to take it back up, but I want to let you guys rest for a while. [00:19:54] Speaker A: Maybe just a little bit. [00:19:56] Speaker C: Yeah, for real? For real. Let's not do that anytime soon. But, yeah. Note of me in the past, invent time travel. Note to me in the past. Move through time and fix this. [00:20:09] Speaker D: Oh, God. My fuck. [00:20:12] Speaker A: When you said one person, you really meant there's like one person in here. [00:20:15] Speaker C: Yeah, I was like, how did Megan take that statement? Actually. [00:20:20] Speaker A: The person listening, once we've released this episode. [00:20:24] Speaker C: Oh, Patrick's roommate, Peter is here. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Yeah, hi, Peter. [00:20:27] Speaker D: I can get him, but he probably don't want. Okay, good. Yeah, because he's probably going to get us canceled. [00:20:33] Speaker C: Okay. Anyways. [00:20:36] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:20:36] Speaker C: So after much ado this week, we're going to stream some of, but not all, of the Hunter Hunter games and see if they are similarly refreshing. I bet not. You better get ready. [00:20:49] Speaker D: Fuck, no, they won't be, dude. [00:20:54] Speaker C: So. [00:20:55] Speaker D: Oh, shit. I should probably do that. [00:20:57] Speaker C: Wait, what are you doing? [00:20:59] Speaker D: Loading up a game. [00:21:00] Speaker C: Oh, nice. Well, I'll just start talking. Today's plan, much like our now Ancient Yu Hakusho games episode, is that we're going to play through some games, discuss the gameplay, their production, and how they fit into history and the series. We'll record our video and post it, but we'll also describe what we see for our listeners. We are using the Mr. FPGA to play what games we can run. Let's go. Patrick. How's it going? [00:21:24] Speaker D: Pretty good. I am loading up the first game, which is those who inherit the will. I don't know which will they inherit, but hopefully they inherit it. Good. [00:21:33] Speaker C: It's the poor will from spaceballs, actually. So those who inherit the will was a game released on June 1, 2000, developed by Bandai, and it's an RPG of sorts. I've seen it basically described as an adventure game where you have a roulette to stop a text box and you do text entry through the Ingame web internet and need to know Japanese. So I don't think we're going to play that for this for that long because it's difficult in our current level of education practice. [00:22:08] Speaker A: I don't know. Kanji. Oh, that's in English. Hajime. The first one. [00:22:13] Speaker D: Get ready. [00:22:15] Speaker C: Hajime means start. [00:22:16] Speaker D: I thought Hajime means, like, get ready. Like Hajime. Rise of start of EPO. [00:22:22] Speaker A: So it's the first one. Sorry, I should say top one. [00:22:24] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. No, I was just looking on the options. I just wanted to see. I'll just save files. [00:22:28] Speaker C: I'm going to pull up Google Translate because last time we tried doing translate actively, not like through character entry, but through photo entry, and I'll see if I'm able to get much of anything. [00:22:41] Speaker D: Do we tell the story about how we confirmed a ship last time? [00:22:45] Speaker C: Yeah. So we had a failed stream of this previously, and during that we definitely ran the image translate and there was a lot that I'm 99% sure was just a bad translation where it was just going in Kilo talking about come or something. [00:23:01] Speaker D: They're like, I had sex with you, or something like that. I'm like, what? [00:23:05] Speaker C: Yeah, like, Megan, we're not joking. This is legitimately what it. But, like, we don't have any context for why it said this because we think it's maybe just misreading some kanji combinations, but we're not sure. [00:23:16] Speaker A: Yeah, because the Kanji is kind of, like blurry, too. [00:23:20] Speaker D: Yeah. Let me see if I can search for gin. [00:23:23] Speaker A: Yeah, because I saw this. [00:23:24] Speaker B: Either it's blurry or it's conspiracy theory. Someone at Google loves this ship and is trying to spread the word. No matter how your way, they can do it. [00:23:37] Speaker D: I found the text. It was Killua. He, you and I had Sex CO. And it says, I'll make you come. [00:23:45] Speaker B: Did it really? [00:23:46] Speaker D: That's what it says verbatim. [00:23:48] Speaker C: We don't know if that's what it really said. In Japanese. But we do know that's what it definitely said in the translation. [00:23:54] Speaker D: Yeah, it's pretty funny. If anybody is listening in the chat for the discord, which you won't get a link for it, but I mean, look at our Facebook. You'll find it eventually. There's links that you'll find it. I'll put it in the chat. You guys could see the debauchery of what says Hila. [00:24:11] Speaker C: This is Minato of Dore. Not to go and pass through here during Hunter battle. [00:24:23] Speaker D: Should I go slowly through this? [00:24:25] Speaker C: No, just go as fast as you want, man. I'm just going to bring stuff up as it occurs, because otherwise we're going to be spending forever on this and we got a lot of games to cover. [00:24:33] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm just going to. Okay. Holy fuck. Gameplay. The big change from when we just had text based adventure last time. Okay. [00:24:43] Speaker C: This looks like fucking Legend of the River King. [00:24:46] Speaker D: Is that a good game or game? [00:24:49] Speaker C: It's a JRPG. Well, no, it's not a JRPG. It's a Japanese adventure game where you fish and so your random battles. Are you fishing? [00:24:57] Speaker D: Nice. That sounds exciting. [00:24:59] Speaker A: I thought this just looked like Pokemon. I'm sorry, guys. [00:25:04] Speaker C: So Legend of the River King. Definitely. It was around the same era as Pokemon, so I wouldn't be surprised that they're cut from similar cloth. But just Pokemon is A much better game style. Yeah, similar style. Similar techniques that people were using to make RPGs. [00:25:20] Speaker A: So you have to find Dora. Is that what you're looking for? [00:25:24] Speaker C: I'm not sure you're in Dora. [00:25:29] Speaker D: Ladies want to talk to me? [00:25:31] Speaker C: That's right. [00:25:31] Speaker A: I can't read that. [00:25:33] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:25:34] Speaker A: He said be careful at the end. It's not like I can actually read anyway. You know what? [00:25:42] Speaker C: It looks as though. So just to clarify, he is traveling through, like, a 2D Pokemon style, black and white, top down RPG type thing, talking with people. It appears in the text bubbles they show going and Kilua, because it looks like they're the ones who are in the party right now. I wouldn't be surprised if you get the main four and then maybe special guest Hisoka or something like that. But beyond that, none of us can really tell what's going on. And it doesn't appear that he can go in any or most of the buildings. It does look like he's going through a town that's just like, in the shadow of Mount Moon. Obviously, it's not actually Mount Moon, but, man, you'd be hard pressed to find differences. [00:26:20] Speaker D: Kind of looks like it. I'm just trying to talk to anybody, see if I can move forward. Let's speak of Japanese. Those two guys in suits did not move forward. Mysterious dude. Maybe. [00:26:33] Speaker C: With Megan here, maybe we could actually pause briefly on some of these. [00:26:41] Speaker D: Conti, if we just read whatever this lady's saying. Let's give us some hints where the fuck we're going. I have no idea. [00:26:52] Speaker C: I would be interested to read about the data structures Japanese programmers had to employ to successfully include enough Kanji to be understandable. Just because it's a lot more difficult than, hey, you just have 26 characters you rearrange. Do you know about the rides you can take when you arrive at the boat? [00:27:15] Speaker D: Airships are great, but they're expensive. Ships and trains are in the gear. Takes a while. [00:27:24] Speaker C: Person seems like they're actually giving you relevant information. [00:27:27] Speaker A: Go into the ships. [00:27:29] Speaker D: Their ships are a big deal. [00:27:30] Speaker A: This is like the worst version of an escaper. [00:27:32] Speaker D: Yeah, unless you are bourgeoisie. Okay, I guess I won't go on the ships on bourgeoisie. Anybody in? [00:27:39] Speaker C: Yo. This is a game that's just about moving to another country and just having to navigate. [00:27:47] Speaker D: Is anybody here in the chat in bourgeoisie? [00:27:49] Speaker A: Oh, that's a guy. Maybe the guy's help. [00:27:51] Speaker C: But they say I'm off today. [00:27:54] Speaker D: Wow, thanks. That's it? I'm reporting to your boss. Get you fired for no reason? Please ask the guide overtime. [00:28:04] Speaker C: Please stay with the guide. I don't know what that means. If he's saying he's on over. [00:28:09] Speaker A: Different guide. Wasn't there a different guide? [00:28:11] Speaker C: Oh, is that fucking water next to you? I was interpreting a stone. [00:28:14] Speaker D: Wow. Yeah, that's water. I thought you guys knew it was water. [00:28:21] Speaker C: It was obvious when I saw the boat ties, but when I saw the top, I definitely thought it was like Mountain, because I was interpreting the protrusions from the ocean as, like, shadow. [00:28:32] Speaker D: How you say Grandma in Japanese? Ojisan Opa son. [00:28:40] Speaker A: And one is. What is Graham. [00:28:42] Speaker D: Oh, there you are. Me. [00:28:46] Speaker C: I think we're not making progress. I'm down to go to the next game. [00:28:48] Speaker D: If you guys are, your John's name is coming out. [00:28:53] Speaker C: Excuse me. [00:28:53] Speaker D: I was forced to wear a candle. Relatable. Relatable guy. [00:28:59] Speaker C: This person says made to wear a wax. Yeah, I see what you're saying, but I'm not. Okay, let's look next game. [00:29:04] Speaker D: That's not garbage. All right. Okay. [00:29:09] Speaker C: So are you going to Hunter's genealogy or something else? [00:29:12] Speaker D: Whatever's the next on list. I'll go to. [00:29:14] Speaker A: Wait. So what was that game described as. [00:29:17] Speaker C: That was described as an RPG or like an adventure game where you have a roulette to stop a text box. But maybe I just saw something deeper into the game than we saw. [00:29:27] Speaker A: We were in the tutorial, but we couldn't get past this tutorial. [00:29:30] Speaker C: Honestly. That's probably exactly what happened. [00:29:34] Speaker A: Super fun game. We just don't know. [00:29:35] Speaker D: Probably should learn Japanese. [00:29:37] Speaker A: Is this legal? [00:29:40] Speaker C: Megan, shut up, okay? [00:29:41] Speaker D: Absolutely goddamn not. Crap. I forgot that. Noribishi. No. Greed Island. [00:29:51] Speaker C: Oh, you're skipping Hunter's genealogy? [00:29:53] Speaker D: No, I'm going. Hunter's genealogy is in Game Boy. [00:29:56] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Wait, but did you do those who inherit the will? That was the first one we did, yeah. Good call. Good call. So which one are you doing right now? [00:30:06] Speaker D: The next one less Hunter's genealogy, I'm guessing, is Hunter Nokefu. [00:30:13] Speaker C: Hunter Nokefu. I mean, I might have that under a different. I might have that under another name. Just under an English translation of the name. [00:30:24] Speaker D: Yeah. I don't know if it's Kifu or it only has it in Kanji. [00:30:31] Speaker C: Hunter. No, Keifu. [00:30:36] Speaker D: Genealogy. [00:30:36] Speaker C: Oh, no, it is Hunter's genealogy. Yeah. Keifu genealogy. [00:30:40] Speaker D: Coolio. [00:30:42] Speaker C: I mean, I feel that's very much like a. This word is directly calc from Chinese. And you're not going to use this ever? [00:30:49] Speaker A: Yeah, that drives. [00:30:53] Speaker D: Freddie more Japanese. I don't understand. Hunter. Hunter that. I'm pretty sure it's the first one, but I'm somewhat friendly. The hell was that? [00:31:07] Speaker C: This one is June 15, 2000, developed by Konami as a strategy game. And you enter the Hunter exam as a custom character, and you do kind of tactics, gameplay, including foot races in the beginning of the exam. And you do the gourmet Hunter search as well. So this seems like it will actually take us through the Hunter exam with just like some weird OC. [00:31:29] Speaker D: Do you want to do story or do you want to fight a computer? [00:31:33] Speaker C: I want to see the story, man. I want to see your OC. [00:31:36] Speaker D: Okay. OC. Do not steal Patrick the hedgehog. [00:31:39] Speaker C: Let's go. [00:31:40] Speaker D: Yeah. Ira. Famous IRA member. I mean, what? Hunters are all over the world. It's like this. I'm looking for an item. Yes. It's about those who put their lives on the line. Hashtag something hell was that? In order to make this happen, one person would have to crumple the soil every ten minutes. Yeah. [00:32:08] Speaker C: Mine says it would take one person for every ten days. [00:32:11] Speaker D: Yeah, you'll have a difficult pass test to pass. Let's do that. That's what he's saying, if you receive a medical emergency, please write in the medical. You might medical aid on your oboe card. [00:32:29] Speaker C: Sorry, what'd you say? Megan? No, that's bean. He's a legume. [00:32:36] Speaker D: It is enough to read your name. What am I? Very much Hunter. Exam card. Very much like setike. Very much. Sataki. What the hell? Sataki. [00:32:47] Speaker A: So I think this is the name over there. [00:32:49] Speaker D: Oh, how fat I am. I'm going to be maSsively, massively big. Massively tall. [00:32:55] Speaker C: Let's just fucking RP as Milwaukee. [00:32:58] Speaker D: Which one's that was female, right? The one that's downwards. [00:33:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:04] Speaker D: Do we want really tall or really short for Milwaukee? [00:33:07] Speaker C: No, you can just do whatever you want, man. [00:33:09] Speaker D: Really tall it is. What the heck is that even saying? [00:33:15] Speaker B: RPGs. How long do you spend in the character creator of games? [00:33:20] Speaker C: Not super long, but probably longer than I'd like to. [00:33:23] Speaker D: Honestly, in name. [00:33:26] Speaker A: I said a long time. Yeah, like older skate. You have a decent amount of options. Like, it's not infinite, which is. [00:33:33] Speaker D: How do I switch? [00:33:39] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. Megan, are you playing it too? [00:33:41] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:33:42] Speaker D: What? [00:33:45] Speaker A: Immediately, because I got uncomfortable because me and Tommy are playing. But then I encouraged him to romance Shadow heart because he has, like, a female character. Because I just wanted to see it play out. I was like, well, shit, yeah. Now I kind of want to romance the sirion, but I can't because I think I friend zoned him. So they don't even give me options for dialogue. [00:34:05] Speaker C: Patrick is spending time on making his name, but he's using the symbols he recognizes, like 1337 and then a character that means something else, but he's using as zero, aiming. [00:34:19] Speaker D: The things that I can't do. [00:34:21] Speaker A: You want me to help you write your name? [00:34:24] Speaker D: I think Elite Box is going to be my name. [00:34:28] Speaker A: Okay. [00:34:29] Speaker C: I just like how Elite box. [00:34:31] Speaker D: I just like how I can. [00:34:32] Speaker A: Three, three, seven row. [00:34:34] Speaker D: That's what you. 1337 Row. Perfect. Yeah. Hell yeah. I'm 1337 Row. Yo, you cool as fuck. One, three, seven row. We're going to give you some good shit. That's how it says. That's right. Before I forget, choose your training master. [00:34:49] Speaker C: Oh, man. Do you get to choose, like, wing or like, let's see who the fuck you get to choose. [00:34:54] Speaker D: Can I pick Chung? No, no. [00:34:56] Speaker C: See who you can pick otherwise than Wing. I want to see some lady. [00:35:00] Speaker D: Is that that dude? [00:35:02] Speaker C: Okay, so they have Wing. [00:35:06] Speaker A: What is his name? [00:35:08] Speaker D: Wang Chung. [00:35:10] Speaker C: They have someone named Kage? Yeah. [00:35:15] Speaker A: Is that what it says in the translate? [00:35:17] Speaker D: Because I'm bad at reading it says cruel. [00:35:19] Speaker C: It says Kage no Jiro Shok. Something like that. [00:35:23] Speaker D: Kageno Jitsu. No. [00:35:28] Speaker C: It keeps on changing. What it says for me, the name toll O. Their name is Curl. Yeah, you're right. It's Karu. [00:35:46] Speaker D: What about this? I appreciate. That's a guy. [00:35:49] Speaker A: Nazono. [00:35:52] Speaker D: Mystery man. [00:35:53] Speaker C: Mysterious man. He just looks like he's a Yamabushi who's secretly a Tengu, which is what I think they're going for. [00:36:01] Speaker D: So I'm kind of leaning towards Mystery man because I'm all about that movie, mystery Man. [00:36:07] Speaker C: A Tengu is the mass fighter. It's the mass fighter. But a tengu is a mythical creature that is associated with Shintoism. Who is like a bird creature, though? The name literally means, I think, like Sky Dog. [00:36:23] Speaker D: Sky Dog. My favorite. I'm thinking Mystery man, but I like curl, too. What do you guys think? Should we just go classic Wang Chung? [00:36:33] Speaker C: I mean, whatever you want to do. I mean, I think it says something about, like, their abilities in the blow, abilities in the bottom. But I don't have enough contacts. You do whatever you want, man. We're exploring. [00:36:43] Speaker D: Wing it is. [00:36:44] Speaker C: Diving through the cards. [00:36:46] Speaker D: All right, I'm just going to skip all this. We don't need to. Blah, blah, blah. Whale Island. [00:36:54] Speaker C: So I forget. Is this wonder Swan or Game Boy? [00:36:57] Speaker D: Game Boy. [00:36:58] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. We should definitely give an intro to Wonderspawn when we get to it. It was a portable system. We'll talk more about it in a second. But it was a portable system that came out in Japan as sort of a rival to the Game Boy and Game Boy Color and never came out in the US. It had some notable games on it which never got ported. So now there's the captain from the ship from the beginning of Hunter. Hunter. I guess your self insert character is just like new. Gone, I guess. [00:37:29] Speaker D: Fat gone. I made him the heaviest and the tallest I could. [00:37:39] Speaker C: So now you're talking with a chef at what looks to be like a soba place. I'm not sure. [00:37:45] Speaker D: Give me some soba, dude. [00:37:49] Speaker C: Yeah. Now you're in the tunnel where you're going to do that race. I guess we're not reading what it says. [00:37:56] Speaker D: I mean, it's obvious there's just someone who seems to be in trouble. Oh, wait. I didn't get the pick. It didn't give me an option. Start talking and do notHing. So talking. Hey, it's person that got murdered violently. [00:38:16] Speaker C: Her name is Ponzu. [00:38:18] Speaker D: Yeah. What did I say? I said dead body. [00:38:21] Speaker C: Yeah. Sad. [00:38:27] Speaker D: I'm picking. [00:38:32] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. It's a ninja like man. And it's obviously. What's his name? God, how am I forgetting his name? [00:38:40] Speaker D: Ian. Tom. Sorry. Ian. [00:38:43] Speaker C: No. What the fuck is his name? Oh, this is embarrassing. [00:38:48] Speaker D: Were you thinking, oh, God, not this man. [00:38:51] Speaker C: The bald ninja guy from, like, the beginning. Also, Tampa is here. [00:38:57] Speaker D: Oh, great, Tompo's here. [00:38:59] Speaker C: I wanted to say Kazimaru, but that's like Juhar equivalent. [00:39:02] Speaker D: Oh, God. Run the villains here. [00:39:06] Speaker A: Wait, why is he. [00:39:08] Speaker D: That's the manga thing he did in. [00:39:10] Speaker C: The first couple manga covers and the 99 anime. [00:39:13] Speaker A: When did this come out? [00:39:15] Speaker C: This was 2000. So this would have been. Yeah, with the 99 anime. Also, Hanzo is the name of the guy I was thinking of. [00:39:24] Speaker A: So when this came out, how long did games take to make? [00:39:29] Speaker C: I mean, it depended a lot, but a game like this probably took, like. [00:39:34] Speaker D: Year, year and a half, eight months. [00:39:36] Speaker C: Year and a half if you're really stretching it. But I doubt they did that for this. It was usually small teams. [00:39:45] Speaker D: Yeah, because it wasn't as difficult. Should we drink or not drink it? [00:39:52] Speaker C: Well, did you give yourself poison resistance or not? You really need to answer this question. [00:39:57] Speaker A: No. [00:40:00] Speaker C: Don'T drink this. [00:40:01] Speaker D: Not answering that. [00:40:03] Speaker A: What do you select? [00:40:05] Speaker D: I selected. Don't answer. I just ignore. Oh, God. Beard, mustache Man. [00:40:14] Speaker C: Satos is here. He's lecturing us with his hair color from the 99 version. [00:40:18] Speaker D: Goats. My goats. Oh, okay. [00:40:22] Speaker C: Now, the gameplay you are on what appears to be a tactic screen. I think you're getting a message about how to play, but we're not going to fucking read it. I think they're going to show you how to move around. And I bet you just have to do a race in a turn based game, which sounds terrible. [00:40:38] Speaker D: And hit the button. [00:40:40] Speaker C: Yes. [00:40:43] Speaker A: So knowledge of the anime would probably help. Not. [00:40:48] Speaker C: Yeah. Honestly, this does kind of seem like it's a quiz of, like, how well you know the show. Okay, I think you might want to actually read this part, I guess. Oh, I think you went the wrong direction because they all seem to be running a certain way. [00:41:04] Speaker D: Fuck. Goodbye now. All right. Bye, losers. [00:41:08] Speaker A: Is it a quiz? Oh, you have to get questions, right. [00:41:15] Speaker C: So I think you have to select your character and then choose walk a certain direction. [00:41:18] Speaker A: Maybe it. [00:41:25] Speaker C: So it's flickering a lot. And this was used in a lot of old games. If you had too many sprites on screen, aka too many, like, characters or too many objects, you had to flicker them in order to not just overwhelm the CPU and make it run to a crawl. [00:41:39] Speaker D: I'm trying to walk in this direction. [00:41:44] Speaker C: I think this is a game that's probably appealing if you're like, someone who really likes memorizing the details of the show and kind of like figuring out what you would do in those situations. But it definitely requires Japanese language skill. We do not have. [00:41:57] Speaker D: Yeah. For people to do an anime podcast. I do search height item, Starks talking through screen. [00:42:05] Speaker A: There's an item. You can get an item. That's the fourth one now. [00:42:09] Speaker D: That's use an item, I think. Right? [00:42:10] Speaker C: It might be use an item. Well, let's see. [00:42:13] Speaker A: You don't have an item. [00:42:14] Speaker C: You just fucking drink some juice. [00:42:16] Speaker A: You don't have an item. [00:42:17] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll do whatever that is. Move for the worst that can happen. [00:42:33] Speaker C: I think we're way behind, but. [00:42:37] Speaker D: Oh, God. [00:42:41] Speaker C: I think I'm good on this game. If you guys want to go to the next one. [00:42:44] Speaker D: Yeah, this one kind of sucks. [00:42:45] Speaker A: Trying to reach out. [00:42:48] Speaker D: Yeah. I can see why the Hunter Hunter games aren't really well known for their wanting blades, determination. They don't know their one. [00:43:02] Speaker C: Fuck is this one on? I think I rearranged it so that it was by date rather than system. It is. What the fuck system is this? [00:43:14] Speaker D: Like, advance? [00:43:15] Speaker C: I think it is Game Boy Advance. So just to kind of give everyone an idea of what system was out at the time. [00:43:26] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:43:27] Speaker C: This appears to be the Wonder Swan color. [00:43:30] Speaker D: Yeah, went to the Wander Swan. [00:43:35] Speaker C: So. Yeah. Patrick, tell us a little bit about the WonderSwan when you have a second. [00:43:39] Speaker D: All right, let me just get to. [00:43:41] Speaker C: Sounds good. Tell you guys some details. I'll go ahead. [00:43:44] Speaker D: So basically, the Wonder Swan is like, pretty much. It was a JapanEse only a Japanese only console. It pretty much was like the new geopocket color, except worse, except less. How many of you besides me and you know what the new geo pocket color is? [00:44:05] Speaker C: The crickets are what I would expect. [00:44:07] Speaker D: So it's more obscure than that. This never got released in the United States at all. Basically, this was actually made by Gumpei Yokoi, the man that worked at Nintendo and made the Game Boy. I guess he left Nintendo for. I actually forgot where he's. [00:44:21] Speaker C: He left Nintendo because of the phenomenal failure of the virtual Boy. [00:44:26] Speaker D: Oh, right. Yeah. The virtual boy bombed so hard, he left Nintendo and they went to Bandai and made this Wonder Swan, which actually is a really neat console. I mean, it's not a bad console, just really Japanese focused. Not a lot of games that you really want to be planning your way to play. It's pretty much on par with the color. It came out like around the same time as the Game Boy Advanced, but it's like. Well, the Swan Crystal did, but it was on a lower level of that. It's still on. Hitting Game Boy. And I guess he left after a while. Then he died because he got hit by a car. [00:45:05] Speaker C: Yeah, he died in the same way as like, Nuja Base, where he was on like an exit to a Tokyo Expressway and just got hit. [00:45:13] Speaker D: Oh, wow. He died before the was. [00:45:18] Speaker C: Fuck. Was this his last game? I guess he wasn't working on the game. He worked on the system. Never mind. [00:45:22] Speaker D: Yeah, so he probably worked on the first Wonder Swan because they have the color and then the Swan Crystal. [00:45:31] Speaker A: Four people. [00:45:34] Speaker C: Honestly, this is like a pretty gorgeous looking game for the low power of this system. [00:45:39] Speaker A: Yeah. What time? When was this? [00:45:41] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Now I'll get to the data about the game. So this is April 26, 2001. Notice that Hisoka's hair color is now red. Meaning that they've already made that Switch developed by Bandai. The genre is RPG, but did you guys ever play the Monster Rancher games back in the day? You know the one based on that anime about the kid who rollerblades at monsters that he unlocks from like, stone discs that are just a stand in for CD ROMs? [00:46:05] Speaker D: That's also an anime for it too. [00:46:08] Speaker A: Monster Rancher? [00:46:10] Speaker C: Yeah, it was definitely a formative show. [00:46:12] Speaker B: Watch the anime. [00:46:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I definitely get that theme song stuck in my head sometimes. But the reason I bring it up is the battle system of this game is very similar, where it's basically two people. They show high quality inlays of them, but really the action is occurring on a line at the top where it's like, what distance are you from each other? And then you do different moves based on what distance you are from each other and selecting shit. It's really hard to explain. You'll just have to see it in motion. I'll put it this way. It's a genre I don't really love. [00:46:45] Speaker D: Not a love love. I believe we started playing this, I think this. No, we didn't play. Oh, God. I'm just going to role play it. Oh, hey, Killua. Oh, hey, Leora. How's it going? Oh, gun, you're here too. Why are you looking so sad for it? Why you be sad boy? Not a sad boy. I'm actually a little bit. [00:47:05] Speaker C: I have a little bit more background info if you're interested. [00:47:07] Speaker D: Yeah, probably a little bit more interesting than me doing whatever. [00:47:13] Speaker C: Yeah. So it's quote, unquote. This is from the Hunter Hunter Wiki, but it's an adventure in battling between four different routes where you can play as Hisoka Gon and Kula, Korapika and Leorio, and akin to the likes of Princess Tomato and the Salad Kingdom, exploration segments involve selecting word commands to interact with the environment. These include talk, take, move, etc. In certain instances, selections may be removed or replaced for the story's sake. In battles, the player character is represented by the left peg at the top of the screen. Each of the characters sprites are in the middle area. The bottom features four buttons from left to right, back, attack, train, and forward to land attacks. The player must raise their nen through their aura bar. If the ladder is too low, the train ability or waiting must be done instead. And then it lists like, hey, what moves you have, such as Zetsu Ten Gyo ian Han Zen N shi, Katsu n Hatsu. I don't know if all of those are ones that we've covered on the show. I think some of them they just made up. Like, for instance, I don't think Zen is a thing, but yeah, that's all the data I have on it. Patrick, if you just want to kind of get through this part and then see if we can just get to a first battle or whatever, because I think that's all we're going to get from this, because this seems like we'll need Emmanuel. [00:48:35] Speaker D: Emmanuel or Emanuel. [00:48:37] Speaker C: Yeah, Emmanuel, actually. Emmanuel. [00:48:40] Speaker D: Emmanuel, my favorite brother. That's actually my uncle's name. Get him on here. He didn't speak any Japanese. [00:48:50] Speaker C: He doesn't speak English. Like, I was like, does this man only speak Portuguese? [00:48:55] Speaker D: No. He does speak Portuguese, though. That thing's kind of funny. Not funny. [00:49:03] Speaker C: Why is that funny? [00:49:04] Speaker D: It's cool. It's just coincidental we said Emmanuel. Anyways, I translate one thing, Legon. Then hit it once and change the plate. That's my new rap. Hit it once, change the plate. [00:49:20] Speaker C: In retrospect, I probably should have played to, like, a good point in each of these games and then just given you the safe space. [00:49:26] Speaker D: It's all good. All the totes, my goats. [00:49:32] Speaker C: Hey, Megan, so I know it's been a while since you've been on. Gonna put it out there. Our normal episodes are not like this. [00:49:40] Speaker A: Wait. Yeah, I know. [00:49:41] Speaker C: Wait, no, I just mean, even in the intervening time, we haven't just turned into whatever this episode is. [00:49:47] Speaker D: It's just that started streaming. [00:49:49] Speaker A: We're just live. What's that thing people stream on? [00:49:53] Speaker C: Twitch. [00:49:54] Speaker D: Kick. [00:49:54] Speaker A: Twitch church? [00:49:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:50:00] Speaker D: I actually have devices glued to me that if they donate, it shocks me violently. [00:50:05] Speaker C: There's so much text and no action yet. Holy shit. [00:50:09] Speaker D: Oh, man. [00:50:10] Speaker A: Regular. [00:50:11] Speaker C: Oh, you get to choose the path, yo. Hisoka Path. We got to do it. [00:50:16] Speaker D: No. File level 15. HP 300. Okay, I picked them. Can we go? There we go. [00:50:26] Speaker C: You might have to press start rather than. [00:50:27] Speaker D: Are we good? I had to click him again. [00:50:29] Speaker B: Oh, cool. So he's not like a secret route that you had to play all the other four first to get it? [00:50:36] Speaker C: No, that would not happen till the visual novel. Hunter. Hunter. No, I don't think that's a real thing. I'm just fucking making that up. [00:50:45] Speaker D: This is feeling like a fucking visual. [00:50:46] Speaker B: Novel would actually make a lot of money. [00:50:49] Speaker C: Probably. [00:50:51] Speaker A: This is actually probably how much, like, video games talk in general. It's just we don't understand the language, so harder for us. [00:50:58] Speaker C: Well, keep in mind, so much of, like, adventure games were defined by Japanese games. [00:51:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:03] Speaker D: Damn. Are we in the arena? [00:51:06] Speaker C: They have the anime only ref who was not in the manga. Oh, that. Sorry. The 1999 anime only ref. [00:51:14] Speaker D: Of course. [00:51:16] Speaker C: Oh, it's Hisoka fighting Castro. Why do I remember Castro and not people like Satotes and Hanzo? [00:51:22] Speaker D: I mean, good old Fidel never let us down. [00:51:25] Speaker C: Fair. [00:51:29] Speaker D: Always compute. [00:51:30] Speaker C: Okay, so I think this is going to be our first battle. You're going to get to reenact Hisoka's close up magic number trick. Okay. If you want, you can totally. We can translate what the commands say. Because this might actually be a time where it's worth doing. [00:51:45] Speaker D: You guys could do that. That'd be great. Something happened. [00:51:50] Speaker C: Wait, are you able to spend time between turns or is it making you choose? [00:51:55] Speaker D: I didn't spend time. [00:51:56] Speaker C: Okay, cool. I was worried that it was shooting through. [00:52:01] Speaker D: Just a second. Wow. I tried to get that thing. It just made a blurry image on that. [00:52:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:52:10] Speaker D: Matazi. [00:52:11] Speaker A: The one to the right is just Hunter script. [00:52:14] Speaker D: Yeah, this is all Hunter script. What the. [00:52:16] Speaker A: No, that one's a kanji. [00:52:18] Speaker C: Oh, so it's Hunter script until you go over it, I think. [00:52:21] Speaker A: Oh, cool. I still can't read it, but. Very cool. [00:52:26] Speaker D: Town sign. [00:52:27] Speaker C: Yeah, the second one says Mota and I don't. [00:52:30] Speaker D: Wow. Training. [00:52:31] Speaker A: Familiar. That almost looks like fish. But I don't think that's it. [00:52:35] Speaker D: That means previous. [00:52:39] Speaker C: Oh, maybe like. Oh, maybe it's backwards. [00:52:46] Speaker D: Just twelve. It's just saying twelve for me. [00:52:52] Speaker A: Let me write up Kanchi. I know that conchi. [00:52:56] Speaker C: So fun story. A lot of people play games like this back in the day. Before translations. Before translation patches, people would play imported games and just sit there with a dictionary for hours. That was a step too far, even for me as a kid. [00:53:13] Speaker D: I mean, it could be worse. You could print out all the translation guides from Game FAQ and have to look through the entire giant book of it. But that's why you go to your dad's office and print it out on his works printer. They won't miss 300 sheets paper. [00:53:34] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't know, Patrick. Just make a move, see what happens. [00:53:37] Speaker D: You all move. Dude, he's getting closer to me. [00:53:42] Speaker C: Oh, you did the move back one. Try to the move forward one. See what happens. All the way to the right. I think there was one further to the right. [00:53:54] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:53:55] Speaker C: You're just staring at each other menacingly so far. [00:53:57] Speaker D: Can I get closer, please? Okay, there we go. We're making some fucking. Make some fucking beef stew right now. [00:54:06] Speaker A: Are we winning? Are we losing? Don't know. Oh, I see your little character in the front. [00:54:10] Speaker C: Yep. Now kiss. [00:54:11] Speaker A: Okay. [00:54:13] Speaker C: Yo, can we talk about Hisoka's, like, hit confirm photo, which is just him looking very hot. [00:54:20] Speaker A: Go to the middle one. Maybe that. [00:54:22] Speaker D: There we go. Punching. [00:54:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:54:24] Speaker D: Damn. Look how bloody that dude. Nice. We're 269 guys. [00:54:30] Speaker C: Hell, yeah. We're at 269. [00:54:34] Speaker D: We're at nice percent, you know, 13. [00:54:38] Speaker C: Squared plus ten squared. [00:54:40] Speaker A: The one to the left, I think, is forward. Oh, no, that one's forward. Wait, I'm really confused. [00:54:47] Speaker D: Lots that, dude. [00:54:48] Speaker C: Yeah. I never want to play a game like this in my life. I'm going to put it out there. [00:54:53] Speaker A: Like rock, paper, scissors, but, like, confusing. [00:54:59] Speaker C: Yeah. There were a lot of old school. There was a Yu Hakusho game that we played on that episode that was kind of like this, but minus the spatial quality. [00:55:07] Speaker D: This is just like a tug of war thing where I have to keep moving. [00:55:11] Speaker C: I think it's a tug of war combined with rock, paper, scissors, combined with, like, first level. [00:55:17] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:55:18] Speaker C: We could just own this probably by just pressing forward repeatedly. But I think later, it's kind of like, oh, how much key do I have? How much then do I have? And will that affect the probability of them pulling certain rock, paper, scissors bullshit? Are you just trying to beat him, and then we'll just be done with it? [00:55:40] Speaker D: I'm trying to do whatever I can to get this game to not do things. [00:55:48] Speaker C: Yeah, I read that part, too. [00:55:52] Speaker D: I punch this dude. Please. Dodged it. [00:55:57] Speaker C: Oh, you dodged? Damn. [00:55:58] Speaker A: Okay. [00:55:59] Speaker C: That was sick. [00:56:02] Speaker D: Am I winning, son? [00:56:04] Speaker C: Get his ass. [00:56:07] Speaker D: They call me Patrick. Beader of ass. There you go dodge. That's you. [00:56:18] Speaker C: You're forcing him back. [00:56:20] Speaker D: Yeah, you get back there. [00:56:21] Speaker C: The least action packed battle I've ever seen. [00:56:24] Speaker D: Isn't this game so much fun, guys? [00:56:25] Speaker A: Do you losing this whole time? [00:56:27] Speaker D: We don't know. Yeah, it's like, Patrick, you're really bad at games. It's like you got him to the red. You're not supposed to do that. [00:56:36] Speaker A: And. [00:56:37] Speaker D: Be like, holy shit, Patrick. [00:56:40] Speaker C: I think the thing they actually said is, give him the stick. Don't give him the stick. [00:56:43] Speaker D: Yeah, 50% something that was in. Oh, shit. No, I don't want to do. [00:56:54] Speaker A: That's the goal. [00:57:05] Speaker D: I'm punching him really hard right now. I think. Ow about the fucking Falcon Punch. [00:57:13] Speaker A: That's RHP. [00:57:13] Speaker D: I guess now he dodged it. He dodged my tack. Big genius. [00:57:23] Speaker C: I never want to see this game again. I'm going to put it out there. [00:57:26] Speaker D: Come on. You're not having fun? [00:57:29] Speaker C: You're right. Now that I think about it, this is a blast. [00:57:32] Speaker D: Dude. This is, like the most fun I've ever had in a video game ever. This is making Legend of Zelda look like us looking at paint dry. [00:57:40] Speaker C: Either you're going to say, like, something like Legend of Suck or something. [00:57:43] Speaker D: Legend of Suck. [00:57:44] Speaker A: Do you guys want to know something really heartbreaking since you're talking about video games? [00:57:47] Speaker D: Not really. Please. I'm just joking. [00:57:49] Speaker A: So I have a switch, right? And I have so many hours of, like, Zelda and Hades and Tetris. Tetris on there. But Tetris is talking online, so they just have a lot of hours, like, hundreds of hours logged into my switch for, like, my nephew accidentally took my switch with him on the way to home, and he doesn't live in Arizona. And what had happened was, and I had his switch, so we accidentally switched switches. I was like, oh, no big deal, get mine. Fun fact, he got in trouble and his mom threw away his switch, which was actually my. [00:58:29] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:58:30] Speaker A: All of my stuff is gone. [00:58:33] Speaker D: Back up online, legitimately. [00:58:34] Speaker C: Brutal. [00:58:36] Speaker D: Maybe you backed up online at all. [00:58:39] Speaker A: No, I got all my games back. BUt, like, my Hadesa file, my Delta. [00:58:46] Speaker D: Your Animal Crossing village, both Delta games, too. [00:58:50] Speaker A: So Delta, that's the other history kingdom. Both of them are gone, which I've done so much work in those games that I don't want to restart, even though I currently still have those games. [00:59:03] Speaker D: Again, I'm sorry. [00:59:05] Speaker A: That's a bummer. But that's my tragic story about, did we win? We still won. [00:59:13] Speaker D: Still trying to punch this dude. He's not dying, dude. [00:59:16] Speaker A: We don't know how we'd win. [00:59:17] Speaker C: Yeah. If we don't kill him in the next, like, two moves, I say we switch to the next game. [00:59:21] Speaker D: Okay. I think he should be off the arena. There we go. There we go. We knocked him out of the arena. Yeah. [00:59:26] Speaker C: He's dead. [00:59:27] Speaker D: Yay. Hisoka murdered that dude. [00:59:31] Speaker C: Hisoka killed a man. We've done a universally recognized good. [00:59:35] Speaker D: Exactly. [00:59:43] Speaker C: To be fair, that's also who he texts. He's definitely up there with the Twitter responses that just have claps between every word that say, like, hire more minority prison guards. [00:59:57] Speaker D: Hire more hunter hunters. [01:00:00] Speaker A: His text just said, go and go and go. And, like. [01:00:19] Speaker D: YouTube, because we haven't doxed anybody. So if we did, we would have been good. [01:00:22] Speaker A: They literally wrote, like, ah, wait, did. [01:00:26] Speaker C: They just write. [01:00:29] Speaker A: And then gone? [01:00:30] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. I'm glad we're switching from that game. We never need to play that again. [01:00:34] Speaker D: All right, what's the guided ones? What system is this for? Is this another Wonder Swan? [01:00:46] Speaker C: I think it's a Wonder Swan game. It was released on August 23, 2001. Developed by Bandai. It's another RPG. Oh, fuck. [01:00:56] Speaker A: Is there a music game we can play? I think that'd be fun. [01:00:59] Speaker C: No. And also, this game is just like the one we just played, but it said in York, new. We can skip this game, go to Wonders one, Green Island. [01:01:05] Speaker D: We played it already. This is the one with the Sex thing, remember? [01:01:08] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [01:01:08] Speaker A: This is the one with the sex thing. [01:01:10] Speaker D: Yeah, this is the one with the sex thing. [01:01:14] Speaker B: It also had a very long intro. [01:01:19] Speaker C: Yeah. Let's skip to Wonder Swan, Green Island. We do not need to do this. [01:01:23] Speaker A: Wonder Swan, Green Island. What did the Wonder Swan look like? Did it look like a swan? [01:01:28] Speaker C: No, it just kind of looked like a game boy. But it did have the horizontal form factor that the Game Boy advanced. [01:01:37] Speaker D: Did it looked more like an engage. [01:01:43] Speaker C: Okay, well, the engage didn't exist yet. Also, wait, I forget. Was the wonder Swan one that you could change the rotation because it had buttons on different sides or something? [01:01:51] Speaker D: Fuck if I know. [01:01:52] Speaker C: I never played one. I've played a Neogeo pocket color, and that shit's a blast. [01:01:57] Speaker D: But, yeah, Neogeopocket color is the op, is the greatness. [01:02:02] Speaker A: It doesn't look too bad. It's just awkward because there's, like, one side of buttons only. [01:02:10] Speaker C: This is the auction woman who's built like she's in Pixar. [01:02:13] Speaker A: Oh, well, this could do. Oh, this is pretty good. It's the same console. [01:02:18] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:02:19] Speaker A: Why is he. [01:02:20] Speaker C: Yeah, I was going to say. [01:02:22] Speaker D: Now it looks like it was made. [01:02:24] Speaker C: By, like, a Korean MMO developer in, like, 2006. [01:02:27] Speaker D: I'm trying to get it. Dune. Boom. I'm really dumb. I was about to put the translator up to the two exclamation mark. I'm pretty stupid. [01:02:41] Speaker A: Is it translated on your phone or. What's that guy's name? [01:02:45] Speaker C: Tezgara. [01:02:45] Speaker D: Tesguera. [01:02:46] Speaker C: Yeah, you should see what Google Translate says his name is. [01:02:49] Speaker A: Oh, God. [01:02:50] Speaker D: It says Tezgera for me. [01:02:51] Speaker C: Also, I just realized we have a special guest, apparently Lawson. [01:02:55] Speaker D: Welcome to the chats. Oh, hey, fan. What's up? [01:02:58] Speaker A: My. [01:02:58] Speaker D: Oh, God, my ears. [01:02:59] Speaker C: You're so blown out. [01:03:01] Speaker D: My ears. My ears. [01:03:04] Speaker E: I'm sorry. [01:03:05] Speaker D: Well, I still love you, Lawson. [01:03:07] Speaker E: Hey, sorry about that. How do I sound? [01:03:09] Speaker D: Sound better now. My ears aren't bleeding anymore. [01:03:11] Speaker B: Good. [01:03:11] Speaker E: I apologize. Yeah, I was recording some stuff, and I had my mic turned way up. [01:03:18] Speaker C: I'm so sorry, Megan. Just real quick. Lawson is a friend of ours who runs the Ball Now super podcast shout outs to Ball'n out. Super and talking Naruto, who has guessed it a couple times since you have been. [01:03:33] Speaker A: I thought I met this person, and. [01:03:35] Speaker C: I'm just like, no, you've never met him. So Megan is, like, an OG cast member of our show who has been gone for a while because she was preparing for her wedding. [01:03:45] Speaker E: Oh, congratulations. [01:03:47] Speaker A: Thank you. I'm married. [01:03:49] Speaker D: That's typically what happens after wedding. [01:03:51] Speaker E: So is my co host. He got married this month. [01:03:54] Speaker C: GUess what? They got married together. [01:03:57] Speaker A: We're married. [01:03:58] Speaker D: Hey. [01:04:03] Speaker C: He'S been on our show. [01:04:05] Speaker A: Oh, I know Benell. [01:04:07] Speaker C: No, you don't. [01:04:08] Speaker A: I don't know Benell. I'm not on the show as much as I. [01:04:10] Speaker D: We think we know, Vanelle. We think. I actually don't know. Who. [01:04:22] Speaker E: Is this Pokemon? The Hunter. Hunter. What is happening? [01:04:24] Speaker A: Thank you. [01:04:26] Speaker D: We don't know. We were just dealing with punching a guy on the screen in a turn based strategy until we hit him off screen, and then we stopped playing. [01:04:35] Speaker C: This is a different game. So this one is Wonderswan Greed Island. Released March 24, 2003. Developed by Bandai, it's a tactical RPG with cards and a top down traversal system, and it follows the source closely, apparently pretty deep. So I might be misremembering, but maybe I saw this one being, like, one where you get in sort of, like, Mega Man Battle Network style maps and then punch each other or something. I guess we'll see. Because said, Garrett's about to do your nen test, and I think you'll probably have an intro battle with him is my guess. [01:05:08] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm just trying to get past. Oh, that's that one. [01:05:11] Speaker C: Dude, I forgot about that guy entirely. [01:05:15] Speaker D: He's dead. So does it matter? [01:05:17] Speaker C: Wait, were you just moving that or was it moving it for you? [01:05:21] Speaker D: Out of moving? [01:05:22] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Because it was going fast. Yeah. So we've been running Google translate every once in a while to try to figure out what's being said. So if you get another map, like, if you get another menu like that, let's maybe check. But if we're just going through. Fuck it. He's just saying, whatever, who cares? [01:05:35] Speaker E: Wait, so, Patrick, you playing this? [01:05:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:05:38] Speaker E: Oh, sick. [01:05:39] Speaker D: Playing off my Mr. FPGA. We're streaming. [01:05:45] Speaker A: Wait, how do we do this, Patrick? How do we be illegal? [01:05:49] Speaker D: We download a bunch of games illegally from Internetarchive.com. I typed in Hunter. Hunter games illegally downloading. [01:05:57] Speaker E: 2003 was the original anime. No, the original anime ran for how long? [01:06:05] Speaker D: It's 99 to 2000 at this time. [01:06:07] Speaker C: It was from like. Oh, I think it was from like 99 to 2003 or four. So it was probably still around. Cool. [01:06:16] Speaker A: And they got the details of gold PlayStation there. [01:06:19] Speaker D: This is just the thing with the message from what's his name? Jing news. Yeah. If you think you're going to find out information, you just go f yourself right now. [01:06:31] Speaker C: Yeah. No, I mean, just looking at it. I was just reading it more as, like, I left it all in one piece, et cetera. [01:06:37] Speaker D: Got to go. Got to go. Set sale for one piece. Name of the hentai. [01:06:42] Speaker E: I'm going to be the very best. [01:06:44] Speaker D: Do we want to listen? I mean, this is probably an answer. Self answered. Do we listen to the game description or don't listen to the game's explanation? [01:06:54] Speaker C: What? [01:06:55] Speaker D: So this is the option we have. We have listen to the explanation. Don't listen to the explanation of the game. [01:07:00] Speaker C: Oh, don't listen to the explanation. [01:07:01] Speaker A: We can't read. Can you read? Can someone read? [01:07:08] Speaker C: The Chibi gone is so cute. [01:07:11] Speaker A: It is really cute. This is the best game so far. [01:07:13] Speaker D: Just because it's adorable, I say that we get this band translate. [01:07:19] Speaker C: I like how Kilo just rolled out of your backpack and has cat ears. [01:07:24] Speaker D: It's like, what's his name? Nessico. [01:07:26] Speaker A: Nessico. [01:07:28] Speaker D: R A Pira left. Oh, she's back. [01:07:39] Speaker A: Oh, welcome back. [01:07:42] Speaker C: I'm so glad that we're doing this episode via Discord because otherwise this would be hell to stitch back together. [01:07:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:07:51] Speaker A: What's happening now? [01:07:52] Speaker D: I think we're making out. I don't know. [01:07:55] Speaker C: Okay, please, the God, tell me you get into a match soon, because, like, man. [01:07:59] Speaker D: Yeah. These games are a lot less playable than the Yuhakusho. [01:08:03] Speaker C: Yeah, the Yuhaksho ones were obvious. It was like, it's a fighting game. Fight a dude. [01:08:07] Speaker D: Why is this gotta be so complicated? [01:08:19] Speaker B: Oh, I was just thinking, like, if both of these are, like, kind of. [01:08:25] Speaker E: She cut out. [01:08:26] Speaker C: Yeah, Sarah, you cut out. Okay, Megan, your turn. What were you saying? [01:08:33] Speaker B: This is who. This is what? [01:08:36] Speaker D: Wait, Sarah, you're like, cut out. [01:08:39] Speaker C: We can now. [01:08:42] Speaker B: Okay. I was just saying how I feel like these games are slow because of the style. Like, if it's an RPG, they really have to first show what the world is, who everyone is first, all the slow stuff, before they get into the action. So I think that's why it hasn't really just jumped off. Like, oh, yeah, this is all for fighting. We're going to go to a match right away. [01:09:08] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, for sure. I think this is probably a much more apt genre than fighting game for Hunter Hunter. Just because I think, yeah, u Hawk show is like, hey, it's a fucking action platformer fighter show. While Hunter. Hunter is like, hey, it's a tactics. [01:09:23] Speaker A: Game, like growing up, and we played, what is it? Ten Kaiichi or whatever. [01:09:28] Speaker D: Budha Kai. Ten Kaiichi. [01:09:29] Speaker E: Buddha Kai. [01:09:31] Speaker A: Yeah, Buddha Kai. And things like that. This is what I wanted from it because I wanted a little bit more story and not just like, all right, you're at the tournament now, like Street Fighter style. [01:09:39] Speaker D: Oh, boy. Do I have a game for you. It's called Legacy of Goku. [01:09:43] Speaker C: No, dude, play Kakarot Goku. Or you could play advanced Adventure, which is kind of like a nice medium point where you actually reenact a lot of the stuff from the show, but it's in a cute platformer, DBZRPG style, or. [01:09:57] Speaker E: Oh, it's a platformer. [01:09:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:02] Speaker D: There actually is drama ball games like that if you want to play them. They're actually really good, too. [01:10:06] Speaker C: What the fuck is happening right now? Is that Hisoka that just showed up? [01:10:09] Speaker D: That looks like. [01:10:16] Speaker C: Is this the fucking scissor guy? [01:10:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, it is. [01:10:20] Speaker D: Why does Killoki McAT, like, every couple of. [01:10:24] Speaker E: Even. I don't even know who that is. [01:10:26] Speaker C: Okay, I'm going to. Wait, Patrick, don't press forward. I'm going to Google translate the name, see if it's someone we should know. [01:10:37] Speaker D: Nude. Benault. It's Benault. [01:10:41] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, it's Benault. Oh, my God. Yeah, it's Benault. The scissor guy who eats hair. The guy with the weirdest backstory where it's like, his dad hates him. He eats hair now. [01:10:53] Speaker D: Yeah. You know what? Maybe I'm thinking that I might rethink that. I like Greed Island a bit. [01:10:57] Speaker C: Okay. To be fair, that's like the weirdest part of Greed island, where there's just this non sequitur serial murderer that they let go after torturing him nearly to death. [01:11:07] Speaker A: You didn't do anything to us. It's like, bro, the one guy you probably could kill, maybe you should kill. [01:11:14] Speaker D: Didn't they let go of the bomb? No. They killed the bomber too, I think. [01:11:17] Speaker C: No, they don't kill them. No, but they do hand him over to the cops, which I'm usually not pro cop, but in the case of him, I get it. Okay, so, yeah, here's what I meant by the Mega Man Battle Network thing. So this isn't active. So it's not actually Mega Man Battle Network, but it's a three by eight play field where you're just moving characters across and then having them attack and shit. This actually looks like something I would have loved to play back in the day if I could read it. [01:11:50] Speaker A: It's just like Dungeon Dice Poke. [01:11:53] Speaker C: Did you just compare it to Dungeon Dice Monster? [01:11:57] Speaker D: If you die in the game, you die in real life. It's just like dual monsters, except less Homer erotic or more. [01:12:08] Speaker E: Wanted to play that Mega Man Battle Network game, and I want to rewatch the anime, too. [01:12:13] Speaker C: So. Wait, did you play Battle Network back in the day? [01:12:15] Speaker E: No, I just watched the anime and then I had, like, a friend who had the game, but I never played it. [01:12:19] Speaker C: The battles are incredibly cool. Like having sort of, like the random draw aspect of it's really cool. The problem with Megman Battle Network is that it is the most verbose, terrible boilerplate JRPG storyline of all time. But imagine that combined with Mega Man. So it's just like, oh, this fan program is acting wrong, so there's no ventilation in this building and everyone's going to overheat and die. [01:12:47] Speaker E: It's like, bro, I don't need all that explained. I just want to get on the grid. [01:12:50] Speaker D: Yeah, there we go. [01:12:54] Speaker C: If someone made a rogue legged version of that game, it'd probably be, like, amazing. [01:12:58] Speaker E: Oh, hell yeah. [01:12:58] Speaker D: I like how you're whispering. [01:13:00] Speaker C: I'm whispering now because my girlfriend's going to sleep. [01:13:03] Speaker D: Okay, I thought you just were super excited about that rogue. [01:13:08] Speaker C: No, she was just like, I'm going to sleep. Just maybe think about that. [01:13:13] Speaker E: It's aproposal Whisper. When you start talking about a rogue, like. [01:13:17] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:13:18] Speaker A: Was Hades a rogue? Like. [01:13:20] Speaker C: Yes. [01:13:24] Speaker D: I was actually talking about that. [01:13:26] Speaker C: Really? [01:13:26] Speaker D: Like, Baroque. Have any of you ever played that game, Baroka Baroque? [01:13:32] Speaker C: Was that a PS one or PS two game? [01:13:34] Speaker D: There was a PS two and Wi. [01:13:36] Speaker C: Yeah. I never played it, but it was, like the first time I ever heard someone compare a game to Rogue. Because I had never heard of Rogue. [01:13:42] Speaker E: The original Rogue. [01:13:43] Speaker C: Yeah, the original Rogue. I'd never heard of it until, I think, just like, someone in EGM was like, oh, this is kind of like this ancient game, Rogue. And I was like, what the fuck is that? [01:13:54] Speaker E: The OG. Roguelike? Well, it wasn't a roguelike, because it is Rogue. [01:13:59] Speaker A: Wait, Rogue was a game? I thought. [01:14:01] Speaker C: Yeah, Rogue was. Rogue was a game from, like, I forget if it was the late 70s or early 80s, but it's a dungeon crawler. And, yes, Megan, it does eventually go back to DND because while it's not a party based thing and it's not social, some of the model of the way combat and stuff was done. And also the idea of the character archetype of a Rogue. [01:14:23] Speaker A: Oh, it's that Rogue. Oh, my God. [01:14:27] Speaker D: Like from X Men. [01:14:31] Speaker E: Yes, exactly. [01:14:32] Speaker C: Yes. She's hot and Southern. [01:14:34] Speaker D: I mean, that's all I wanted. [01:14:36] Speaker A: Wasn't my favorite character. Her and Elliot Page's character. Kitty. [01:14:42] Speaker E: Yeah, Kitty. [01:14:44] Speaker C: I was referring to the 90s animated series. [01:14:46] Speaker D: No. [01:14:47] Speaker E: Then she goes on to true Blood. [01:14:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:14:50] Speaker E: Anna Paklin, everyone's favorite show. [01:14:56] Speaker B: I do love the cartoon of X Men. Just because everyone was so dramatic, the way they talked. Especially Rogue. Especially Storm. Storm was like, girl, wait, real quick. [01:15:10] Speaker C: Kilo had just died through Patrick's inaction. [01:15:16] Speaker D: I was trying to heal up, but it wouldn't let me heal up. I'm trying to kill this dude. It's. Let me smoke him. [01:15:23] Speaker C: Although you keep walking backwards. [01:15:26] Speaker E: First comes rock, right? [01:15:27] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm trying to punch this dude to. [01:15:28] Speaker E: Death, but I think that's what. [01:15:30] Speaker D: Okay, I think I'm dead. I am dead. [01:15:34] Speaker E: Wait, you don't have an end yet because you just started it. [01:15:37] Speaker D: Oh, maybe it's like one of those things where I have to die. [01:15:42] Speaker C: Okay, maybe Bisky comes in now. Maybe that was a battle you had to lose. And Bisky's like, oh, tutorial. Yeah. Oh, man, that'd suck if you're a tutorial battle. Well, one, it sucks to do it in a language you don't understand, so you don't know you're supposed to lose, but, like, right. [01:15:56] Speaker D: Fuck. Okay. [01:15:59] Speaker E: Yeah. Okay, now you're gonna whip. Now you're gonna. [01:16:01] Speaker D: Yeah, I was gonna say that was a bit unfair. I literally could not heal up. [01:16:05] Speaker C: Are you controlling Bisky or is she. [01:16:07] Speaker D: I'm controlling Bisky character. [01:16:09] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Because if she was a guest character and just smashed this guy, I would think it was the funniest thing on the planet. [01:16:15] Speaker A: Don't worry. [01:16:16] Speaker D: Can I smash incredibly? [01:16:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:16:25] Speaker D: I mean, I'm used to it. [01:16:26] Speaker C: Okay, once we kill this guy, we need to switch games. [01:16:30] Speaker D: I'm going to heal this up. I'm trying to find the heal up myself button. You use. Nen. [01:16:40] Speaker E: This really puts your perspective on pace of JRPGs. [01:16:45] Speaker C: Wait, aren't you at full HP? I think you're looking at your. [01:16:47] Speaker D: No, AP. I'm trying to raise up my AP. [01:16:50] Speaker C: Oh, it's probably not heal. I think it's like, yeah, I forgot. [01:16:53] Speaker D: What the button was. I keep missing when I hit this dude. That's why I was losing. [01:17:03] Speaker C: Is frontality a thing? Like, if you get behind him, does it do something? Wait, did you just punch around a corner? Also, Bisky hits fucking hard. I guess that's canonically accurate. [01:17:12] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:17:15] Speaker E: Killer doesn't have God speed yet, though. [01:17:19] Speaker C: Biscuit's damage animation, where her eyes is huge is very funny to me. [01:17:24] Speaker D: Can't hit him. I'm going to try to raise my cap again. [01:17:31] Speaker C: Have you guys played crypto the Necro dancer? [01:17:33] Speaker D: I have. [01:17:35] Speaker E: Sounds really familiar. [01:17:36] Speaker D: Pretty bad rhythm. [01:17:37] Speaker C: Roguelike. I love it. The reason I bring it up is I feel this game could be helped a lot by being, one, set the music, and two, you have to speed up. [01:17:48] Speaker E: Yes. [01:17:48] Speaker D: It'd be fun. If this is crypto the Necro dancer. [01:17:51] Speaker C: I think a lot of games would be improved by being crypto the Necro dancer. Like a bomber man. Roguelike. [01:17:58] Speaker E: That's the problem with most games is they aren't crypto the Necro dancer. [01:18:01] Speaker C: Truly, I really just need a bomber man. Roguelike. [01:18:03] Speaker A: Is that a new game? [01:18:05] Speaker E: Oh, that'd be sick. [01:18:07] Speaker C: Wait, Crystal and Necro Dancer is from 2015? I was going to say that was eight years ago, just so you know. [01:18:16] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:18:17] Speaker E: But then the last decade is 21. [01:18:19] Speaker C: That's fair. My cut off for retro is ten years earlier than whatever the current time period is. [01:18:24] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:18:25] Speaker C: Okay, we've killed that man. So let's kill this game and switch to the GBA game. Forbidden Treasure, which I guess it's a GBC game. I lied to you. Oh, this is one I actually wanted to play. This is the only one on the list that I'm like, this looks fun. Is that something that you can switch in place or should we just keep recording? [01:18:52] Speaker D: I'm switching in place right now. They know about it. [01:18:55] Speaker C: Okay, well, the next game, I'll just tell you guys a little bit about it. So it is forbidden treasure. It was made April twelveth, 2001, developed by Konami. It's a quote unquote adventure game, but really, I'm going to spoiler for you guys. It's made by Konami. It's just Castlevania. It's a Castlevania game starring the 100 characters. [01:19:17] Speaker E: Okay, that sounds awesome. [01:19:19] Speaker D: Actually sounds a little bit less frustrating. [01:19:21] Speaker C: But pre symphony of the night, Castlevania. So it's like Castlevania one through four and know Rondo of Blood. [01:19:31] Speaker D: That's really good. [01:19:32] Speaker C: Yeah, I love Rondo of do. I do think it's a really weird fucking game, though. I only played through it the first time a couple years ago. And just like, the finding Maria and all that stuff and just how much she made that game. Like, it was fun just playing through the game in what was effectively easy mode. Because I'm like, you know what? I don't need to put up with classic Castlevania bullshit in terms of just, like, getting hit off cliffs and stuff. [01:19:55] Speaker D: That's fair. [01:19:58] Speaker C: How's it going with the tech thing? Oh, sorry, Lawson, go ahead. [01:20:01] Speaker E: I was just curious, what was the game of the year a decade ago? So I just googled that. So a decade ago, grand theft Auto five, the last of Us from BioShock Infinite came out. [01:20:11] Speaker C: I feel so old that. That was ten years ago. That's insane to me. [01:20:15] Speaker A: Yes. [01:20:17] Speaker D: It's the forbidden treasure one is wrong. Guda Treasure. [01:20:22] Speaker C: It's Game Boy Color. [01:20:31] Speaker D: It's Game Boy Color. Scheme of color. [01:20:36] Speaker C: Yeah, I think I just put in the GBA section because I was thinking in terms of, like, GBA can just play this. [01:20:43] Speaker E: Also. Injustice gods among us. Injustice gods among us. [01:20:50] Speaker D: Not among us. [01:20:52] Speaker E: The other among us. [01:20:53] Speaker C: God damn it. [01:20:54] Speaker E: That was like, 2016, I think. [01:20:57] Speaker D: All right, so it's going to be which one it was again? [01:21:01] Speaker C: Forbidden treasure. [01:21:03] Speaker D: Is that Kino no heho? [01:21:07] Speaker C: I'm going to look that up. I think Heho is treasure, but I don't know it. I mean, just do it. I think Kino is treasure. Hijo is no heho. I wonder if it's just different. Kanji. The reason I know that is because there was a game called Treasure of the Rudras, which I think the name was Rudra no Hiho. [01:21:28] Speaker D: All right, this will be much more playable. Guinea Two five means Haska. Well, can you not? People call them hunters. I'm just going to skip that. [01:21:40] Speaker C: Yeah, man, these classic Game Boy Color visuals. Honestly, this looks really good for a Game Boy color game, because usually the color would not be this well done. [01:21:52] Speaker A: I mean, to be fair, you wouldn't be able to tell on an original Game Boy color because it did have a backlight. So you're not playing. [01:21:58] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:21:59] Speaker C: Hey, man, you just had to put it under the worm light. [01:22:02] Speaker D: Forget the magnifying glass. [01:22:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I had the one. Hell yeah, dude. Castlevania. [01:22:08] Speaker D: Shit. [01:22:08] Speaker C: Let's go. [01:22:09] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Finally, an actual game. [01:22:12] Speaker A: What are you attacking? Gong would never attack that. [01:22:16] Speaker D: He's a very abusive person. [01:22:18] Speaker A: What is he using a yoyo? [01:22:21] Speaker C: No, he's using the fishing rod. [01:22:23] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:22:29] Speaker C: It was blessed with the soul of the dead lover of Leon Belmont. That's the canonical reason that it has the power to kill the undead. [01:22:37] Speaker D: These tree shapes are looking very chicken. [01:22:42] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what he's thinking. [01:22:45] Speaker D: What was the guy that did the extends HR Geeger? [01:22:49] Speaker C: Oh, you're thinking of fucking Cronenberg. Cronenberg? [01:22:53] Speaker D: Yeah, there's some Cronenberg ass looking trees. [01:22:57] Speaker A: I never really understood that reference. [01:22:59] Speaker C: Cronenberg is a director who made a bunch of movies about like, what if you had a second bottle? [01:23:07] Speaker E: And also, what if you wanted to have sex in a car with people in a car crash. [01:23:12] Speaker C: That's fair. Every time people bring up crash and they mean the other one, I always think they mean that one. It's just like, what if we just disfigured ourselves and had sex? [01:23:22] Speaker E: What if you could Bang Holly Hunter in a car after you had an accident? [01:23:30] Speaker C: Don't worry, this is not a thing you should. You're not going to be quiz on this later. [01:23:35] Speaker E: I can't believe. I mean, I will brought up existence. By the way, how many people have seen that movie? [01:23:39] Speaker C: You mean Patrick brings up existence all the time and he always, like, I always forget because he brings it up as it extends, and I correct him and then he laughs, which reminds me, like, oh, yeah, he makes me fucking correct him every time. [01:23:51] Speaker E: Patrick, I love that you bring that movie up. I'm like, I saw that movie as a teenager, and I don't know anyone. [01:23:56] Speaker D: Else who's ever seen it. There's a podcast, me and Joe listening called May 64, and they did a thing called, it's like, called a bad video roundup where they would go to a used video store. I forgot what the name of it was. It's like a bookman's or something like that. [01:24:12] Speaker C: Yeah, it was in San Diego. [01:24:13] Speaker D: Yeah, they would get like really bad movies and existends was one of them. They're describing it and I just. Why can't I move forward? Oh, there we go. That was weird. [01:24:24] Speaker E: Are you stuck in the mud? [01:24:25] Speaker D: Okay, let me move forward. [01:24:26] Speaker C: Wait, is this a new level? [01:24:28] Speaker D: I know, I died. [01:24:29] Speaker C: Oh, you died. [01:24:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:24:31] Speaker E: Oh, you did. You fell. [01:24:33] Speaker C: This is classic Konami difficulty, man. [01:24:35] Speaker D: Maybe go all the way to the beginning. [01:24:37] Speaker C: Try entering the Konami code. [01:24:39] Speaker D: Hold on. Up down, left right, left right. I fucked it. [01:24:43] Speaker E: Up. [01:24:44] Speaker D: Up down, left right, left right. B A start. [01:24:47] Speaker C: You might need to do it on the pause menu or some shit. [01:24:50] Speaker D: Up down, left right, left right. [01:24:54] Speaker C: Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. [01:24:58] Speaker E: Isn't it B-A-B-A select start. [01:25:01] Speaker D: Is it B-A-B-A select start? [01:25:03] Speaker E: I've never played Konami game. [01:25:08] Speaker C: That sounds about right. [01:25:11] Speaker D: I love DDR because I was too. [01:25:14] Speaker A: Lazy to stand up as a child. [01:25:15] Speaker D: To be fair though, that mat kind of sucked, so I don't believe. [01:25:18] Speaker A: Yeah, the rolling mat. It's like not a real. [01:25:21] Speaker C: Oh, it's definitely going to fucking fuck up your joint. [01:25:26] Speaker D: Can I jump please? [01:25:30] Speaker E: Oh my God. [01:25:31] Speaker C: Yeah. I thought you fell to your death. [01:25:33] Speaker D: This jumping sucks. I feel like the Avgn. I found a box. [01:25:37] Speaker A: Thanks. [01:25:39] Speaker C: It feels like AVGn. Please tell me what your thoughts about this dog shit diarrhea game, please. [01:25:46] Speaker D: Unless you want to puke. [01:25:49] Speaker C: You actually do like the visual effects on the background. [01:25:52] Speaker D: Oh, did I mention I met that dude? I don't know if I did. I don't think you mentioned. [01:25:57] Speaker C: Surprise me. [01:25:58] Speaker D: When I went to Prgee, I met him and we just talked about Drew's. [01:26:02] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [01:26:03] Speaker D: That makes very. Yeah, you're probably thinking, that's very Patrick. We talked about the clown though. The alcohol clown. [01:26:12] Speaker C: Oh my God. [01:26:14] Speaker D: Pretty fun. Why am I fighting zombies again? Also, how do I get more health back? [01:26:22] Speaker E: Can you use your AP for anything or like, abilities? [01:26:27] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, health. [01:26:27] Speaker C: I guess he can later in the story. Like, I wonder if it's like he meets like wing or some shit he needs to learn. [01:26:33] Speaker D: Yeah, it's not. Let me use that. Health. Oh, it's AP. [01:26:44] Speaker C: Holy fuck. [01:26:45] Speaker D: Some health would be nice. [01:26:47] Speaker E: Good thing your attack stopped them. [01:26:49] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:26:51] Speaker C: If you didn't have just like hit confirm, you would be fucking dead. Or a hit. Done. [01:26:59] Speaker D: Nice troll. Classic Konami troll. [01:27:05] Speaker C: Yeah, you actually have to get the freeze. The freeze fishing rod in order to climb on those guys. [01:27:12] Speaker D: Fair. I got the battery. [01:27:18] Speaker C: This is like, what if I just. [01:27:20] Speaker D: Get a Codex call. [01:27:22] Speaker C: Yeah, it does feel like you got a Codex call. Holy shit. [01:27:24] Speaker D: Killua. Looks like someone has broken in here before. I don't know who dropped it, but I found the trunk with my phone in it. [01:27:34] Speaker C: Okay. Does it feel like the script for this was written by people who fucking worked on Silent Hill? [01:27:41] Speaker D: Kinda. But didn't kill would just go to bed. [01:27:44] Speaker C: Cryptic and sort of eerie. [01:27:45] Speaker D: Well, it just scared me. I said didn't kill would just go to bed. So that's kind of creepy somehow. Use it. Yeah. I'll call Leorio. All is next. Okay. I guess we're staying in the air. [01:28:03] Speaker C: Talking that you're just in a cave taking multiple cell phone calls, levitating in. [01:28:10] Speaker D: The air, mind you. My God. Can I get back to the plot, please? [01:28:21] Speaker C: He's probably telling you all about how cell phones work. [01:28:23] Speaker D: Yeah. Intriguing. Thank you. Thank you, Leroy, for all your information. [01:28:29] Speaker C: Wait, Megan. [01:28:30] Speaker E: How to use your special moves. [01:28:32] Speaker C: Oh man, I hope that's true. [01:28:36] Speaker D: I feel like dark side Phil right now is skipping through. [01:28:43] Speaker E: More treasure. [01:28:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I was like, dude, you're going to drown. [01:28:45] Speaker E: Oh my God. [01:28:48] Speaker A: I just realized you're swimming. [01:28:50] Speaker D: How do I like Ross? [01:28:52] Speaker A: What, do you jump on the frog? [01:28:54] Speaker C: I think you might need to come back here once you have swimming powers. [01:28:58] Speaker E: Yeah, it's probably class. [01:28:59] Speaker A: Oh. [01:29:00] Speaker E: The enemies respond. [01:29:01] Speaker D: One did as fuck. So who the fuck was. [01:29:05] Speaker A: Who was that? [01:29:06] Speaker C: Okay, new game. [01:29:07] Speaker D: Yeah. This game? Yeah. Mandela. Nelson Mandela came and was like, you suck at this game, dude. Just like. [01:29:15] Speaker C: Oh, I thought you said. [01:29:19] Speaker A: Oh, I did. Because I misspoke. [01:29:21] Speaker D: But that sounds good. The Nandella GameCube. [01:29:24] Speaker C: Okay. The next one's operation. All my friends. [01:29:28] Speaker D: Is that the Game Boy advanced one? [01:29:31] Speaker C: Yeah, this is GBA. I'll read out the vital stats while you look it up. But it was released March 24, 2003. It was developed by Konami. It's an RPG. It's a simulation that's apparently boring. You play as a custom character. [01:29:43] Speaker D: Wow, that's fucking in the description. That's a good sign. It's boring. Thank you, editor realizing. [01:29:52] Speaker C: But it basically appears to be like a minigame collection set in like a cozy Animal crossing. [01:29:58] Speaker A: I love that. [01:29:59] Speaker E: That sounds cute. [01:30:01] Speaker A: It does sound like kind of. I love minigames. That's my favorite part of those games. [01:30:08] Speaker C: Okay. The visual style of this is pretty cool. [01:30:14] Speaker A: Deepest. [01:30:17] Speaker D: Why can I. Oh, why can't I just pick through five through nine? [01:30:22] Speaker A: Because there's probably another page I can. [01:30:25] Speaker D: I'm hitting R. This is all I get? [01:30:27] Speaker C: Wait, if you press up and down, what happens? [01:30:29] Speaker D: Oh, there we go. I was waiting for that. [01:30:34] Speaker C: Oh, I thought you were looking up for six nine. I thought you were going to do six nine, so fine. [01:30:42] Speaker D: Do I have, like, the letter? Do I have, like, Ramanji? I don't think I have Ramanji. [01:30:47] Speaker C: I think you would have to do it in Kana and then we'd have to figure out what's so and Phi. [01:30:51] Speaker D: We're just going to be six. 9420. [01:30:53] Speaker C: I think that works. [01:30:58] Speaker D: Can I hit? [01:30:59] Speaker C: Okay, if you hit, start, what happens? Or if you hit, select, what happens? [01:31:04] Speaker D: Nothing. Okay, there we go. That's weird. We're 20. Born on June. [01:31:13] Speaker C: April 20 through April 20. [01:31:15] Speaker D: Okay. No, I did that backwards. It has to be. [01:31:20] Speaker A: Wait, no, that's month. [01:31:22] Speaker D: Okay. Damn it. Why the Japanese have to not be British? [01:31:27] Speaker C: Hey, man, thAt's the moon. Sorry, Megan. Wait, is this the fucking nen divination test? But it's a roulette wheel. [01:31:37] Speaker A: Yes. [01:31:40] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Are you an enhancer? Because you've got the top spot. [01:31:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:31:44] Speaker E: This is how they figure out what wishing house you're in. [01:31:46] Speaker A: Right. [01:31:47] Speaker D: I'll be enhancing that weed, if you know what I'm saying. [01:31:53] Speaker C: I think your character accidentally looks like Alika. Oh, my God. Holy shit. Was this made by, like. Oh, no, this is by Konami. But that menu system looks exactly like Golden sun to the point where I'm just like, wait, did fucking Camelot work on this? [01:32:12] Speaker D: Yeah, Camelot was like, you know what? Fuck shining Force. Let's win the under under game. [01:32:17] Speaker C: Dude, this looks like they just took the fucking sprites from Golden sun and made them shittier. [01:32:22] Speaker E: It looks a lot like Golden Sun. [01:32:23] Speaker A: You're right. [01:32:24] Speaker D: I wouldn't be surprised if somebody looks it up and see if Camelot has credit on it. [01:32:30] Speaker A: Are you as lost as me when they name up references to video games or do you know these games? [01:32:36] Speaker B: I do not know these games lost as well. [01:32:40] Speaker C: So Golden sun was a JRPG series that I really like, but it's pretty much part of the reason that I think about the Roman Empire every other day. [01:32:49] Speaker D: I was thinking 911 a lot, right? [01:32:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:32:54] Speaker A: That's our Roman Empire. [01:32:55] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay, remember, guys, we're streaming. This is not editable. [01:33:04] Speaker D: Oh, fuck. [01:33:05] Speaker C: Gav Lawson wasn't here when we explained this. [01:33:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, it doesn't matter. We haven't seen it say anything really bad yet. [01:33:11] Speaker C: To be fair, Megan was here when we explained this. [01:33:15] Speaker D: This is actually a Hunter Hunter game. I'm slightly doubting this is a Hunter Hunter game. [01:33:19] Speaker C: I mean, this is a Hunter Hunter game. [01:33:21] Speaker A: You're like an OC. [01:33:23] Speaker C: Yeah, you're an OC. Do not steal. [01:33:25] Speaker D: OC. Do not steal. My favorite. [01:33:30] Speaker C: Okay, so I will give this game this. It is very cute. And if the minigames are any fun, this seems like it could be cute. [01:33:37] Speaker A: How do we get to the minigames? [01:33:38] Speaker D: That's the trick. [01:33:40] Speaker C: This honestly feels like a game that was targeted at female Hunter Hunter fans, which is really cool that they did that, actually. [01:33:49] Speaker B: It's interesting how you have two games so far where you can make your own character, which for an Amy series, I'm kind of surprised this is a thing, because I always feel like when you go for, like, a very well known series, you usually would want to play the characters that you're familiar with. So I find it cool that they made games where you can make your own wonder if it's just because Hunter Hunter is so huge that people can easily imagine their own characters that they could play. [01:34:24] Speaker C: I could definitely see that. I also think the power system is so well realized that they're like, let's just play in that space. But then I think about this particular game, and it's like, I'm 99% sure you do not use Nen for battle in any way. So it's more just like, you're right. Probably just the world is big. [01:34:39] Speaker D: Also, I want to say that there's voice acting right now going on for real. [01:34:44] Speaker C: How does it like. Please do an impression of how good it sounds. Oh, yeah. Please do not do it in Japanese. [01:34:54] Speaker D: There's oscript. It stopped every time. Damn. It stopped doing. [01:35:04] Speaker C: Wait, what's going on? [01:35:05] Speaker D: Nothing. We keep going. [01:35:07] Speaker C: Okay. I was going to say, though, how would you describe the quality of how the voice sounds? [01:35:13] Speaker D: Like Animal Crossing voices? Yeah. You know, like in GameCube. Like, with how scrunched that sound. It sounded just like that. [01:35:22] Speaker C: I was. I was wondering if it was that or if it was more like fucking Starfox. Like, good. [01:35:27] Speaker D: They're speaking. She's speaking. There's. He's speaking Japanese. That's misgender Tropica. [01:35:37] Speaker C: Okay, so, wow, there's actual voice samples. That's cool. How do they compare to when those water wraiths from, like, Castlevania circle of the Moon fucking explode when they scream? [01:35:49] Speaker D: Pretty better quality than that, actually. [01:35:52] Speaker C: Really? Because that's pretty high quality sounds just. [01:35:54] Speaker D: Like mono scrunched, bit scrunched up audio. It still looks pretty good. [01:36:00] Speaker C: Also, this fucking transition is really cool looking, but feels a little too dramatic for, I don't know, walking through a hallway. [01:36:11] Speaker A: It. [01:36:21] Speaker D: I understood that Requiem. [01:36:26] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Wait, is this fucking like Kurda lore? I'm going to look at Google Translate real quick because I'm just wondering if they just wrote some fake lore. It is written that in part Pick Village. Since ancient times, there has been a creature with the same scarlet eyes as our Karta. Oh, yeah, I remember reading this as partially a game about Kurapika being like, there are people who look like the karta here. Maybe there's Secret karta. [01:36:57] Speaker D: I was expecting when you said it's written, I thought you were going to say it is written. That only link can. [01:37:02] Speaker C: I mean, it does kind of feel like that. [01:37:07] Speaker D: Fuck. I don't know what to say. [01:37:09] Speaker A: Fucking one's a negative and one's a positive. The bottom one's negative. [01:37:15] Speaker D: Follow Karapika, don't follow. [01:37:20] Speaker C: Yeah, you should follow Karapika. [01:37:21] Speaker D: I'd never not follow. [01:37:26] Speaker E: I was missing Karapika from the other games, to be honest. [01:37:30] Speaker C: Sorry. Wait, what about Karapika in the other games? [01:37:33] Speaker E: Oh, I was missing Karopika from the other games. [01:37:36] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, you missed one game where we had a choice between which of the main five we followed and we just chose Hisoka because we're like, I don't know, we'll get up to something fucking stupid. [01:37:48] Speaker E: I was going to say five. Oh, Hisoka was one of them. [01:37:51] Speaker C: Yeah, and they grouped them weird too. Because they only gave you four options because Gon and Kilo were like a package deal. [01:38:04] Speaker D: Is it me or is this art of Krapka just really fucking bad? [01:38:07] Speaker C: I mean, I think it's supposed to be shocked, but frames looks bad. Yeah. [01:38:14] Speaker D: All right. We accomplished nothing. [01:38:22] Speaker C: Are you not allowed to go into the fucking shrine anymore? [01:38:24] Speaker A: Oh, wait. Go into the tree. What's that guy? Is that a dog? [01:38:28] Speaker D: Doesn't let me get in there. [01:38:30] Speaker C: Is it just like a pervert? [01:38:32] Speaker D: Yeah, it won't let me get through the trees. [01:38:35] Speaker C: You need to use cut. [01:38:37] Speaker D: I only have broom. [01:38:41] Speaker C: Well, I think you need to trade your broom. You need to trade your broom for a sword or an axe. [01:38:47] Speaker D: Brian Crapica freaking left. [01:38:50] Speaker C: Okay, talk to that person who's on the main screen because were they there before? The green haired person. [01:38:54] Speaker D: Which one? [01:38:56] Speaker C: Go back and then go down the stairs. There's a green haired person was walking around. No, go right and just go down. I saw a green haired person, but. Oh, there they are. Was that person there before? [01:39:05] Speaker D: I don't think so. Talk to them. Worst case, if they don't turn up. [01:39:09] Speaker C: Anything interesting, then let's fucking switch to. [01:39:10] Speaker D: The next game I have to go down more stick. Apparently you can't go across that. Another green haired person. I'll fuck. Yeah, sure. [01:39:27] Speaker C: Oh, actually, this might be the last game we play right now because I think all the other games are PS one and up, which we kind of said we weren't going to do. [01:39:34] Speaker D: So. [01:39:34] Speaker C: Yeah, feel free to take a little bit of time about this. We could just talk about whatever the fuck you. [01:39:38] Speaker D: We can do the PS one. [01:39:42] Speaker C: I think this one would have a long intro because the next one that comes up is basically a mystery dungeon game, which means there'd be a huge thing where they're like, here's how you fucking go through a dungeon. [01:39:51] Speaker D: No, say it for next time if you want to do that. I'm good. Whatever. [01:39:57] Speaker C: Oh, wait. Okay. There's actually one called the Stolen Aura Stone, which I think will be more illustrative because it's a real time card battle game with custom character that sends you along your way with a personality test. [01:40:11] Speaker B: There's a lot of custom character games for these. [01:40:15] Speaker E: Finally. Well, the genre we asked for. [01:40:17] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Real time card battle. Like in Hunter. Hunter. That sounds so sick. Also, it has a very interesting release date that we'll talk about. [01:40:27] Speaker E: Is it 911? [01:40:29] Speaker C: It's close. [01:40:31] Speaker E: I had a feeling. [01:40:32] Speaker D: I had a feeling. I don't know what game I just picked. [01:40:39] Speaker C: Well, it's from Japan. [01:40:51] Speaker D: Uberore. What's the one we have to do? [01:40:54] Speaker C: Yeah. Do this one or a stone? [01:40:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:40:59] Speaker C: Let's hope they load because I know the PS one core is not super stable. Right. [01:41:09] Speaker D: The unstable one. [01:41:14] Speaker C: Famous last words. [01:41:15] Speaker D: Yeah, that one loaded for real. [01:41:18] Speaker C: Fuck. [01:41:28] Speaker D: Here we go. [01:41:30] Speaker C: Hell yeah. Okay, this will be the final game we play. This one actually seems really cool. Like, between this and the Castlevania game, these seem like the ones that I would want to play. And actually the one you were just playing, while it's not my style of game, I definitely appreciate it. Seems like it was much better Put together than many other things we played. Can you tell me a little bit. [01:41:52] Speaker D: About this game while I load the volume? So it's. [01:41:54] Speaker C: So the stolen aura Stone. PS one. Release date September 27, 2001 Developed by Bandai, it's an RPG. It's real time card battle. Custom character. You make a custom character with a personality test to make your nen type play a character whose village is attacked by the Phantom troop, and you're picked up by Netero and you play like a numeric suited card game. And then I wrote very numeric in all caps. So I'm kind of worried what that's going to mean. I'm just imagining they're just going to have you do math. [01:42:24] Speaker D: Did you say do math meth or math? [01:42:27] Speaker C: Math. Mathematics. [01:42:30] Speaker D: Okay. I was like, hopefully we're not doing that. [01:42:33] Speaker C: Oh, did you not have presets for PS one? [01:42:37] Speaker D: I didn't. We should be good now then. [01:42:39] Speaker C: Sounds good. I'm guessing this is a name. All right. Patrick is naming himself butt man. [01:43:07] Speaker D: Classic butt man fucking. [01:43:12] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Wow. We're going to need some. [01:43:17] Speaker D: What would you do if your friends were arguing with each other? One. Take sides with the advantage. Be on the side of your best friend. Listen to the story and come to mutually acceptable conclusions. I'm supposed to be sad? [01:43:27] Speaker C: This is the personality test. [01:43:28] Speaker D: I'm going with my best friend. I'm ride or die. All right, question number two. Thinking. Oh, wait. What would you bring out if you thought your house was on fire? Bring out what most important to me. Talking, taking money or expensive things or. Don't take anything away. I want the money. Number three. Question number three. I'm carrying an injured friend on my back. What if someone tells me to go? What does that mean? Tells me someone to go. Tells me to go. You mean like leave them there? [01:44:01] Speaker C: I think probably the injured friend is telling you to go on without them and it's, what would you do? Take them with me? Go ahead without them? [01:44:09] Speaker D: Or where do you tell a lie? Not. I like this. When you tell a lie, one of them is not lit. [01:44:22] Speaker C: Megan has to head out. Or I guess she already headed out, but later. Yeah, it was Great having her back on, but hopefully you'll see more of her again in the future. But, yeah, Patrick, continue. [01:44:30] Speaker D: We'll do not lit. Oh, God. Okay, question number five. What would you do if you got into a fight with a friend? I'm guilty of it myself. Wait for other person to apologize. Never speak again. Never speak again. Obviously, don't get in a fight with me. [01:44:45] Speaker C: Really? Weirdly inconsistent with being right or die. [01:44:50] Speaker D: Listen, I never said I was consistent. Question number six. When you feel like giving up on something, what is it that gets you back on your feet? Someone close to you. Different goals. Hours. I'm going to go with hours. [01:45:03] Speaker C: This is a very erratic personality test. You're going to get specialist. [01:45:07] Speaker D: I understand your personality. This is my medical record. Strength, release, gross ingredients. I don't think. [01:45:17] Speaker C: No, I can tell you what those are. It's enhancement emission transmutation specialization. What the fuck do they call summoning? Is it realization or material conjuring? That's it? Yeah. [01:45:39] Speaker D: What's the one I got? The top one. [01:45:43] Speaker C: Your specialty. Let me look. That? Oh, yeah. I guess that is your specialty. So the top one is enhancement. [01:45:51] Speaker D: Dang. You have to be erratic. But, man, with that enhancement. Let's kill him. What now? [01:45:59] Speaker E: So you're like Uvigan, I guess, right? [01:46:01] Speaker D: Yeah, I guess. [01:46:01] Speaker C: He's not that specialized, so he's a bit of an all rounder, but with like, his primary strength being bite somebody. Okay, Sarah also has to head out, but thank you for joining us. [01:46:16] Speaker D: Thank you, Sarah. Thanks for joining us. [01:46:22] Speaker C: Okay, so this looks like it's something about your family getting killed. I guess. [01:46:26] Speaker D: Nice. [01:46:27] Speaker C: War crimes happening. [01:46:29] Speaker D: War crimes? Old man? What do you want, old man? [01:46:31] Speaker C: I have a feeling this guy's probably telling you how to get away and save yourself or something. But let me check. [01:46:36] Speaker D: Steal the aura from the Chaka. Gone, baby. [01:46:42] Speaker C: Oh, so it's saying that the Phantom trooper formidable thieves would steal the Aura Stone from you, Butt man. That's unfortunate. [01:46:51] Speaker D: I understand. Help Buttman saving the day. Give back the Orestone to the youngEr. Yes. You. All the wares of Kashi Village were defeated by the Bannock's only children. Elderly that weren't slaughtered. Her. The young only young man. Dang. Why am I. Why did I survive? It's gay. Elder, I am the son of a warrior, like my father and mother. I will definitely get the Orestone back. That's right. My previous parents were great warriors. I was worried about my hair. Same dude about my hair. [01:47:27] Speaker C: I feel that's probably not what he said. There's, like, no fucking way. [01:47:31] Speaker D: I was worried about my hair too. I'm the same way. Dude, I was going to skip this. You don't need to get the basic gist. He's a sad email kid. Parents died, and then he started an emo pop punk band with Bald Duke and named it Battalika build the Tiger. Dude, wait. [01:47:55] Speaker C: What the fuck was that? Wait, was that someone just dressed up as a tiger who just punched you in the face? Or is it an actual tiger? Okay. [01:48:02] Speaker D: Find out soon. Oh, fuck. One six. [01:48:12] Speaker C: Okay, I'm really worried that we're effectively playing, like, a Japanese traditional card game that we don't know the rules of and that expects you to know everything about. Wait. I'm going to try reading what it says on the cards because maybe they're actually related to the nen types because one of them looks familiar. Oh, yeah. I think they are related to the 9th. [01:48:45] Speaker D: Fine. Try that. [01:48:50] Speaker C: Well, you should find the one that most matches your. It is interesting how the graphics for the main character look good, but all the UI looks kind of okay. Like, the UI looks like it could have been on like how the fuck? Yeah, this might be the stumbling block for this game because we'll try lower time. This feels like we're playing majong in like just a really weird setting and therefore have no idea what we're doing. Wow, you are getting fucking murdered. I mean, maybe you have, maybe you have to lose and then some guy comes out and explains how to play. [01:49:37] Speaker D: Maybe. Or maybe I just lose. [01:49:39] Speaker C: I'm really glad that's not as much of a thing in modern games anymore because that was like a terrible way of conveying story. [01:49:45] Speaker D: Yeah, I got sicK. [01:49:47] Speaker E: It was a big thing back then. [01:49:48] Speaker D: I beat his ass, I guess. I don't know how I'm going to beat him. He has 93 health and I'm at 19. I don't know why this dumbass kid decided to fight this damn Tiger, but now he's going to die horrendously. There you go, 2022. [01:50:07] Speaker C: Yeah, you're going to be a fucking owned based on my not. [01:50:10] Speaker D: Oh, come on. Okay, I'm dead. [01:50:14] Speaker E: To be fair, that tiger was the runner up at Duel's Kingdom. [01:50:18] Speaker C: God damn it. [01:50:20] Speaker D: I guess I am supposed to lose. Damn Tiger. I've learned my lesson. Tiger. We are best friends now. Now there's. Oh, speaking of Duel's Kingdom, there's the blimp for Duel's Kingdom. [01:50:30] Speaker C: Oh, that's fucking Netero's airship. [01:50:33] Speaker D: Oh man. Could be said. OK, do you think Lawson? [01:50:38] Speaker E: No, I wasn't shaped like a dragon. [01:50:41] Speaker D: Oh, Netaro is looking kind of young. He's looking very dapper. He looks like that boy from Quest 64. [01:50:51] Speaker C: R-I-P. Oh, you mean the main character looks like the dude from Quest 64? [01:50:55] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what Victor R. Said. Our one viewer. Thank you Victor or second viewer? Thank you Victor R. We are playing Hunter Hunter games and I don't know what the hell am I doing. [01:51:10] Speaker C: Yeah, sadly we don't know Japanese at an operational enough level. Like, Megan knows the most of any of us and even her was just like, I can read some basic stuff. [01:51:20] Speaker D: Victor, do you happen to know how to play Majong or speak Japanese to a fluent level? [01:51:25] Speaker C: I know it's probably actually Majong. For the record, I just think it's a meld type card game. Which Majong is one of them. [01:51:34] Speaker D: Maybe we're playing Goongi. [01:51:37] Speaker C: No. [01:51:40] Speaker D: Oh my God. Why is there so much text? [01:51:44] Speaker C: You know, I know, I love that we're all like, why is there so much fucking text? But I'm thinking about, like, man, if we actually understood the language and played this back in the day, we'd be like, this is so great. I love that there's so much story. [01:51:53] Speaker D: Yeah, probably I got to learn all. [01:51:56] Speaker E: The rules so I could be the very best. [01:51:59] Speaker C: Then I would make like, a deck IRL using, like, index cards. [01:52:03] Speaker D: We'll play at the Polygon. It's like, hey, you want to play this obscure game? I import it for the PlayStation. I got to import PlayStaTion and play it. Hunter. Hunter. Also, we should just play forbid memories. [01:52:21] Speaker C: Holy shit. This is a lot. [01:52:24] Speaker D: I'm just gonna keep hitting the button till we. I took one Japanese class seven years ago. Okay, Victor R is not going to. It was worth a shot. Thank you, Victor. Hopefully you enjoy us hitting the B button. Skipping chapters. Well, I mean, the graphics are looking kind of fire. [01:52:44] Speaker C: Well, I was going to say for PS One. Graham, this looks great. That's not true, actually, but it does look interesting and, like, competent. Yeah. [01:52:54] Speaker D: Wait, what? [01:52:56] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, it's the fucking gourmet hunters. You're going to do the gourmet Hunter part of the exam, I think. [01:53:01] Speaker D: Oh, we're doing the exam right now? [01:53:04] Speaker C: Or you might just be meeting. I think the names are Menchi and Buhara. [01:53:09] Speaker D: Would you like an explanation? Hell no, I don't want to. [01:53:13] Speaker C: Are you sure? [01:53:15] Speaker D: Yeah. Because I'm not going to be able to understand either way, I guess. [01:53:18] Speaker C: Yeah. Unless we painstakingly went through every rule. What is happening? Oh, fuck. They actually show the canonical hunter Hunter world map. So, like, yeah, Africa and South America are next to each other. Like that. What the fuck is happening right now? [01:53:31] Speaker D: Add a member. Okay. [01:53:38] Speaker C: So when I used to just play random Roms, I loved playing, like, Super Nintendo and earlier because it always felt like you could learn enough while you were playing to get some idea. Meanwhile, at the point you get to PS one and games are this complicated, I'm just like, I cannot possibly infer what the fuck is going on anymore. [01:53:55] Speaker D: Too many menu tactics. [01:53:57] Speaker C: Map. What is happening? [01:53:59] Speaker D: What is this game genre? Holy shit. [01:54:01] Speaker E: 100 tactics. [01:54:03] Speaker C: Okay, if there was 100 tactics game, I would play the shit out of that, but what the fuck is this? [01:54:10] Speaker E: Deploy your units. [01:54:15] Speaker D: Playing some fucking fire emblem. Let's go. [01:54:17] Speaker C: Oh, it's fucking Catra from Gundam Wing. [01:54:19] Speaker D: Oh, God, I thought the same thing. Is he going to rip up somebody's invitation? [01:54:28] Speaker C: Okay, that's hero from Gundam Wing. [01:54:30] Speaker D: Look all the fucking same, dude. [01:54:32] Speaker C: No, Catra looks very different. Catra's like, hey, what if I had my very effeminate young version of Lawrence of Arabia? [01:54:44] Speaker D: Damn. Gone. [01:54:45] Speaker C: I've gone the extra step of making him Berber and Arab ahead of time so I can deflect the criticism of white saviorism. [01:54:52] Speaker D: But is he baby? [01:54:54] Speaker C: I mean, Catra is baby. And then he tries killing everyone. [01:54:58] Speaker D: I mean, that's the way to do it. You get to play the guitar on the Mt. [01:55:06] Speaker C: Lawson. Did you watch Gundam Wing at all? [01:55:10] Speaker E: I'm not a huge into Mac anime. [01:55:12] Speaker C: I know, but I just figured that it was, like, at the time where all we had was Toonami. So I was like, maybe he just watched everything at that. [01:55:19] Speaker E: I didn't. I didn't have cable growing up, actually. [01:55:21] Speaker C: Okay, no worries. I was going to say Gundam Wing. I cherish it, but I think it's ultimately just a bad show. And I would be very curious to think, to hear your fucking opinions of it, because I know people love it. [01:55:33] Speaker E: But I've never watched it. [01:55:36] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:55:36] Speaker E: So I'd be coming in completely with fresh eyes. [01:55:40] Speaker C: It's an insane show. It has, like, really high highs and just, like, the weirdest fucking lows. [01:55:46] Speaker E: I can't remember if Patak made me watch which Gundam he made me watch. [01:55:52] Speaker C: It was probably. Was it the one that's basically pro wrestling? [01:55:56] Speaker E: Yeah, it's the one where the one guy had a bunch of wives. [01:56:00] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's G Gundam. You saw him fight Chibity Crockett? [01:56:04] Speaker D: I guess, because Chibity Crockett is going on right now. [01:56:07] Speaker C: Representative of Neo America. [01:56:08] Speaker E: What the fuck, right? Fire Emblem. [01:56:12] Speaker C: I turned away from the screen for 2 seconds, and it really is just. Fire Emblem. [01:56:15] Speaker E: Deploy. [01:56:16] Speaker D: There's no way he's. Come on. Speed that up, Kiwa. Oh, this is like Ogre battle. Oh, yeah. [01:56:25] Speaker C: This is like Ogre battle. [01:56:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:56:27] Speaker C: Where you have to just send people out and they take forever to get places. But wait, when you actually meet up with people, is it a fucking card game? Is this fucking real time strategy card game? Is that what's going on? [01:56:39] Speaker E: And if so, why? Why is that what's going on? [01:56:43] Speaker D: Game is like, I guess if you. [01:56:48] Speaker E: Get next to somebody, you have to play them in a card game. [01:56:53] Speaker D: I really want to play some more. Fight edition. Oh, okay. Guess I'm in the battle now. [01:56:59] Speaker E: Random encounter. You've got way more hitchpip points than him. It's over. [01:57:06] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [01:57:07] Speaker D: He's not over. It's over. Anakin. I have the high ground. [01:57:11] Speaker E: That tiger was the runner up at Duel's Kingdom. [01:57:13] Speaker C: But this guy, I wouldn't use all your cards. I would try matching them or like either on color or number and see if that gives you something. [01:57:20] Speaker D: Okay. [01:57:21] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [01:57:22] Speaker D: I'll try just doing the. Should I do number or color? [01:57:27] Speaker C: Oh, it looks like it's number and color. Look at what he's doing. He's doing zero, zero and zero. But with two of those being green and one of them being red. [01:57:35] Speaker D: Go 3535. [01:57:49] Speaker A: It. [01:57:50] Speaker D: Three and three. Just do those two. [01:57:56] Speaker C: I don't know what's going to happen. Just try it. We're basically just trying to guess at how the math of this game works right now. See if three and three, it generates a seven. Okay. I don't know how to interpret that. [01:58:08] Speaker E: You got a 13. The colors must have something to do with it. [01:58:20] Speaker C: So I think the colors correspond to. No, the numbers correspond to your nen type. And I'm wondering if we have to emphasize the ones we're good at. [01:58:32] Speaker E: Oh, you're a one specialist and he's a three specialist. Is that what. [01:58:36] Speaker C: I'm not sure. This is so puzzling. You guys know those like fucking. [01:58:53] Speaker D: How's he getting all these fives? [01:58:56] Speaker E: Oh, my God. I feel like you're about. [01:58:59] Speaker D: He just exodia my ass. [01:59:00] Speaker C: It seems that way. Oh, he's going to punch a fucking kid. [01:59:04] Speaker E: He did a special on you. [01:59:05] Speaker D: I think this guy's probably hacking, like in Yugioh, so you got a zero. [01:59:11] Speaker E: So I think that means none of yours matched. Maybe. [01:59:14] Speaker C: Yeah, maybe that's it. So he has. [01:59:17] Speaker E: I don't know if that's because he had all fives, though. Yeah, maybe. [01:59:22] Speaker D: Random, dude. [01:59:22] Speaker C: Yeah, try two zeros. See what happens. We'll just get zero and be like, what the fuck? [01:59:26] Speaker E: He did three zeros and he did. [01:59:33] Speaker C: Okay, now, no, I have no idea what the fucking mouth of this game is. Just put all your cards in. Fuck it. I don't care anymore. [01:59:41] Speaker D: Three, four, three. Let's see if that happens. 13. [01:59:49] Speaker C: The fuck is. Okay, so what I was going to say is, have you guys seen those Boomer math posts on Facebook where it's just like, oh, I have two tacos plus three bowling pins equals 43. And Then they have like, a system of equations and you have to solve it, but then there's always some sort of weird fucking stupid detail missing? [02:00:08] Speaker E: Yeah, I haven't seen these and I count my blessings. [02:00:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm still on Facebook for whatever reason, but I was going to say, basically, that's how I feel about this game right now. We're just like, I have symbols. You have to figure out the math, and we're just going to leave all the details out. Fuck you. [02:00:25] Speaker D: Yeah, it's kind of like that. Like the guys that forget the Pimdos and they enter multiplication. Oh, it's 13. Oh, it's 13. Oh, it's 13. No, it's fucking seven. Because. [02:00:39] Speaker C: Geometry one the other day that I wanted to solve but didn't have any paper with me, and then I came to an answer that I'm like, oh, I definitely know that's the answer you're supposed to get. That's wrong. And then I just looked through the comments and it was just everyone confidently saying the totally wrong answer and the person being like, yeah, that's not it. [02:00:56] Speaker E: It's about to be over. [02:00:58] Speaker D: I literally have not gotten a single hit on this. Dude, what the fuck? [02:01:02] Speaker C: How did we lose this fight? [02:01:04] Speaker D: We literally had so much HP. This guy got all sixes. This guy's some majong motherfucker. It is ogre, dude, come on. He didn't have to style on us like that, dude, come on. [02:01:18] Speaker E: That was pretty messed up. [02:01:20] Speaker D: Now we lost Victor. He was like, you guys suck ass of this. [02:01:23] Speaker C: We just fucking game up. Okay, I'm good on this. [02:01:26] Speaker D: Yes. This game sucks, dude. [02:01:28] Speaker C: Okay. [02:01:29] Speaker D: Like, people yelling at chat. No, you were supposed to do that. How are you so stupid? [02:01:34] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. It's definitely that kind of game where people are going to be like, can't you do basic math? It's like, yeah, but if you don't give us the formulas, it doesn't matter. [02:01:43] Speaker E: I don't know what the math is. [02:01:44] Speaker D: Feels like high school all over again. [02:01:48] Speaker C: Anyways, thank you so much for listening to the Spirit Hunters Lawson, if you want to, man. [02:01:56] Speaker E: Oh, sure, yeah. Listen to the Talking Narrow podcast and the Balling out super wherever podcasts are found. Thanks, man. [02:02:03] Speaker C: Hell yeah. Patrick, do you want to plug anYthing, man? And by plug, I mean it's your show, too. Just fucking say it. [02:02:10] Speaker D: Yeah, go watch this Shiro podcast. That's good. [02:02:16] Speaker C: Hell yeah. Anyways, please hit us up with questions, requests, or just to chat at our Facebook or Twitter at Spirit Hunterpod. Heads up. Check us out at Spirit Hunterpod and join our public discord. We'll be discussing the shit out of Hunter Uu and much more. And as you guys know, the U Hawk show live action coming up. We're definitely going to have to talk about that, and I'm hype and worried at the same time as we've discussed previously. But you guys get the idea speaking of the discord, if you want to support us another way, you can help us by giving us a written review on Apple Podcasts. Each review gets a surface to tens or hundreds more people. And finally, today's intro and outro themes. It depends on whether I want to fucking edit those in right now, but they were made by Michael Shingo Crawford and Maddie M. Respectfully, check them both out on YouTube. Also, big shout out to our editor Tommy, who recently got married. As you may have heard earlier in the episode, thanks to him, the rest of the crew can focus more on doing research and talking. Tagashi, see you on the other side. [02:03:28] Speaker A: Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam sa Sam sa Sam Sam.

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